Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 525 The Man in Jade

"Li Xuanfeng."

Li Xuanfeng's eyes flickered with pupil magic light. He couldn't see his identity, but he heard that his surname was Dongfang, which was probably related to the dragon genus. He nodded and replied:

"Fellow Taoist, is he a water dragon?"

Dongfang Heyun looked elegant in blue and white clothes, with a decent smile on his face and said politely:

"Yes, it is thanks to the blessing of the Dragon Lord that I transformed into a cloud and acted for the dragons in the East China Sea, so I got the surname Dongfang."

Li Xuanfeng didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd. He listened silently and saw Dongfang Heyun sitting down opposite him and saying warmly:

"It's a coincidence. I was patrolling near the Qunyi Strait, and I once saw a young nobleman riding the clouds. He was very handsome. He mistakenly entered my dragon realm, so I asked him to get out."

‘Xi Zhi…’

Li Xuanfeng was in southern Xinjiang these days. He only heard that Li Xizhi was out for Xuanyuemen. He never thought of being in the dragon realm. He opened his eyes slightly and replied:

"Oh? That's junior's fault."

Dongfang Heyun shook his head with a smile and whispered:

"That's what happened. I just hurt him. I'm here to ask how his injury is."

Li Xuanfeng was a little strange, and when he saw Dongfang Heyun said:

"If the injury is almost relieved, you can stop by Heshuihai and have a seat. Xiaguang and I have some fate."

Li Xuanfeng couldn't tell whether he was good or bad, so he could only deal with it. Dongfang Heyun stood up, politely held his hands, and disappeared in the wind and rain.

"This person is neither human nor dragon, but a kind of monster born and bred by the earth. It is difficult to deal with."

Li Xuanfeng looked at his back and thought for a moment, then stared at the wind and snow outside the cave and thought:

"How did you end up in the dragon realm? There seems to be something fishy about Xizhi. Let's go look for him when we have the chance."

The news he got from this person was completely different from what he heard from the Ning family. He was keenly aware of the strangeness. He understood that this child had many thoughts and was afraid of hastily disturbing his plan, so he decided to ask Li Xizhi personally.

He was just about to close his eyes and practice, but someone was watching silently for a long time. He was wearing white clothes and had a middle-aged face. He had a sword on his waist. He walked over quickly and said with a smile:

"Xuan Feng!"

"Senior is here!"

Li Xuanfeng took a closer look. It was Xiao Yongling from the Xiao family, an old friend of Li Tongya. He was dressed in white. He stood up and said softly:

"I haven't seen my senior for a long time."

Xiao Yongling's expression turned slightly gloomy, he looked at it for a moment and said softly:

"I haven't seen him since Qingsongguantongtian, and Xuanfeng has become much more murderous."

He sat down beside him, followed by a woman in Hunan clothes, who smiled and said obediently:

"Xuanyue Kong Tingyun, I have met the senior."

Li Xuanfeng naturally knew about the relationship between the Xuanyue Sect and his family, and had heard of the name. He nodded slightly, and the three of them sat down on the snow peak. Kong Tingyun shook her head and smiled:

"This [Beihuan Sect] is quite interesting. All the heroes from all walks of life in the world are gathered here. He actually didn't even want to set up a table and chairs. He only opened up this small cave for people to sit on the ground."

Xiao Yongling seemed to have been here for a while, stroking his beard and saying:

"This Beihuan Sect is also a very old Taoist tradition. It still retains many of the rules of the past. There are not many disciples, and there are not many disciples, only a few dozen."

He glanced slightly, motioned to Xie Zhanchang, who was standing on the peak, and said softly:

"This is a descendant of Jindan and a member of the Xie family in Beihai. I don't know what kind of Taoism he practices. It is rare to see the heir of a true gentleman."

Li Xuanfeng was polite and didn't take a second look, but he didn't see much of his magic. Kong Tingyun said rather mysteriously:

"I heard that as long as the Xie family fights with spells, they can use their wits, ride on the fog and ride on the clouds. They are masters of spells. They can even brew talisman water to heal injuries."

The word "preparing talisman water" seemed to touch some of Li Xuanfeng's memories, which made him pause for a moment. Several people chatted for a while on the peak. Looking north, Li Xuanfeng asked softly:

"There are so many true kings and immortals in the world, besides Wang Xie, how many others are there?"

Xiao Yongling paused and replied:

"There were many in ancient times, but today there are probably less than five fingers left in the world... The Wang and Xie families are already the most famous."

He hesitated for a moment and whispered:

"In the early years... there were also the Li family and the Cui family in Longdi, the Li family in Ningguo who lived in Donghua, and the Yang family in Jingji in the south of the Yangtze River. They either declined or became extinct, and have gradually disappeared."

"The rest of the Li family in Tanshan of Wu State, the Chen family in Jiangnan, and my Xiao family, and the Shen family in Jiangbei... can only be regarded as the next level, barely famous."

