Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 526 Yuzhen Liujiu combined with virtuality

Master Shangyuan's steps were slow, but he gradually rose up on the long steps of clouds. With each step, fairy sounds rose up, and the sound of conchs was loud. The clouds on both sides turned into fairy boys and fairies, carrying baskets and bouquets, scattering White jade flowers and snow petals fell to the ground with white smoke.

Each of the transformed women had their own postures and were very agile. Their clothes were matched just right, just like real people. One or two of them even looked up, curiously looking at the Zhuzi Mansion in the sky.

The white air in the air filled the air wider and wider, and pavilions and pavilions were scattered among them, surrounded by Master Shangyuan. There were one or two Zifus on the side who looked puzzled and whispered in a low voice:

"What is this... I don't see the five elements of water and fire, I don't see the intersection of all the qi, I just see this white qi... how can there be such a breakthrough..."

"It is said to be false and true..."

The two people were whispering to each other, and the element beside Li Xuanfeng also frowned with a surprised look on his face. He squinted and stared at the white air. The white jade petals rolled past him and fell into the lake with the white air.

Master Elemental paused for a moment and murmured:

"It's really 'Jade True Six Nine Combined Xu', Tai Yue actually has such an immortal technique."

Everyone had different expressions, but Shangyuan still climbed up into the cloud step by step. As he climbed higher and higher, everything around him rolled violently, and white air, either bright or dark, swarmed towards him.

Master Shangyuan said softly:

"'Qingyu Cliff'"

As soon as he finished speaking, the wind and snow in the sky and earth suddenly stopped.

The wind and snow in the North Sea have been blowing for thousands of years, but now they have stopped for a few breaths. White beads are falling down from the snow peaks that stretch for thousands of miles, big and small, covering their heads and faces.

These white beads rolled and jumped, making crisp and bright sounds, or breaking through the broken ice and sinking into the lake, or rolling down the snowy peaks, or accumulating in depressions.

The ice and snow on the soles of his feet also slowly transformed from bright white to light blue intertwined white, exuding a transparent brilliance in the moonlight. Shangyuan let out a slight breath and said:

"'Mado Nishiki'."

In an instant, the falling beads in the sky and the earth expanded and contracted, blending into fine and dense white brocade, floating like catkins, covering the sky and the sun. It turned out that even the three feet in front of me could not be seen clearly, and I only felt like a white mist. misty.

‘The Taoist tradition of the Jiang family… Fei Wangbai’s Taoist foundation. ’

Li Xuanfeng strained his eyesight and pushed his pupil skills to the extreme, and he could barely see the outline of the figure. There seemed to be a fluttering robe behind Shangyuan, with silvery lines, gently fluttering in the wind.

A soft voice sounded in his ears, and Shangyuan's tone was pleasant, as if it came naturally:

“‘White Jade Plate’”

Li Xuanfeng had also heard about this Taoist foundation. Yu Yuchuan practiced this Tao back then. Due to the need for [Taiyin Yuehua] and [Gao Bai Yuhua], the inheritance has now been cut off. Sure enough, he is also a Yuzhen Taoist.

At this time, the bright moon and stars in the sky dimmed to the extreme in an instant, almost blending into the night behind them, and a bright and dazzling jade plate rose in their place.

The jade plate had just risen, and the rain of jade beads and silk in the sky stopped. Master Shangyuan sat cross-legged in the air, with the white jade plate behind him, like the reincarnation of an immortal Buddha, and the clouds on his face finally dispersed.

He had a handsome face and long eyebrows, but now his eyes were bright white, staring straight into the void above.

He slowly turned his head to the side, and the white air between his lips and teeth could not stop swaying. The white air like a waterfall flowed out from the tips of his hair as he moved and dissipated in the air.

Yuan Yuan watched quietly, with a look of enlightenment in his eyes. A young man in blue and white robes appeared in the clouds beside him. He was none other than Master Pu Yu, with a face full of amazement:

"Okay...it turns out there is such a breakthrough method! Okay! This immortal method of Master Shangyuan can give future generations half a chance to break through!"

"Since the ancient method is no longer useful, we should each seek our own nature. We don't have to stick to the Five Elements of Water, Fire, and the Twelve Immortal Qi. Those who seek virtuality and reality should seek virtuality and reality...those who seek purity and turbidity should seek purity and turbidity..."

Master Pu Yu's eyes sparkled, as if he had endless thoughts. He looked at Li Xuanfeng beside him and praised in a low voice:

"Now that his magical powers are about to be combined, there is a sign that the immortal body will collapse. He is really a genius. Could this immortal method be specially made for Yuzhen, and it fits so well!"

Shangyuan on the other end didn't stop and said every word:

"'Do He Zhen'!"

In an instant, dazzling white light flowed, and the clouds in the sky surged and gathered, forming a huge white lake with the bright and huge jade plate at the center as the center, and a faint bright spot of light condensed.

