Xueba: If You Don’T Work Hard, You Will Die

96. I Actually Sit With The Great God

The NS equation, also known as the Navier-Stokes equation, is an equation of motion describing the conservation of momentum of a viscous incompressible fluid, referred to as the N-S equation.

This equation was established in 1821 by the French scientist C-L·M·H·Navier and in 1845 by the physicist G·G·Stokes of the Sunset Empire.

This is "one of the seven major mathematical problems" that haunts all mathematicians. It is an equation that has not been completely solved so far. Only about one hundred special solutions have been solved. It is one of the most complicated equations.

At this moment, Jiang Huaishu certainly doesn't want to solve this equation, he has no confidence to challenge the "World's Seven Mathematical Problems".

The Xi'an Aircraft Industry Symposium was said to discuss the optimization and upgrade of the Kun-20, but Jiang Huaishu, with his poor aviation knowledge, could infer that the project was likely to discuss another project.

Of course, this is just Jiang Huaishu's wild guess. He saw the actual Kun-20 with his own eyes at an air show. This project is extremely confidential.

Kun-20 has proved that she is an excellent "fat girl", but "fat girl" 08 is upgraded to a "stealth strategic bomber", it is not so simple.

In the project, most of the problems can be solved with existing methods. But a small number of core problems are to obtain the pressure and velocity field distributions by solving the NS equations.

However, the few problems that require NS equations are the core of the whole project, and of course they are also the focus of project debate.

By participating in several days of project discussions, Jiang Huaishu made rapid progress and learned a lot of knowledge tearing apart.

When the title and outline of the thesis were typed on the keyboard, Jiang Huaishu picked up the pen.

After simple thinking, Jiang Huaishu entered a kind of "self-forgetfulness" state with a rather mysterious color.

The energy of the brain is highly concentrated, and only the pen in his hand and the blank paper in front of him are left in his world.

Rows of complicated calculation formulas unfold slowly under Jiang Huaishu's pen like flower buds slowly blooming.

A pen is insignificant, but the calculation formula written on the tip of the pen is the key to knocking on the door of the unknown world.

As the time passed by, Jiang Huaishu, who was immersed in it, committed the old problem again, and forgot about hunger and exhaustion.

But this feeling of total immersion is really fulfilling for Jiang Huaishu!

It's lunch time.

Duan Zhaonian is a graduate student majoring in aerospace science and technology at Xijing University of Technology. He has been sitting in the library all morning.

Last week, the tutor assigned a paper reading task, requiring the students in the group to complete the reading and study of four SCI mathematics papers by Jiang Huaishu of Yenching University, and the next week's group meeting will focus on discussion.

At first, Duan Zhaonian thought it was just four papers, simple!

Although it was a mathematics paper, Duan Zhaonian boasted that he was good at mathematics, so he put off the reading task until the weekend.

And just after reading an article, Duan Zhaonian wanted to cry without tears!

What the hell is this written about?

is this math

Is this text?

This Bernoulli equation can still be used like this? Is this fake?

Duan Zhaonian is a bit skeptical about life, so is Jiang Zhunshu still a human being who wrote this paper?

There is no way, in order not to be scolded at the group meeting, Duan Zhaonian could only gnaw it again and again, and even wished to gnaw the author of the paper, Jiang Huaishu.

Really hungry, Duan Zhaonian decided to fill his stomach first and continue reading when he came back!

Duan Zhaonian was about to pack up his things and go to the cafeteria for dinner, when he suddenly noticed the draft paper laid flat on the table by a handsome young man next to him.

And the handwriting of the little handsome guy is very beautiful, the calculations and words written in the beautiful thin gold body are like wild cranes standing on the white paper, Duan Zhaonian couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

But just looking at it a few more times, Duan Zhaonian was instantly stunned!

I don't know why, what kind of math problem is this, it looks so awesome?

How many sheets of paper have you counted? Haven’t you finished counting yet? Could this be a math problem for Kaobo?

But judging by the appearance of the little handsome guy, he is quite young, oh, let alone, he is not only young but also handsome!

Driven by curiosity, Duan Zhaonian leaned over and took a peek. It seemed to be a differential equation? Or linear algebra?

After a few glances, Duan Zhaonian couldn't understand it at all.

Immediately afterwards, Duan Zhaonian glanced at the laptop screen of the handsome guy, and saw the title of the document - "NS Equation Upwind Nonlinear Galerkin Finite Element Algorithm and Its Posterior Error Estimation"

Fuck, it’s so awesome! NS equation!

Duan Zhaonian was taken aback, and took a closer look at the handsome guy. This guy is so handsome, he couldn't be the legendary "Jiang Huaishu", right?

Duan Zhaonian was excited: Oh my god, I won’t really meet Jiang Huaishu himself?!

When reading Jiang Huaishu's thesis, Duan Zhaonian hated it, why is it so powerful, I can't even read it!

But when he suspected that the person sitting next to him was the great god Jiang Huaishu, Duan Zhaonian couldn't calm down at all!

This is really Jiang Huaishu!


I actually sat with the Great God!

Excited, Duan Zhaonian wanted the autograph of the great god, and he wanted it very much, but seeing Jiang Huaishu's immersed look, he didn't dare to disturb him.

Duan Zhaonian didn't care to clean up his things, and hurried out of the reading room, wanting to share his joy with his roommates!

Jiang Huaishu!

It's not the name on the paper! It's still a living god!

And Duan Zhaonian had just walked out of the reading room when two young men stopped him: "Hey, classmate, please come with us."

Duan Zhaonian was stunned: "You, who are you?" 133 A young man pointed to Jiang Huaishu who was busy checking his calculations through the glass of the reading room, and asked, "Did you sit beside him just now?" ?”

"Yes?" Duan Zhaonian nodded!

"Did you peek?" The young man said again.

"I, I just glanced at it a few times. And I can't understand it!." Duan Zhaonian was a little flustered, and hurriedly explained. At the same time, he was also very excited. It seems that the handsome young man is really the master Jiang Huaishu!

"This is my ID card!" The young man took out his ID card and continued to speak: "Please come with us, there are some things we need to ask you to understand briefly!

This is Xijing University of Technology! The university with the most anti-espionage operations in the country!

Not long ago, a husband-and-wife shop selling snail noodles at the entrance of Xijing University of Technology was taken over;

Opening a copy shop in Xijing University of Technology requires strict scrutiny. Before that, several print shop owners were arrested for espionage.

Jiang Huaishu didn't know what happened, and he didn't even know that period of Zhaonian, but encountered some difficulties in the checking process, scratched his head, took out a blank draft paper [began to check the calculation alone.

As for that classmate Duan Zhaonian, I can only say that he "curiosity killed the cat", but he didn't have any troubles, just ask a few questions and he'll be fine. .

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