Xueba: If You Don’T Work Hard, You Will Die

78. Going Back To School With The Leadership Inspection Team

"Immediately, immediately straighten your chicken coop!"

Seeing his son's unconvinced look, Jiang Zuodong didn't bother to say anything, but gave orders seriously.

Tens of thousands of people in the factory are in awe of Jiang Zuodong, but sons are not afraid of Lao Tzu. Jiang Huaishu touched his hair and shook his head: "Don't do it, this is the hair I just permed during the Chinese New Year!"

"You have to wait for me to do it!" Jiang Zuodong was really helpless, he found that if his son didn't want to, he really couldn't do anything about it, he could only continue to be cruel.

Dad's majesty is still there, Dad stared at Jiang Huaishu, it was enough for Jiang Huaishu to compromise.

"Prudent in words and deeds", the biggest reward effect of this system is that Jiang Huaishu's mentality has improved a lot. If you fiddle with your hair, just do it.

Seeing his son compromise, Jiang Zuodong heaved a sigh of relief, really, Jiang Zuodong is not afraid of heaven and earth, not even his father, so why is he a little scared of this little bastard Jiang Huaishu!

Agriculture is the foundation of a country, so on the first day of the new year, the first field the leaders inspected was "agriculture", and the selected company was the Longsheng Group of Jiang's family in Qilu Jiaodong.

This honor is also what Longsheng Group deserves.

Jingxi Logistics bought social insurance for all the courier brothers, which aroused praise from the whole society up.

Some Longsheng employees have retired and started to receive pensions.

In this small county-level city, factory laborers with no academic qualifications can end up with pensions and medical insurance like those civil servants, teachers, and doctors. This is something many people can't imagine.

Longsheng Group’s revenue this year has exceeded 30 billion. Jiang’s family has made more than 200 million yuan, but the remaining 27 billion yuan means either employee wages, farmers’ income, national taxes, or Procurement of production equipment....

And those wages, earnings, and taxes are in turn re-consumed, shopped, produced...  

Re-consumption, shopping, production, and wages, income, and taxes. . . .

Such a cycle over and over again is considered macroeconomics, looking at economic flows from the perspective of the macro as a whole.

Longsheng Group is an enterprise engaged in the "primary industry-agriculture". It directly promotes the development of the most grassroots farmers. The farmers who cooperate with Longsheng Group seem to be poor, but in fact they are richer than many proud urbanites.

Especially farmers who grow vegetables and fruits, the people in the city are bright and beautiful, but it is difficult to spend one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand at once.

However, these farmers who drove to the field in a small car could easily get it out, and it is not impossible for them to grit their teeth and spend more than a hundred cities to buy a house in the city with full money for their son.

Jiang Huaishu feels that the greatest significance of his company is to let some people know the value of basic physical labor.

It was really cold in the early morning after the snow fell, Jiang Huaishu's expensive down jacket was replaced by a very plain cotton coat without any trademark (aiaa).

Needless to say, this cotton coat is really soft. Jiang Huaishu lowered his head and rummaged through the lining of the cotton coat curiously, hoping to find a label and see what brand of cotton coat it was.

Jiang Zuodong, who was standing in the first welcoming echelon with several big leaders, suddenly saw his son's unseemly appearance. Why are you picking at the clothes? Why, there are mice in the clothes!

Because of the visit of the big leader, Jiang Zuodong was very nervous. Now seeing his son is really going to be pissed off, can't he just stand there for a while.

Jiang Huaishu suddenly felt his scalp go numb, and subconsciously raised his head to look at his father.

The chill in Dad's eyes was colder than this world of ice and snow, Jiang Huaishu was startled, and immediately calmed down.

It was really cold, even a young man like Jiang Huaishu had red ears and a cold nose, not to mention other middle-aged leaders and group executives.

But they didn't have any complaints, on the contrary, many people who were not qualified to come out to greet them were very envious.

It was really difficult for the young man to calm down. His father stopped him from moving around, so Jiang Huaishu started to make small movements secretly. He started to step on the snow on the ground with his boots. He was almost building a little snowman.

At this time, an Audi police car drove into the industrial park, followed by several Toyota Coaster buses.


When Coster's leadership came down, Jiang Huaishu also became excited. This is a person who can only be seen in the news!

