Yan Cigui

Chapter 136: You cheated first

 The word "Ah" means good words, like coaxing a child.

Of course there were no children on the stage, just two sweaty men.

Chen Gui was pretending, and he was almost happy. He couldn't show any clues on his face, so he took out a handkerchief and wiped it on his face several times, hiding his expression, leaving only an "eager and overwhelmed" look. Come.

 Liu Xun was really sweating like rain.

 He was actually not nervous at all, his insides were filled with anger.

  One moment you were praising him with thunderous applause, how come it turned upside down the next moment?

This change is so fast that I can’t react at all.

 Still answering the questions!

Now he just wants to tear apart the person who plotted against him!

However, not only could he not find the person behind it, he could not even resolve the crisis at hand.

"I..." Liu Xun's mouth moved, and he suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "I haven't thought about it yet, and it wasted time. Why don't you let someone who has sorted out your ideas come up and talk about it first?"

 This is an emergency measure.

The mountain leaders did not want the situation to remain in a stalemate. Amidst a burst of boos from the students below, they motioned for Liu Xun to step down first.

How could Chen Gui let Liu Xun get what he wanted?

It took a lot of effort to set up this stage, but how can we sing when the main character is gone?

“Yes, yes, that’s the truth!” Chen Gui deliberately started a fight with words, “How can a policy essay question be so easy to answer? You have to find ideas, decide on points, write a rough draft and then revise it, which is time-consuming and energy-consuming.

   It is said that there is a gap between the lines and there is a mountain. I only know how to do business, but I don’t know how to make a fuss. I asked random questions on the stage, which made Mr. Liu embarrassed.

  Sorry! Sorry! "

With a sincere tone and a complimentary attitude, Chen Gui even made a bow to Liu Xun with his hands clasped in fists, bending deeply at the waist. He couldn't be more sincere.

 Such a gesture made Liu Xun stunned.

 Could it be that this person was sent out to stir up trouble?


These words are obviously to protect him, but in fact they are all discrediting him.

 The tongue is as sharp as a tongue, but the heart can be killed!

Liu Xun could tell there was something in Chen Gui's words. How could the teachers and students below and the onlookers in the private room not hear it?

Even if you are really stupid and don't understand the irony, you will understand it if you ask people around you to remind you.

 It is not easy to write an article on policy discussion topics, but it is not difficult to solve the topic and find arguments.

 There have been several questions before this. The teacher asked questions, the students thought, their hands were moving when beating the drum and passing flowers, and their heads were not empty, they all analyzed the questions.

No matter which one of them is suddenly called to the stage, he may not be able to write an article, but it is easy to pick a topic and make an argument.

Without this level, what would they be doing here today?

 Is the wind blowing from the northwest?

 To watch the excitement, why not go to the attic or private room, where you can also carry a handful of spoons and hold a cup of hot tea!

This Liu Xun didn't even answer at all.

Everyone has thought about it. Didn’t Liu Xun figure it out? Are all the questions blank?

How come with such a blank mind, by the fifth question, not only the argument is clear, but also the article is completed?


 Can such a neat and well-organized article really be produced on site in a short period of time?

  Chen Dongjia is absolutely right. Writing articles is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

 The imperial court conducted examinations on policy theory, which lasted for three days.

  Candidates have enough time to think, draft, revise, polish, and finally copy them neatly on the paper.

 However, societies and poetry societies do not have such time at all, and the gentlemen’s requirements are only to explain the arguments clearly and analyze them clearly, which is basically qualified.

It would be great if it could be richer, show the rules of writing, and have a clear-cut framework.

 Why were they so surprised by Liu Xun’s articles before?

 Because it’s so excellent!

Not only are the branches and leaves distinct, but the veins on the leaves are also clearly visible.

They can't do it themselves, but they don't doubt others. Who says that there can't be talented people and literary stars in the world?

 But looking at it now, it’s not the case at all! “Mr. Liu, did you really write this article on the spot?”

 Among the crowd, some bolder ones took action on the spot.

Liu Xun's body froze and he said in a loud voice: "What do you mean by this?"

“You already knew the topic, so you came prepared, right?”

"It's very possible! I saw it. He deliberately dropped the bouquet on the ground, picked it up and patted it for a while but refused to pass it on!"

“When we were thinking about the previous questions, you were memorizing the article, so you couldn’t come up with any arguments.”

 “Maybe I’ve even forgotten what those questions are!”

Someone started, and soon other students joined in, accusing Liu Xun one after another.

“Mr. Liu, if you don’t want to write an article or talk about arguments, why don’t you recall for us what the previous questions were?”

 “Say whatever you can now!”


 Liu Xun couldn't tell.

 Other than the article he had memorized, he could not think of any other topic.

With all the noise, he almost forgot about the article.

Standing on the stage, he was the most conspicuous among the crowd, with everyone staring at him from all directions.

 You can go down to the stage...

The students who were filled with righteous indignation were overwhelmed. I'm afraid he was surrounded before he even walked out, right?

It is said that scholars are powerless, but can one person withstand a punch?

Liu Xun was so anxious that he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Don't bully others too much!"

 “You were obviously the one who committed the fraud first!”

 “If he cheated, who would have leaked the story?”

“This question is from Shiyang Academy. Ask the people from Shiyang Academy!”

For a moment, other students turned to look at the students from Shiyang Academy beside them. This group of students looked at their gentlemen with dumbfounded expressions. The gentlemen looked solemn, exchanged glances with each other, and finally looked at the chief.

Shashan Chang’s jaw was tense and his brows were furrowed.

 It was early winter in the capital, and the wind blew in his face, making his face hurt.

 How does he explain that there are no leaks in his academy?

“This person is not a student of our academy,” Chief Sha Shan said to the gentlemen from the other two academies. “Why should I reveal the subject to him for no reason?”

Someone asked: "You didn't leak the question, did he steal it?"

“Didn’t he have a father who was a minister of Honglu Temple?” Another person asked, “Chief Shashan, you are not trying to curry favor with Mr. Liu by giving convenience to his son, are you?”

Chief Shashan said in a deep voice: "Don't spit on others."

Besides, the old gentleman who had spoken for Chen Gui spoke again.

His surname is Hu. He is the supervisor of Shiyang Academy. He rarely participates in teaching affairs. He mainly manages the daily affairs of the academy and inspects the conduct of students.

Hu Jianyuan stood up and cleared his throat: "Everyone, there are countless dignitaries in the capital. Shiyang Academy uses talent and learning to speak, and no one will be given face. A Honglu Temple Minister is not worthy of us using the reputation of the academy to curry favor."

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