
Li Ang faded the coercion of his whole body and stood in the void.

The whole body is bathed in golden imperial energy.

Behind him, there are thousands of golden qi, flying directly into the galaxy and turning into a golden avenue.

And at his feet, the golden lotus flowers exploded step by step. The void exploded, like a god and a man, looking down on all sentient beings.


Xuantian Holy Lord, Snow Fairy.

Slowly looked up. Look at Li Ang’s figure above the void from afar!


When the Xuantian Holy Lord saw Li Ang.

A deep confusion flashed in her beautiful eyes!



She… I even thought I was mistaken!!

Rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Xuantian Holy Lord. Snow Fairy and others.

Completely stunned.

The figure in the middle of the air. The second new emperor worshipped by thousands of people!



Li Ang who came out of the Eastern Wilderness and from the Xuantian Holy Land!!

At this moment, the Xuantian Saint Lord’s eyes were a little dull, looking at Li Ang.

Sound. It’s all a little trembling.

“The new emperor… It turned out to be…”


“Leon… Became an emperor?? ”

It’s not just the Xuantian Holy Lord.

Snow Fairy, Bai Qingyi, Li Chanxuan and others on the side!

Each is shocked to the extreme, cover your small mouth!

Even, the entire East Wilderness people couldn’t help but set off a monstrous uproar!

After all, this scene.

It’s so shocking.

It’s unbelievable!

You know, when Li Ang left the East Wilderness.

Although it has swept through the Eastern Wilderness, a generation of true saints has been achieved.


It’s only half a year!

Now, he has become an emperor?

Even… Have the opportunity to soar to the Tai Void Immortal Realm?

“Master… Too powerful. ”

“Master is invincible!!”


Hei Mi and Chen Xueyao, who have now become saints. The two of them also turned red with excitement.

Not only that!!

The Great Holy Lands of the Eastern Wilderness!


People of the sect!

Countless elders and ancestor-level figures.

They all spoke up.

“Old man… Sansheng is fortunate…”

“To be able to see it with my own eyes… I am in the East Wilderness, I actually walked out of an emperor realm strongman…”

“It’s my pride for thousands of years!!”

Major holy places and sects. Countless people, their voices trembling.

Some sect elders and ancestors. Even with tears in his eyes, he couldn’t help but shout: “Congratulations to Li Xianren for becoming emperor!” ”

“Li Immortal is invincible, strong and desolate!!”

The Eastern Wilderness has been in the East for thousands of years.

It is among those four great wastelands that they are the weakest wilderness. Humiliation, ridicule.

Now, in their eyes.

It was as if he had reappeared on the ice field of the past, killing Saint Wuji with one sword. On the small wooden boat, wipe out countless Heavenly Saints in the major wastelands with a snap of your fingers, and sweep away the invincible Li Immortal!

Leon in mid-air.

This moment, that posture.

Like immortals.

So that this time, everyone in the ancient sage world is bent over to worship!



Not only the Eastern Wilderness, but even the entire Zhongzhou, as well as other people of the Ancient Saint Clan.

Each is unbelievable.

“Is this the world-shaking Li Immortal?”

“Damn… I had always suspected that my son’s death had something to do with him. ”

“I didn’t expect this person to become a true emperor… So far, what can I say later? ”

Some supreme giants. They couldn’t help but whisper.

Especially that Lu Xinyan, she couldn’t help but open her mouth and beautiful eyes.

Full of horror.

“This… How did he become an emperor? ”

“It’s only been a few months!!”

The crowd was horrified.

The end of the sky.

The night light that has just become an emperor. Ignoring Leon.

Li Ang, the style is light.

Just said, “Thank you Yexi Wang Nu for taking care of Li before.” ”

The beautiful eyes of the night sun became more and more cold.

The voice is indifferent!

“Li Ang, join my Night Clan as a guest secretary.”

“Then, step into the imperial tomb with me. Look for opportunities and step into the imperial realm. ”

“Is all this your handiwork?”

Li Ang seemed to be smiling, just gently touching the blood-colored gourd on his waist.

“In order to cultivate to the point of you and me, the ultimate goal is naturally to be placed on the endless immortal land and pursue the avenue.”

“The entire Xuantian Continent is still too small…”

While speaking, the blood-colored gourd on Li Ang’s waist.

Vaguely, the red glow flickered.

It seems that he is hiding some means, causing Ye Xi to frown slightly!

At this time.

Li Ang took his hand and said slowly.

“After all, Li is a person who pays attention to feelings, and you and I are old acquaintances. If you take the initiative to give me this ascended position. This battle can be avoided, otherwise. Hugh blamed Li for being ruthless under the sword. ”

Today’s Li Ang has become an emperor.

That kind of temperament has long been transcendent.

It was the people of the great ancient holy clans who were not put in his eyes. What is said at the moment is all true thoughts, and there is no concealment.

“Hahaha, Leon. You still think too highly of yourself. ”

When Ye Xi heard this, she laughed angrily.


Around her body, there was a majestic imperial qi surging.

Make the void a little unstable. Every hundred miles, there is a void shattered.


Everyone around saw this scene. It is also the expression of horror to the extreme!

“The two emperors are at war, a little careless. I’ll wait for the ashes to go out!! ”

“Withdraw a thousand miles!!”

The people of the supreme great sect in the surrounding major states. Shocking!

One figure at a time, quickly retreating.

Almost in the blink of an eye,

In this space, only the major ancient saint clans and the two from the immortal land remained!

Night sun long dress,

As beautiful and moving as I saw at the beginning, and now I have achieved the female emperor, and the temperament is even more extraordinary.

“Li Ang, now that I have broken through to become a true emperor by leapfrogging, I can kill you with a snap of my fingers!”

“Since you have become emperor, I will just kill you so far. With the orthodoxy of my bloodline, as the capital of ascending to the immortal world! ”


In the eyes of the night light, blue light flickered.

The jade hand turns into a hand knife. The sky slashed out and turned into a huge cyan sword qi of a million zhang, spanning the void, extending the entire Tianxuan Continent, like a bridge of stars



Emperor Realm shot.

Roaring for nine days.

It was just the moment when that cyan sword qi appeared, the entire void. All of them are shrouded in blue light, like the entire universe, only this sword qi.

It is like thousands of living beings, all waiting for annihilation and birth!


At this moment, the people of the major and middle states below who have not had time to escape, and even some Saint Realm ancestors, are just because they are one step late.

It turned out to be directly cut off in the air. Turned into flesh and void.




One after another, the Saint Realm powerhouses who had time to escape in the future all burst out under the sword of the night light.

In a blink of an eye.

Brilliant. As if tilting down from the universe, it has bombarded Li Ang!

“Too strong…”

“My daughter will win!”

Seeing this, the Night Ancient Emperor also nodded with great admiration,

“The sword of Night Xi penetrates the void, pulls the power of the galaxy, uses the void as the blade, and the heaven and earth as the hilt.”

“This knife can cut through the ages.”

Emperor Yegu sighed repeatedly: “Even now, I am not Yexi’s opponent. When she is a generation of top female emperors. ”

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