Kong Tingyun was listening on the sidelines. Seeing Xiao Yongling pause, she added softly:

"If our guess is correct, the nobles should be the descendants of the northern family. The higher ones are the nobles of Wei State, and the higher ones can be traced back to the Li family of Longdi."

The two of them spoke very logically, but Li Xuanfeng was not sure. Others didn't know it, but he knew that his family was actually from a farmer's family. From Li Mutian on up, they were all mortals, and the family tree was just mortals who wandered here.

It is said that when Li Jing rose up, the brothers all had spiritual acupoints, which were basically obtained by receiving talismans. The talents of the subsequent disciples were higher than the last, also because of the blessings of talismans and immortal magic. Without these two things, practice would still be as slow as ordinary people. Human beings are not descendants of the immortal family.

The elements calculated that he was of Wei blood, but Li Xuanfeng thought that it could only be considered a branch of the Wei branch. After all, Wei and Li had ruled for thousands of years, from several counties to the north, and they had no idea how many descendants they had. .

Only Li Zhouwei made Li Xuanfeng slightly suspicious and felt a little strange:

"If this is really the case, how could he be reduced to not saying a word? How could he be reduced to a mere mortal for generations..."

He didn't dare to think about it anymore. There were so many thoughts in his mind, and it only took a breath or two. He couldn't admit it, so he just said:

"It's just spreading rumors. If the family were descendants of the Wei Kingdom, how could they have fallen to the current situation."

Kong Tingyun got the wrong idea, and when she looked at Xiao Yongling, they both understood something:

"Although so many years have passed, there are still many enemies around. Wei and Li are known to be powerful, and the trouble is not small."

Saying this, Kong Tingyun is envious after all. As long as the Li family is strong enough, Wei and Li will also have a legacy, which can even be traced back to ancient times. It is not a matter of name, but something that is shed in blood.

Her Kong family only produced one Chang Xi Zhenren, and the ones above were just casual cultivators in the Yue Kingdom. Her ancestors were even just a small county magistrate in the Yue Kingdom, and they had to look at the Yuan family's face at that time...

Xiao Yongling looked at the changes in the faces of the two people, made some guesses, and only comforted:

"The ups and downs are common and often unexpected. Don't think too much... Back then, everyone thought of the Yuan family. Who could have thought of today? And who could have thought that a Li who had built four generations and eight foundations would emerge from a small village? Home? The Zi Mansion is still unclear!"

Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly, and Kong Tingyun responded with a smile, smiling secretly in her heart:

"Didn't your Xishang Weng figure it out a long time ago? Everyone finds it incredible."

The three of them quickly fell into silence and just adjusted their breaths silently.

The foundation-building monk practiced for a while, and the light and darkness merged. Soon, half a month passed. Li Xuanfeng waited and waited, but no elemental figure was seen. The three days in his mouth were getting longer and longer.

Twenty-three days passed before I saw various colored lights slowly emerging, mixed with the pitch-black color of Taixu. Then I saw an old man falling from the sky, carrying a fishing rod on his shoulder, and another person standing beside him. He looks middle-aged and quite serious, with a thumb-sized jade stone on his chest, which shines slightly.

"I've met two real people!"

Li Xuanfeng had met Xiao Chuting. Back then, he was practicing qi for a little while. Xiao Chuting probably pretended to build foundations and collected offerings on the peak. His appearance was not much different from his current appearance, and he looked more worldly.

The other person just took a guess, and it was probably the Master Chang Xi. His appearance was quite different from what he imagined. Xiao Yongling and the others bid farewell to him and climbed into the clouds one after another.

Li Xuanfeng saluted. Both Xiao Chuting and Chang Xi had a gentle attitude. He saw that Xiao Chuting was no different from before, but Xiao Chuting saw him in a completely different way. The boy with a childish face at the beginning has become a strong man. A cold and tough veteran.

Xiao Chuting nodded and said in a loud voice:

"Xuan Feng, wait a moment."

The four people quickly disappeared. Li Xuanfeng looked back and saw white snow floating on the mountain peak. Only Xie Zhanchang was left, forming a seal with his hands and practicing cross-legged on the peak. There was also a black figure in the corner, sitting in the snow.

Li Xuanfeng took a closer look and saw that this man had an ugly face and was wearing gold and black clothes. He was actually an acquaintance.

"People from Boring Kinmen..."

This person was from the Boring Gold Gate. Although Li Xuanfeng could not recognize this person, the clothes on his body were very familiar. He had killed the young master of the Boring Gold Gate, even to death with a thousand cuts, so he would not admit his mistake.

Seeing this scene, he immediately understood:

"The Zifu of the Situ family has been hiding for so long, but the elements still caught them..."

He sat cross-legged for another three days, and then he saw the elements coming out of the void, his face a little pale, his feet in the air, one hand behind his back, and a severed arm in the other hand.

The aura on the element's body was floating, the sound of the spring water was very loud, his brows were furrowed, and his expression was even sinister. The mountain peak was almost empty. He pulled Li Xuanfeng up into the clouds and continued to go north.

