Yan Cigui

Chapter 134: Louder and louder

Chapter 134 Louder and louder

On the stage, Liu Xun stood up straight after saluting.

So many eyes fell on him, and after the initial nervousness, what was left was enjoyment.

 He likes this feeling of being in the spotlight.

However, there is also some teasing mixed in with the waiting, curious, and scrutinizing eyes.

 Liu Xun knew what they were laughing at.

With a cold snort in his heart, Liu Xun thought to himself, what's so funny about this?

Who is not a man anymore?

Who hasn’t had a bad voice?

Yue Niang is right. People who make fun of him with his voice are either ignorant and uninformed, or they do it deliberately and are at odds with him.

He came to compete in literary talent, not in opera. It didn’t matter whether he was a duck or an oriole.

Of course, there are still desires that should be suppressed first.

How much they despise him now and laugh at him because of his voice, they will be even more shocked when they hear his article later.

 In just such a short time, Liu Xun thought about a lot in his mind.

 Fortunately, no one will rush him.

This question asked by Shiyang Academy is not an easy one. Even if you have a rough idea, you have to put some thought into sorting it out before you can speak it out.

Liu Xun stood there, frowning slightly because of the indignation in his heart, which happened to coincide with his thinking appearance.

 For a while, it was quite bluffing.

 After Liu Xun expressed his displeasure, he refocused and recited the article he had prepared from the beginning.

Under the stage, there were some small conversations at first, but soon it became completely quiet, and there was no sound.

 They were all attracted by Liu Xun's well-spoken words.

Not only the students listened with rapt attention, but also several mountain leaders and gentlemen were very interested, nodding their heads from time to time while listening.

The expert guarding the doorway downstairs, and the people watching the excitement in the attic room also looked at each other in confusion.

Most of them may not be able to analyze it clearly, but they also know that Liu Xun gave a good answer.

 If there is a person who is good at teaching others, he should immediately explain it to those around him.

 In the small private room, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian exchanged a look.

 Liu Xun was indeed well prepared. It is no wonder that he became famous in the past by dictating such an article.

 Xu Jian said nothing and leaned back in his chair to listen.

It wasn't until Liu Xun finished speaking and saluted all parties amidst a burst of applause that Xu Jian calmly concluded: "Liu Jing wrote 90%."

Lin Yunyan believed in Xu Jian’s judgment.

 Writing style varies from person to person.

 Xu Jian had a tense relationship with Liu Jing and was not familiar with it, but he had read many things written by Liu Jing before and was keenly aware of it.

However, judgment is judgment, and speaking out about it is not only meaningless, but also inferior.

 After all, as a son, Liu Xun received guidance from his father, so why is it strange that he imitated his father's style of writing?

 Unless Liu Jing steps forward to claim it.

 Can Liu Jing recognize it?

 He doesn’t know how to recognize articles, he only recognizes sons.

Such a son who won a lot of praise in the academy made Liu Jing's face glow.

"It's a pity that Mr. Liu can polish it in advance, but he can't change the article on the spot," Lin Yunyan said, turning to look at Chen Gui, "It's our turn, Mr. Chen's, to come on stage. Don't waste this good clothes."

 Chen Gui couldn't help laughing.

  Opening the door to the private room, he strode downstairs.

I have to say that what the princess told him this time was completely opposite to the last time she plotted against Su Ke.

Last time, he hid in the dark, and even if he showed up, it was only in front of a few people. It was Su Ke who was embarrassed in public, and he had nothing to do with Chen Gui. This time, Liu Xun will definitely have to be embarrassed. Chen Gui understood what the Duke said. This Master Liu has no ink in his belly. Without his father who passed the exam, Master Liu cannot write any good articles. Come.

 But Chen Gui also had to be on the stage, singing in front of so many teachers and students.

 From behind the scenes to in front of the stage, let alone, it’s strange that I’m not used to it.

When Chen Gui walked around to the side of the mountain chief and gentlemen, Liu Xun had not yet stepped off the stage.

 He was intoxicated by the sweet applause.

 Sound louder, louder!

 Liu Xun shouted in his heart, this is really the most beautiful voice in the world.

 In addition to the applause, many voices of discussion gradually came over.

“The argument is not new, but the analysis is really good.”

 “It has a beginning and an end, the topic is clear, and the intention is quite profound!”

“The article is also neat and fluent. It’s really impressive to be able to write it in such a short time.”

"Do you know who he is? He is the son of the Qing family of Honglu Temple. His father ranked first in the scientific examination and was outstanding."

 “The tiger father has no dog sons, and his family education is profound!”

 Liu Xun was very satisfied.

 He is the son of the Liu family and the son of Liu Jing.

Here, no one will mention Nao Shizi’s Fuguogongfu, Xu family, Xu Jian...

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xun reluctantly prepared to walk off the stage. He turned around and saw an unfamiliar middle-aged man standing next to the mountain chief.

The middle-aged man is dressed with the word "rich" in his dress, he has a smile on his face, he is friendly and kind, and his movements have a bit of an official air. I don't know where he learned it.

 Liu Xun has seen such people.

There are many such "good people" in Hengshui City.

  I made money from doing business, but I didn’t want to smell the smell of copper all over my body. I didn’t have any children in my family who could study well, so I went to the academy with my money in my hand to help some poor students.

 Could it be that this middle-aged man was impressed by his article and wanted to give him a grant?


 What a joke.

 The Liu family is not short of money for schooling!

 While the mountain chiefs were talking to the man, Liu Xun did not rush to get off the stage, but took a few more glances.

The man seemed to notice his gaze, looked up, and smiled at Liu Xun.

 The middle-aged man is Chen Gui.

 He just introduced himself to the mountain chiefs.

 Being a person from the capital and doing business, you may be considered familiar in the yamen.

"Everyone has heard that after the new year, the Yamen will arrange unified accommodation for students who come to Beijing to take the exam, and the newly built Laoshi Alley will also be put into use," Chen Gui said cheerfully, "I rented a storefront to do a study business. Don't tell me. No matter how much money I make, I just want to get some fragrance from books.

The shop has not yet opened, but I have already prepared a lot of pens, inks, paper and inkstones. The shop is called Shenghui Pavilion, and I hope that my pen will bring brilliance.

 Let’s say it’s to build a reputation. I want to take advantage of the society so that students can recognize our shop.

I hope that gentlemen can give me a chance to give a small gift to the students who have performed well on the stage today. They are some stationery. Gentlemen can take a look. "

After Chen Gui finished speaking, Liao Zi then brought some stationery.

The mountain chiefs were no longer surprised by a "good person" like Chen Gui. They looked at each other and tried to find a reason to refuse.

 Chen Gui saw the other party's reaction in his eyes.

He also came prepared and was about to say something else when he saw a gentleman sitting next to him speaking.

“I know what you are worried about,” he said. “You are afraid that the things sent to you are not good and that they will not be used properly. Anyway, our students’ families are all relatively well off, and those who are really in need have received help from the academy, so there is no shortage of things.

But don’t forget, there are not only people from the three academies here today, but also many students who are rushing to take exams, and they may not be well-off.

I think it looks good. Mr. Chen, did you also go to the poetry meeting in Liusi Hall yesterday? "

 (End of this chapter)

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