All the Zifus looked at the spiritual light in amazement, but Master Puyu passed by the spiritual light and looked carefully at Master Shangyuan. He secretly calculated and saw blood pouring from his hands.

Shangyuan gently kneaded the secret, and white light from his supernatural power came in one after another, hitting the spiritual light.

A little bit of illusory white jade slowly emerged from the sky above the spiritual light, slowly gathering together, becoming more solid as it condensed, and then gradually turned into illusion.

Shangyuan's pale face quickly returned to normal, his eyes were closed tightly, and a jade-like color emerged. His left and right hands were sometimes illusory and sometimes solid, and the white light behind him also disappeared and appeared, as if he was constantly struggling.

Jade rain fell from the sky again, and all the Zifus fell silent, staring at him with envy, jealousy, or uneasiness.

Li Xuanfeng turned sideways, with an expression of both surprise and envy. He was stunned for more than ten breaths without saying anything, while Pu Yu, the real person beside him, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, saying nothing.

Li Xuanfeng waited for a moment, and then Master Pu Yu looked over and pointed to the sole of his foot.

Li Xuanfeng lowered his head to look, and saw a vast expanse of green and white, with ice and stone turning into jade and falling snow into brocade. This North Sea ice peak had completely turned into a jade cliff from head to toe.

All the Zifus maintained an eerie silence until all the brilliance on Shangyuan's body disappeared and returned to his ordinary appearance in white clothes, and the sword on his body also changed to wood again.

He opened his eyes, which were all white, and his body glowed with white light.

The stars and moon dimmed, Shangyuan's lips and teeth moved slightly, and his voice emerged from Taixu to the present world, and continued to pass on, he said:

"I am a member of the Yuan Dynasty. Today, Beihai has achieved Taoism. I have achieved the "Six Nines of Jade Reality and the Void Nature". I have been promoted to the True King. The foundation of jade in the world has been established. It can be used as formations, elixirs, superior immortal methods, and talismans. For the Lu, for the Yuzhen line..."

"There should be jade coming out of the earth veins... Jade can be a spiritual object, a spiritual plant, or a spiritual beast... Our way is about to rise, so I will prepare the Jian Mansion and the Jade Cliff to leave it to future generations."

His voice echoed, mixed with the sound of broken jade. The surrounding Zifu, no matter what relationship they had with him before, whether they were happy or hateful, or had no connection, or were jealous and envious, they all bowed down now. A bow:

"Congratulations to True Lord Shangyuan!"

"Greetings to Lord Yuzhen Liujiu Hexu."

Master Puyu sighed with emotion when he heard this, and turned to the element beside him and said:

"Shangyuan Zhenjun, this is...an ancient immortal method announcing the achievement of immortality..."

Yuan Yue nodded lowly, not knowing what he was thinking. Master Puyu sighed and murmured:

"It's time to leave. He has succeeded in breaking through this time and has determined many things. I don't know how many guys at home and abroad can't help but follow suit!"

The element remained silent, only greeted Shangyuan in a low voice, and stared at the white air in ecstasy.

Shangyuan listened intently and vaguely saw something vaguely appearing in front of him.

This object seemed both virtual and real, like a robe draped around the body, like a stone in the hand, and like a void. Shangyuan raised his eyes, but looked towards the void in front of him.

The clouds around him dispersed, and two blurry figures gradually appeared, and one person said:

"Congratulations on becoming immortal."

The other man also behaved well and bowed respectfully. Then he took out a gold scroll from his sleeve, shook his arm slightly, and unfolded the scroll.

The two of them each took one and presented it in front of Zhenjun Shangyuan. The person on the left took out a pen from his sleeve and said respectfully:

"The Immortal has transcended the world, so please personally erase his name as an Immortal. We are both despicable and dare not do such a disrespectful thing."

Lord Shangyuan shook his head slightly and remained motionless. The two people were a little timid and looked at each other, not knowing what to do, but they saw Shangyuan Dao:

"I'm not on the list, so there's no need to look for it."

The two Yinsi people looked at each other and had no choice but to put away the pen and the gold scroll. Shangyuan waved his hand and said:

"Leave quickly, I'll hurt both of you if we fight."

"Thank you for your understanding, True Lord. I will take my leave."

The two of them nodded repeatedly, as if they had been granted amnesty, and respectfully said goodbye. In an instant, they turned into a dark wind and quickly dispersed in the heaven and earth.

Shangyuan slowly stood up, and the white light behind him gradually entered his body. He pressed Qingfeng on his waist and said coldly:

"Fellow Daoist Du Qing, there is no need to wait any longer!"

As soon as he said these words, all the people in the sky lowered their heads. No one dared to move or speak. They all stood silently. Li Xuanfeng only felt that the field of vision was green and everything in front of him had changed.

"The sky is gone..."

