The new emperor is born.

Thousands of people worshipped.

At this moment, around the perfect posture of the night light, the bath is too divine, and the golden light flows.

Like a golden goddess, falling from the sky.

Behind him is the monstrous and huge emperor pillar. Across the void, it seems that the entire universe can be directly divided into two.


It was in those countless people who worshipped the new emperor and was born.

The moment when they had a fiery expression and thought they had witnessed history!


Somewhere far away, in the middle of the state.

The Void Shattered!

Looking at the end from afar, I saw that there were golden clouds circulating in the sky. Countless golden clouds continued to rotate, forming a golden vortex!



From that vortex, wisps of fairy energy. Slowly falling.


A huge emperor pillar with millions of feet was formed, standing on the void. Shine like crazy.

It seems to be the emperor pillar formed with that night sun before. Looking at each other in the air!

The second… Emperor Pillar!



This is the moment!

The countless people gathered in the ancient holy realm were all a little dumbfounded!

Especially that night ancient emperor!

With a face full of disbelief, looking at the second emperor pillar in the distance!!

“Again… The birth of the new emperor?? ”

“This… How can it be?? ”

“Besides my daughter Yexi, who else in the entire Tianxuan Continent can become an emperor?”

That night ancient emperor. Because it is too shocking, the voice is a little hoarse!

Face full of disbelief!


Not only him, but also the Ye Qiong fairy of the Tai Void Immortal Realm.

It’s all pretty eyebrows frowning slightly.

Heaven and earth are silent!

Even the night light that had just become an emperor. They all looked at the emperor pillar in the distance, with indifferent expressions.

There is also a complicated change of expression.

She shook her jade hand lightly.

‘Among the pillars of the emperor. There is a touch of familiarity to me. ’

‘Could it be… Is it someone I know? ’

‘Who the hell? ’

And below, in the middle state, in the wasteland.

There are tens of thousands of people. They all looked at this scene with shocked faces!


Just in the next second!!

On the edge of the sky, there was a crack above the Golden Emperor Pillar. It turned out to be slowly appearing!

With the appearance of cracks.

One after another, the emperor qi continued to flow out from the emperor pillar.



Those imperial qi are like liquids.


Every drop that fell, it turned out to be around that space, forming a huge spatial ripple.

The void exploded.

That kind of power, so that the emperor pillar around. There are a hundred peaks, and almost in the blink of an eye, they are instantly shattered and turned into sand and stone.

Every drop of emperor qi eventually exploded in the void, turning into a golden lotus, and the void bloomed!



A sigh that seems to come from ancient times. It was finally from that emperor pillar!

Although that second emperor pillar was extremely far away from the Ancient Saint Realm.


The emperor realm powerhouse sighed and spread throughout thousands of miles.

Such a sight, the world can see.

“This sound… Why is it so familiar? ”


The area where the people of the Eastern Wilderness are located. Originally, thousands of people in the eastern wilderness were bending over.

Do not dare to face the arrival of the new emperor.

But to hear that sigh, this moment.

Xuantian Holy Lord, also in his beautiful eyes, a deep doubt emerged!

Just in the next second!!

The second emperor pillar was finally completely shattered.

I saw that above the void, the emperor pillar shattered and turned into the heavenly emperor qi.

Spread it out.

Look far away. Like a sea of gold.

And a figure, bathed in golden gas.

One-step. Step out.

The figure was a man.

The green shirt and the child-like skin are faintly visible. Like ice crystal molding!



That figure, after leaving the emperor pillar.

Step by step, step by foot golden lotus. Walk above the void.

Every step falls. The void is with golden thunder exploding, far away from the land of Zhongzhou.

Every step he fell.

The area within a radius of 100 miles collapsed in an instant.

Turned into one dark abyss after another. Takes the shape of a giant footprint.



“It’s not… Li Keqing?? ”


That night ancient emperor. Be the first to meet Leon!

It was so shocking that that night the ancient emperor was even a generation of emperor realm powerhouses. Master Tianxuan.

They can’t help but be stunned!!


How can it be??


“Li Keqing entered the Emperor’s Tomb with us a few months ago. It’s just that it disappeared later…”

“This… How did he become an emperor? ”

A Night Clan elder beside him also trembled in his voice.

Now. He just looked directly at Leon.

Old body. It’s all unstoppable trembling!



A mouthful of blood, constantly spurting out.


The elder wailed, his eyes, because he looked directly at Leon.

At this moment, Li Ang had a hint of imperial anger. It turned into a golden flame, burning in the eyes of that elder!

“Old man’s eyes!!”

“Patriarch save me!!”

Now. That night clan elder also hurriedly wailed.

The Night Ancient Emperor on the side was extremely shocked and hurriedly rescued.

This made the elder of the night clan pick up a life!!


The eyes of the night clan elder were extremely dark.

It turned into two pitch-black holes.

‘This can’t be!! ’

‘I thought I had stepped into the Heavenly Saint!! Even if Her Royal Highness became the emperor before, I can also face it squarely!! ’

‘Why look at Li Ang squarely, my eyes are burned by the emperor qi?’ ’

The old body of the Night Clan elder trembled. An incredible inner roar!

And Ye Qiong above the void.

It’s also beautiful. Look at Leon.

Especially when he sees.

Li Ang’s drop by drop of imperial qi. Turn into a lotus flower.

Above the body, golden light flows. Engraved strange patterns, as if every moment, are around Li Ang’s body, giving birth to a change of law!

That’s her.

They all felt a sense of coercion that seemed to be nothing.

‘What a powerful coercion!’ ’

Ye Qiong was shocked, and an unbelievable color appeared in her beautiful eyes.

‘He’s just becoming emperor… In his bloodline, there is such a terrifying coercion? ’

‘I’ve heard… Those ancient god races in the Tai Void Immortal World have the bloodline of the town clan. It is the supreme bloodline. ’

‘How could he, a descendant person, have a relationship with those Immortal Sect God Races? ’

I saw Leon, from the void.

Step by step.

One step, enough for thousands of miles.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had already stepped into the Ancient Saint Realm.

‘Just stepped into the Emperor Realm. ’

‘A lot of power, not completely familiar with…’

Leon muttered.

He felt something.

With a slight wave of his hand, he retreated the coercion around his body.

This made the countless people in Zhongzhou dare to raise their heads. Look at Leon!

This moment.

The people of the major wastelands were dumbfounded.

Time stands still.

The silence is extraordinary.

I don’t know how long it took. Xuantian Holy Lord of the Eastern Wilderness,

Snow fairy, white light clothes.

Li Chanxuan and others.

Look at the void from afar.

This new emperor… Why… So familiar?

Why… So familiar??

One sound after another.

Almost trembling.

“This… It’s not…”


A word fell.

Full-time, explosive!

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