Xueba: If You Don’T Work Hard, You Will Die

79. Give You A Chance To "Gold-Plate"

The Institute of Mathematics and Systems Science of the Academy of Sciences is a comprehensive national academic research institution covering the main research directions of mathematics and systems science.

It was established in December 1998 by the Institute of Mathematics (founded in 1952), the Institute of Applied Mathematics (founded in 1979), the Institute of Systems Science (founded in 1979) and the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Science Engineering Computing (built in 1995) and other four research institutes were integrated.

It consists of 4 research institutes, 10 state key laboratories, key laboratories and research centers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and 13 interdisciplinary research centers. It is the highest hall of mathematics.

Jiang Huaishu walked into the hall of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, a serious and boring atmosphere came from all directions, and Jiang Huaishu also became serious.

The nameplate of the teacher Yan Hongping's office here has been changed from "Professor Yan Hongping" to "Academician Yan Hongping".

Jiang Huaishu pushed open the door and found that not only teacher Yan Hongping was there, but also a young man with glasses sitting on the sofa. The young man smiled and nodded to Jiang Huaishu, Jiang Huaishu hurriedly bent down to return the salute.

Standing behind the young man were three young students, two men and one woman. It seemed that this young man should be his mentor, and the three behind him should be his students.

Wu Zuo Zuo. Seeing his favorite disciple Jiang Huaishu, Yan Hongping kindly asked him to sit down.

Now that Yan Hongping has been evaluated as an academician, with the change of status, his original pursuit has also changed, and he can also feel that he is about to touch the "ceiling", so he feels that if he can cultivate "the blue comes from the blue and is better than the blue" Being a disciple is a more fulfilling thing.

And Jiang Huaishu's mathematical ability is not only satisfied with Yan Hongping, but also amazing and very 4 favorite.

Jiang Huaishu sat on the sofa, and a schoolgirl standing behind the young man hurriedly poured Jiang Huaishu a glass of water.

"What have you been up to recently?" Teacher Yan Hongping asked with a smile.

"I just came back from vacation, and I'm not too busy. I was planning to go skiing in the afternoon, but I got a call from your old man." Jiang Huaishu said with a smile.

The relationship between Jiang Huaishu and his teacher is an ancient "teacher-student" relationship. As the governor of the central bank, Mr. Tian Qi is too serious. He is a typical "strict teacher makes a good student". Jiang Huaishu dare not joke with him;

But for Yan Hongping, the math teacher, the standard book is much more casual.

After all, he is his teacher, why are you so polite.

"Sure enough, it's better to be famous as early as possible. It's good to be young and promising, unlike me, who is always impatient and always trying to achieve results!" The young man sitting opposite Jiang Huaishu sighed with a smile.

"Where is it?" Jiang Huaishu scratched his head in embarrassment. Although he was very happy to be praised in person, he would still be embarrassed.

Teacher Yan Hongping pointed to the young man, and introduced to Jiang Huaishu: "Huai Shu, let me introduce you, this is Professor Ren Junhua from your school's biology major, a recipient of the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory back."

"Hello, Professor Ren!" Jiang Huaishu hurriedly stood up to greet him, sir! And he's still so young!

At the same time, Jiang Huaishu was also a little puzzled, what did Teacher Yan Hongping ask him to do?

Jiang Huaishu originally planned to go skiing in the suburbs of Beijing with Zhang Tao this afternoon. He just learned to ski a few days ago, and Jiang Huaishu has become very addicted to skiing recently.

Yan Hongping said: "Professor Ren encountered a bottleneck in one of his scientific research projects. Come to me to find a master of mathematical analysis. I can't spare the time. You are the only student under me, so I want you to join me. I don’t know if Professor Ren wants to have you!”

Professor Ren Junhua didn't have any objections because of Jiang Huaishu's youth. Instead, he looked happy and said with a smile: "Hahaha, what you said, academician Yan, is a young genius with three mathematics papers in SCI District 1." , of course I welcome it!"


At this moment, Jiang Huaishu was a little flustered.

Originally, Mr. Yan Hongping introduced Professor Ren, and Jiang Huaishu was very excited. This is a master from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory!

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has produced 8 Nobel Prize winners. It is known as the Holy Land of Life Sciences in the World and the "Cradle of Molecular Biology".

Jiang Huaishu's admiration for this young professor who looks less than forty years old spontaneously arises.

He thought that Teacher Yan Hongping asked Professor Ren Junhua to take Jiang Huaishu with him, and asked Jiang Huaishu to do odd jobs in Professor Ren Junhua's project to see him.

Unexpectedly, "doing chores" has become "participation", and Academician Yan Hongping asked Jiang Huaishu to solve the mathematical bottleneck of Professor Ren Junhua's project team.

But Jiang Huaishu doesn't know anything about biology!

"Teacher, you are joking!" Jiang Huaishu said with a smile, he still has a certain degree of self-knowledge.

"Don't worry, I still have some understanding of your mathematical ability. Besides, you beat up your apprentice and pulled out your master. If you don't know how to do it, you can come back to me!" Yan Hongping said with a smile. He said to Jiang Huaishu The young "big disciple" is still very fond of him.

As for what Jiang Huaishu can do in Professor Ren Junhua's project team?

Yan Hongping doesn't hold much hope. He wants to use his influence to make his "love disciple" more gilded. As for the problems in the project team, he is ready to take action .

0...seeking flowers...

Jiang Huaishu thought for a while and nodded, that's right, if you don't know it, come back and ask the teacher for advice.

Standing behind Professor Ren Junhua, three doctoral students, two men and one woman, envied Jiang Huaishu to death!

They originally thought that their mentor was powerful enough, and various important scientific research projects continued, but now look at Jiang Jinshu!

In fact, for undergraduates like Jiang Huaishu, participating in scientific research projects is a very high-end and high-end thing.

There is no need for the temptation of "adding credits" at all, and every opportunity to participate in scientific research projects is scrambling.

Moreover, Jiang Huaishu majored in economics, and economics belongs to social science.

There is no such specialized scientific research project as natural science in social science, so Jiang Huaishu is quite excited to participate in the scientific research project. This is an opportunity to become a legendary "scientist"!

Of course, what Professor Ren Junhua is interested in is not Jiang Huaishu's economics ability, but his mathematical ability, and what he values ​​more is Yan Hongping, a mathematician who stands behind Jiang Huaishu

Mathematics is different from other disciplines that directly produce scientific results.

Mathematics is an "instrumental science", which means that as long as you have the ability, you are needed everywhere!

For example, academician Yan Hongping, Jiang Huaishu's mathematics teacher, although he is not the chief designer of any project, he has participated in more national-level projects than academicians in any other field.

It is precisely because the projects in Yan Hongping's hands are all major national scientific research projects, so Ren Junhua came to invite him, and he immediately wanted to put his "big disciple" Jiang Huaishu into Ren Junhua's research group, so that Jiang Huaishu could get acquainted with After a while, and then take him to formally participate in the national project.

Professor Ren Junhua is a professor in the Department of Biology of Yenching University. The scientific research projects of the Department of Biology of Yenching University cover molecular biology, molecular genetics, neuroscience, cancer research, cell and developmental biology, and plant biology, etc. The Department of Biology has the most projects and sufficient funds.

The scientific research projects of the Department of Biology of Yenching University include national-level, provincial-level, and school-enterprise cooperation projects. No matter which one, the results are among the best.

Jiang Huaishu also heard about this, stood up, saluted Professor Ren Junhua respectfully, and said: "Professor Ren, I will trouble you in the future!"

Professor Ren Junhua smiled and said: "Haha, where, where, I came to ask you for help!".

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