The sun, moon, stars and night in the sky all disappeared, leaving only a vast expanse of clear water, spanning from the far east to the west. The endless clear water was surging and hanging in the sky. When you raised your head, you could still see a few stars. of islands and reefs.

"This is...this is..."

The sea in the sky reflects the snowy peaks of Yushan at the bottom of the feet and the North Sea at the bottom. The sky and the ground are filled with water, and it is almost impossible to tell the difference between up, down, left and right.

The endless blue water in the sky was close to each other quietly. Li Xuanfeng felt his eyes hurt, and stars were rising in front of him. He didn't dare to look anymore. The element on the side had already picked up his armor, and turned his head to another place, facing him. Elemental faces.

Ning Taoxiao's right eyeball was empty and turned into blue sea water flowing down. The other side was also lying softly in the eye socket and turned into a ball. Her face seemed to have been splashed with water, and it was all blue. The liquid flows down.

His eyes went dark, and he vaguely saw a shining star falling from the sea water. A huge, boundless body-like thing was traveling from the sea in the sky to the sea underground, with dark scales shining. .

There was silence in his ears, and he heard nothing. The world seemed to have lost all sound, and everything froze in front of him as if time had stopped. He could only see Ning Naoxiao's lips and tongue opening and closing:

‘Lushui. ’

Donghai Mountain.

Xuanshan Mountain is a large mountain in the sea to the north of Heshui Sea. It is the place where the rays of light from the East China Sea rest. The rays of light rising from the northwest and northeast will stop to rest when they reach this high mountain, and then continue to follow the sky. Forward.

This time may be long or short, sometimes resting for a few breaths, sometimes stopping for several hours. Those coming from the northwest usually go to Qunyi, and those coming from the northeast will fall all the way back to the Great Western Plateau of Wu State.

This place is located in the Heshui Sea, so it is naturally the territory of the Dragon genus. Normally, coming here to build a foundation is to risk death, but it has a good relationship with all the purple houses. You can fall here to collect clouds and practice, and the Dragon genus will treat you well.

When the rays of light rose, a young man flew up from the mountain clouds. He had handsome eyebrows and bright eyes, and an elegant appearance. He was holding a gourd in his hand.

He stopped lightly on the peak, counted the time, and frowned in confusion. A woman flew by on the wind beside him, holding Caixia in her hand, and said with an arched eyebrow:

"Husband, what's wrong?"

This couple is naturally Li Xizhi and his wife. Li Xizhi was healing Caixia here, and Yang Xiaoer came to look for him. She crossed the East China Sea to look for him alone, and just settled here last night. In other words, she is from the Yang family, and she was escorted by her family members. Otherwise, it would be very risky to get here all the way.

Li Xizhi was watching the clouds. He was here to collect clouds for the real person Chang Xi. Naturally, he had to do this well. He pinched his fingers and said doubtfully:

"It's strange... something happened in Beihai. There is no ray of light coming... Could it be that the Zifu fell and disrupted the sky."

He calculated for a moment:

"But there is obviously no celestial phenomenon in the northwest, and there is no ray of light flowing over..."

Yang Xiaoer understood immediately and whispered:

"My husband is isolated here and doesn't know anything. These days should be the days when Shangyuan Zhenren breaks through in Beihai. He should have blocked it unintentionally."

Li Xizhi became worried. Since no rays of light were coming, he just had his hands free and rode the wind down with his wife to the cave.

This cave was prepared by Dragon. It was quite spacious. He closed the stone door tightly and asked softly:

"You came in such a hurry yesterday that I didn't have time to ask you... It's quite safe here, just in time."

Li Xizhi took out the feather coat from the storage bag. It was already in tatters, and there was a blue palm print on the back. Yang Xiaoer looked panicked and asked:

"Why is this happening!"

When Yang Xiaoer heard that her husband was in Xushan, she missed her so much that she quickly came over. Seeing that her husband had not put on the feather coat she had given him, she still had some doubts. She thought about it and soon realized something was wrong:

"What happened!"

Li Xizhi probably said it all, and only asked softly:

"This Yuyi is obviously at the level of Qi training, but he still has this golden backhand hidden..."

After hearing this, Yang Xiaoer first carefully made sure that his injuries were okay, then pursed her lips and hummed:

"What do I think it is?"

She smiled and said:

"My two feather coats, one is a direct descendant of the Yang family, and the other is a dowry... I was just worried that you were running around outside, and there were so many enemies, so I kept an eye on it."

Li Xizhi was smart and understood immediately, and said softly:

"So you changed this feather."

"Since I changed, I don't need to fight to death outside, and no one can bully me."

Yang Xiaoer smiled:

"So the one you are wearing is the yuyi from the direct line of the Yang family, and the one I am wearing is the one included in the dowry!"

Thanks to the leader:

Cangyue support group

Murray Phantom

Brother Murray Phantom also produced the genealogy of this book, thank you very much.

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