Moreover, Tian Qi, his finance teacher and the governor of the Central Bank, was also in the delegation.

"Oh, Teacher Tian Qi!" Jiang Huaishu waved his hand towards the teacher in a small way.

Tian Qi smiled and nodded to Jiang Huaishu.

The whole investigation process was very good. The delegation visited the quality inspection department of Longsheng; participated in several food production lines; and praised Longsheng for its control of food quality and the promotion of the local economy.

At noon, I even had a meal with the workers of Longsheng Group and outstanding local farmers.

The investigation team's investigation of Longsheng Group was over, and Jiang Huaishu's vacation was also over. He was dragged by Teacher Tian Qi to leave with the delegation.

Of course, he didn't go back directly to Yanjing City, but he followed the delegation all the way and visited many enterprises.

I still have to see more things that I haven’t seen before. Jiang Huaishu also opened my eyes. There are really some very powerful companies!


Yenching University is about to start, and Jiang Huaishu also returned to Yenching with the delegation.

The system reward of "being cautious in words and deeds" is still very timely. Following the leadership inspection team all the way, Jiang Huaishu's quiet appearance made many leaders have a good impression of him.

The night before the start of school, the three roommates of Jiang Huaishu got together in a bar.

Zhang Tao joked with a smile: "Okay, Jiang Er, you have appeared in the "News Network" these days, when did you become the leader of the inspection!"

Hearing Zhang Tao's ridicule, Jiang Huaishu directly revealed Zhang Tao's old background: "Okay, Tao'er, I heard that all the students in the class got full marks in all the exam subjects." As for your old man's thinking, you took 98 points!"

"Hmph!" Zhang Tao's anger value suddenly exploded!

During the vacation, I watched the final exam results at home. Except for Sixiu who scored 98 points, Zhang Tao got full marks in other courses.

Zhang Tao was still complacent at first, thinking that he would surpass his roommate Huang Bin and become the second in the class. As for the first in the class, needless to say, it must be that dog Jiang Huaishu.

But after Zhang Tao inquired about it, he found out that all the other students in the class got full marks in all subjects!

Does this make people live?

Shouldn't every teacher have a ratio for every grade?

What is the proportion of excellent students with a score of 80-100; what is the proportion of good students with a score of 60-80;

Now the whole class is excellent and full marks, in the future, the whole class will be guaranteed a graduate school together!

Not to mention postgraduate insurance, the whole class is full marks, how will the scholarship be divided!

Jiang Huaishu’s Mercedes-Benz G63 and Passat cars had a holiday at school, but his roommate Zhang Tao is a “native” in Yanjing, and his family has a lot of cars, so there are special car maintenance personnel, and they will come to help regularly Jiang Huaishu's car was overhauled and cleaned.


The sound of Mercedes-Benz G63 after starting is still so arrogant.

Next to the Mercedes-Benz G63 was parked the Mercedes-Benz car owned by Zhao Sheng, general manager of Yanjing Branch of Longsheng Group, and a commercial vehicle behind the Mercedes-Benz car.

The driver of the commercial vehicle opened the door, and the trunk was filled with various gifts.

Zhao Sheng handed over a gift list to Jiang Huaishu, and said, "Mr. Jiang, this is a specific gift list. My status is not enough. Some customers need you to send it to maintain the company's customer relationship."

Jiang Huaishu took the gift list and nodded. Although the Spring Festival is over, it is not too late to give a gift because "the first month is counted as a year".

Soon, the gifts in the commercial vehicle were stuffed into Jiang Huaishu's G63 compartment.

Business visits are boring and stylized, but Jiang Huaishu has to do it. Fortunately, Zhao Sheng is with him. Jiang Huaishu's main function is to play the role of "mascot".

The business visit was over, and Jiang Huaishu was going to visit his teacher and brother, so he set off early the next morning.

Now Jiang Huaishu has two teachers, one is economics teacher Tian Qi, and the other is mathematics teacher Yan Hongping.

With Mr. Tian Qi, Jiang Huaishu is a junior, and there are many seniors he needs to visit, but with Yan Hongping, a mathematics teacher, he is the only "big brother".

The arrogant Mercedes-Benz G63 drove into the Institute of Mathematics and Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Of course, the security personnel at the gate stopped it for questioning. .

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