The element was silent for more than ten breaths, and then said in a dark voice:

"The old guy just hid somewhere, but he still dares to come to Beihai, leaving only his arm... as a lesson."

After listening to these words, Li Xuanfeng probably understood why the Situ family's Zifu had disappeared over the years. It turned out to be to prevent the element from running out of life and drag him into the water:

"It seems that the elemental strength is really good, so the Situ family has no choice but to escape."

The arm was sealed by magic power, and it was still moving slightly and shaking constantly. The element picked up the arm and whispered:

"Situ Huo, listen carefully. If you can, stay in Nanhai. Pu Yu and Yu Ming are both looking for you, so don't come back carelessly."

After saying this, he broke off a section of the finger and threw it into the sea, letting it go to find Situ Huo. Then he put the arm away, and the sky was already filled with stars.

Without saying a word, he led Li Xuanfeng to fly higher and higher. The wind here was getting more and more intense, to the point where it could knock down ordinary foundations. The peaks beside him were mixed with black and white, making them look quite solemn.

All the way to the highest ice field, there is a small lake in the middle. A group of purple mansions are standing quietly in the clouds. A person is sitting on the ice platform in the lake, eyes closed quietly, with a wooden sword on his waist.

Li Xuanfeng stood in the clouds, feeling the biting cold wind that was blocked by the clouds. After waiting for a few breaths, he suddenly heard rustling and a thin crashing sound.

Because he was blocked by the clouds of elements, his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate to explore. He could only look up and felt that the snowflakes were mixed with fine white dots, making a clear crackling sound on the ground.

The element beside him has calmed down a lot. He reached out and took a handful of snowflakes back. He shook them off gently and saw dots of white jade.

"here we go."

Li Xuanfeng came to his senses and saw Shangyuan on the stage opening his eyes, looking around, scanning them one by one, and said:

"In Xia Shangyuan, I have broken through the golden elixir today. According to the agreement of the immortal cultivators from the four countries, I invite you all to watch the ceremony. Each of you can see more clearly and gain some benefits."

He spoke calmly, and everyone in the air nodded in return. It was quite different from the silence he faced Duanmukui and the cynicism he faced Chi Wei. Even the Zifu didn't like him as a person, but they reluctantly nodded in return at this moment.

Shangyuan's face was still covered with white mist, and the wooden sword on his waist was shaking. Looking not far away, two clear shadows were slowly emerging. Shangyuan smiled slightly, put his hands together, and said:

"Two fellow Taoists, wait a moment."

The two clear figures seemed to have been waiting for a long time and did not dare to neglect. One of them spoke in a shrill voice:

"Fellow Taoist, you're so polite! I've succeeded this time, and I hope you can support me a lot!"

Shangyuan laughed and slowly flew up, but there was no magical movement on his part, but he gently pressed the sword on his waist.

In an instant, many of the Spirit Sword Immortal Blades present trembled one after another, broke away from the shackles of their masters, let out sonorous chirping sounds, and had a faint tendency to draw their swords out, which was quite spectacular.

Everyone in the sky had been staring at his movements for a long time. Almost at the same time, almost all the Zifu took a step back and stood ready. Only a few people including the elements stood still.

Li Xuanfeng looked up and saw a sarcastic smile on Yuan Yuan's face. It seemed that Shangyuan's behavior was in line with his nature. He just stood with his hands folded.

On the other side, a joking smile appeared on the mist-covered face of Master Yuan, and his hands loosened again. Everyone stood in the air awkwardly, embarrassed in front of the many juniors who followed behind them, but no one dared to speak, at most they looked at each other. Some of them are not good-looking, and most people even dare not change their complexions.

Shangyuan ignored them and exhaled softly.

The white air rose rapidly in the air, transforming into a strange appearance like a man in white, a field of sapphire, or a stream of silk like waterfalls, and a white jade plate rose in the sky. .

For a moment, white air billowed and spread quickly, and various scenes emerged in the clouds. Under the light of the huge jade plate, the harp was played, men in white were holding guns and dancing swords, and various animals were running around above the crescent moon. , the silk spread out like a waterfall, flowing in the air into the lake.

Surrounded by many strange phenomena, white jade steps appeared under the feet of Master Shangyuan. He wore the Immortal Blade and stepped up calmly.

Every time he stepped down, surging white air emerged, and the wooden sword at his waist slowly began to glow, revealing the brilliance of jade and transforming into the color of white jade. Master Shangyuan said softly:

“‘The Man in Jade’”

As soon as he finished speaking, a set of white feathered clothes with dazzling brilliance and elegant lines appeared on his body. The sleeves were hung with long white air, like silk. Shangyuan usually wore simple clothes, but now with the blessing of this set of white feathered clothes, he looked like a god. people.

Li Xuanfeng looked familiar. He had read "The White-headed Knocking on the Ting Sutra", and felt that this set of feather clothes was quite similar to the description in the sutra. It was just that it was more mysterious. He thought to himself:

"It should be 'Jade Court General', maybe a better immortal book, or the ancient name of this immortal foundation..."

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