Yan Cigui

Chapter 135: Someone plotted against him

 Chen Gui did go.

For today's experience, Chen Gui frequently went to the Poetry Society to show up in the past few days, and discussed with the organizer to fund some study rooms.

 It sounds hard, but the process is quite smooth.

The things he took out were carefully selected, all practical and easy to use, and easy for people to accept.

 He saluted the old gentleman and said, "He's gone."

This old gentleman spoke first, and several other gentlemen nodded.

 Everyone has been going around various poetry clubs for several days to examine the candidates and students. They have seen each other and they look familiar.

Someone else who knew Chen Gui's identity was at odds with several mountain chiefs.

   “How come you, uncle Chengyi’s uncle, take things indiscriminately to fool people?”

Chen Gui's ears were sharp. When he heard someone mentioning the uncle's house, he immediately showed a sincere smile to the mountain chiefs.

I have to say that when traveling in Beijing, the name Chengyi Bofu is really useful.

 Be well-behaved, decent, and honorable, and you can win the trust of others just by mentioning them.

 He didn't use it in the past, but now, good steel is used on the blade.

The mountain chiefs felt relieved after hearing this.

Since they are not the first ones to learn it, and this rich man has relatives behind him, let’s count them.

The headmaster of Shiyang Academy cleared his throat and introduced the students: "Those who answer well will have Chen Yuan send a copy to the study room."

Over there, Liu Xun pursed his lips.

He is not interested in the gift, but he can't be left out if he has "excellent answers".

 Liu Xun is not leaving.

Chen Gui was very happy with Liu Xun's cooperation.

As he walked onto the stage, he and Liu Xun exchanged hand-to-hand greetings: "Young master Liu's article just now was so wonderful! I heard that my heart was surging and I was so excited!"

 Hands out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling person, not to mention that Chen Gui not only smiled, but also gave a thumbs up, praising him sincerely.

Liu Xun asked Chen Gui to look up like this, and he immediately liked him.

 “I don’t dare to take it, I don’t dare to take it!” He responded with a salute.

"Why don't you dare to take it?" Chen Gui added a bit of disapproval in his words, "Although it is said that 'writing is not the best', whether the essay is good or not still needs to be ranked first. Otherwise, how will you get the first prize after entering the examination room? , Erjia is coming?

Mr. Liu, please don’t be modest. The applause just now and everyone’s discussion are enough to prove your excellence! "

Speaking of this, Chen Gui paused, faced the students, and asked: "Everyone, are you right?"

 “That’s right!”

 The students are honest people, and if their articles are good, then they are good, so they all agree in unison.

The momentum was so great that Liu Xun got goosebumps all over his body. It was so refreshing!

 Chen Gui saw Liu Xun's reaction in his eyes.

He is indeed a young man, he has no sense of city affairs, and his pride is written all over his face!

Chen Gui's praise did not stop: "Master Liu, I dare to say that in less than half a day, this article will spread throughout the capital and be read and recalled by countless students. It is really wonderful."

 Liu Xun couldn't hold it back any longer and laughed.

"Shan Chang asked a question that was quite in-depth. Before Mr. Liu answered it, I heard a lot of people talking about it. There are quite a few arguments that can be connected, but if you analyze it in detail, it is difficult to suppress it." Chen Gui raised his voice and said, "I was wondering if I could ask Mr. Liu to analyze this issue again and help everyone clear up their doubts?"

Liu Xun’s smile froze.


 This man is not here to give a gift, but to take a test?

 Subconsciously, Liu Xun turned his head and looked at the mountain chief's side. Several mountain chiefs and gentlemen had some objections to Chen Gui's eloquent praise and were about to urge people to step down. Unexpectedly, Chen Gui suddenly asked questions, so they stopped urging them.

 Continue to analyze, this is very meaningful!

 Compared with being the same and relying on essays to win, they, as teachers, hope that students can bloom with a hundred flowers and have broad ideas.

“Then please give Mr. Liu a lecture.” The headmaster of another academy said cheerfully.

 How can Liu Xun tell that?

 After he knew the topic, he only dug into one argument and didn’t even think about other directions!

 Suddenly asked him about other arguments, he was not prepared at all.

Unable to speak out and unable to leave the stage, Liu Xun froze on the stage with a pale face.

 After waiting for a while, the students who thought he was thinking gradually realized something was wrong. You look at me, I look at you.

“It’s hard to get back, but it doesn’t mean you can’t answer it, right?”

“When people write articles, they are nothing like you. They just mention a few arguments and get through. You need to think more carefully!”

 “This doesn’t allow him to make a fuss!”

Chen Gui stood next to Liu Xun and glanced at his hands behind his back.


  I was so nervous that my hands were clenched!

Chen Gui quickly put on a considerate expression: "Master Liu, I'm just talking about arguments, no need to make a fuss."

 Liu Xun had no new arguments in his mind, only how to excuse himself.

 Chen Gui didn't let him speak.

Before Liu Xun could speak, Chen Gui said again: "You must have been busy organizing the article before, but Mr. Liu did not analyze this question separately. How about changing it to another question? Mr. Liu casually shared with us the previous policy topics. ?”

 Liu Xun's eyes widened.


 Why does this guy who comes to give gifts do all the same things?

He was still returning to the previous questions. He didn’t even pay attention to what questions were asked in the previous questions and was so focused on memorizing his own article!

 What should we do?

 Cold sweat started from the back of his neck and went down his neck. After a while, his entire back was soaked.

  The gaze that once made him extremely proud and enjoyable gradually changed its flavor and turned into urging and torture.

The more anxious your heart is, the more confused your mind will be.

 Subconsciously, Liu Xun wanted to escape from here, but under the gaze of everyone, where could he escape?

With his throat rolling, Liu Xun glared at Chen Gui fiercely.

Where did this person come from?

 The twists and turns, the twists and turns, were originally waiting for him here!

 Someone must be plotting against him!

 Who could it be?

Liu Xun suddenly raised his head and looked at the attic room next to him.

What he saw was a swarming figure, but he couldn't make out the appearance of any one person. Even if he opened his eyes as wide as possible, there was no gain.

Liu Xun didn't know how terrifying he looked at this time, but Chen Gui took half a step back just in time, as if he was frightened by Liu Xun's anger.

Not only did Chen Gui retreat, he also looked at the mountain chiefs with bitterness.

People were shouting words to and from the audience, and Chen Gui looked in a dilemma: "Why, why can't Mr. Liu answer any questions? Oh my, I'm to blame for this, I was thinking about Mr. Liu's skills. It’s amazing, I didn’t expect him to be like this all of a sudden, it shouldn’t be!”

  Yes, it shouldn’t be!

 From teachers to students, almost everyone thinks so.

 And Chen Gui shouted out everyone's thoughts directly.

Even after shouting, Chen Gui looked like he wanted to save the situation, and leaned over to Liu Xun and said: "Master, don't be nervous, just say something casually.

This is not taken to the examination room for marking. There is nothing to say about second place. There is no need to write neatly and talk about points and points.

   You must have thought about it when the gentlemen came up with the question earlier. Don’t be nervous. "

 Thanks to book friends Meimeida M, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Baihua Qifang, Yan Yu, and Xiaoyuan for their tips.

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