Xueba: If You Don’T Work Hard, You Will Die

95, Came To Xijing University Of Technology (Please Subscribe!)

In April, the temperature began to rise, and the anxious grass has begun to sprout green shoots.

But at this moment, Jiang Huaishu is not in Yenching University, nor in Yenching, but in Xijing.

Recently, Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group has an optimization project on the Kun-20. As a researcher of the Aircraft Research Institute of Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group, Jiang Huaishu followed Mr. Yan Hongping to Xijing

After coming to Xijing, seminars have been held for several days in a row, and every meeting is full of arguments. Everyone, including Jiang Huaishu, is exhausted.

So the project stopped for a few days, let everyone take a break.

"Mr. Jiang, where are you going?"

Chang Linlong, general manager of Longsheng Group Xijing Branch, saw Jiang Huaishu coming out and immediately opened the car door.

The family company has become bigger, and there are branches responsible for sales all over the country. This is an advantage for Jiang Huaishu, that is, no matter where he goes in the "370", there is always someone to take care of him.

"Back to school!" Jiang Huaishu sat in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz and gave an address.

Of course, this "back to school" is not going back to the distant "Yanjing University" but to "Xijing University of Technology"

"Okay!" Chang Linlong nodded and started the car.

In the past few days, Chang Linlong has been busy behind Jiang Huaishu.

The sales volume of the entire Xijing branch has skyrocketed. Chang Linlong has been looking for an opportunity to report to "Mr. Jiang", but it is obvious that this "Mr. Jiang" really doesn't care about the company's affairs at all.

Although "President Xiao Jiang" is not interested in the company's affairs, Chang Linlong has met many people following "President Xiao Jiang", which has an extremely important impact on the foothold and expansion of Longsheng Group in Xijing.

Chang Linlong took a peek through the rearview mirror at "Mr. Jiang" in the back row and looked at "Mr. Jiang" calm and calm [Chang Linlong thinks this is the so-called "big man"!

Some problems that have plagued the Xijing Branch of Longsheng Group for a long time, once "Mr. Xiao Jiang" came, it was of great significance to put him there, and some problems were easily solved.

Jiang Huaishu really didn't expect that he would bring business and development to his family's company. He didn't even bother to know what kind of business the Longsheng Xijing Branch was responsible for.

The Mercedes-Benz ran over the speed bump and drove into the campus of Xijing University of Technology. Recently, Jiang Huaishu has been working and living in Xijing University of Technology with Mr. Yan Hongping.

The luxurious Mercedes-Benz attracted the envious eyes of the students on the road, because I fantasized that the person in the car was me.

The Mercedes-Benz stopped at the entrance of the library of Xijing University of Technology, Chang Linlong opened the door, Jiang Huaishu got out of the car, and walked into the library with his schoolbag on his back.

Although Jiang Huaishu told Chang Linlong that he can go back!

But Chang Linlong didn't dare to slack off. Although 100% of Longsheng Group's shares belonged to Jiang's family, there were also "political" struggles inside.

Especially in the past year, Jiang Huaishu, the "Mr. Jiang", has shined brilliantly, and the inside of the group is different.

Wei Guangxiong, manager of the foreign trade department brought by Jiang Huaishu, Zhao Sheng, general manager of Yanjing Branch, and Wu Guanghao, general manager of Chuanfu Branch, represent the "reformists" with the banner of "Mr. The "conservatives" still have a struggle.

Therefore, "Mr. Xiao Jiang" came to Xijing. This is a rare opportunity for the young Chang Linlong to stand in line. As for which side to stand on?

Of course, he stood on the side of "Xiao Jiang" without hesitation.

Jiang Huaishu doesn't know about all kinds of messy things in the family company, let alone that he is the banner of the "reformist" in the company.

However, when he fought against his father because of the "blood project", the company's "reformists" and "conservatives" became increasingly obvious.


Although Jiang Huaishu is rebellious, his father still has a natural "blood suppression" towards him, so there is no struggle at all.

And all the behind-the-scenes black hands are actually Jiang Zuodong.

This "old fox" just wants to make Longsheng Group more lively through "struggle". After all, in the company for more than 30 years, there are always some "stubbornness" that affect the company's progress.

And Jiang Zuodong believes that the company wants to continue for a long time, after all, it will continue to carry out "self-revolution".

Jiang Huaishu is not interested in his family's company, and now the project seminar is temporarily suspended for a few days, and just taking advantage of this spare time, Jiang Huaishu sat in the library of Xijing University of Technology.

He needs to sort out what he has been thinking about in the seminar these days.

Taking out the computer from his schoolbag, Jiang Huaishu sat on a chair, staring out the window in a daze, not on purpose, but just staring out the window in a daze without thinking about anything.


In the library, I don't know which classmate accidentally knocked over the water glass, and the water glass hit the seat surface, making a dull impact sound

The sudden impact startled Jiang Huaishu who was in a daze. He took a sip of water to suppress his shock, and Jiang Huaishu straightened his computer.

"Papa papa" he typed the title of the new paper on the computer "NS Equation Upwind Nonlinear Galerkin Finite Element Algorithm and Its Posterior Error Estimation"

As usual, after the topic of the thesis was determined, Jiang Huaishu listed the outline of the thesis on the white paper:

1. The Galerkin variational form of the steady incompressible NS equation;

2. Convergence of upwind nonlinear Galerkin finite element algorithm for steady incompressible NS equations;

3, Unsteady and incompressible NS equations analysis of the extreme convergence of windward nonlinear Galerkin finite element algorithm.

4. Posteriori error estimation of upwind nonlinear Galerkin finite element algorithm for unsteady incompressible NS equations.

For Jiang Huaishu in the past few days, it is not so much to participate in the discussion project seminar, but rather to say that he is desperately absorbing the experience of many academicians and experts, so Jiang Huaishu is making rapid progress.

To Jiang Huaishu's surprise, the fluid mechanics involved in the aircraft is not closely related to theoretical mechanics, but closely related to advanced mathematics.

This made Jiang Huaishu feel quite confident, which means that his mathematics is still very good.

The main topic discussed in the project is: to solve the distribution of the pressure field and velocity field of the fluid motion to optimize the layout of the aircraft.

The main knowledge content involved in this includes:

1, Field Equation 5.5 is the basis. Universal NS equations for incompressible fluids; Euler differential equations for ideal fluids; continuity equations;

2. The Bernoulli equation used to find the mainstream velocity and pressure;

3. The potential function method of ideal fluid solves velocity field and pressure field: this is the knowledge of complex variable function.

4. Boundary layer theory;

5, fluid mechanics.

Jiang Huaishu followed Yan Hongping and was mainly responsible for the mathematical analysis part. However, there was still a big difference between Yan Hongping and other Kun-20 chief designer Academician Tang Zhenxiong in NS equations.

Mathematicians and physicists are convinced that both breezes and turbulent flows can be explained and predicted by understanding the solutions to the NS equations.

But what kind of algorithm is used to solve the solution of the NS equation? And what kind of thinking is used to understand the solution of the NS equation” is the focus of the debate. .

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