Yan Cigui

Chapter 372: Exhale through one nostril (two updates in one)

Chapter 372 Exhaling through one nostril (two updates in one)

Eunuch Cao served the tea and left the imperial study.

"I love gambling and robbing people. I really didn't expect that there are such 'talents' in the East Palace." The Holy Emperor rubbed his brows and looked very tired. "But if you think about other things that happened before, it doesn't seem that surprising. ”

Li Shao’s shoulders were tense.

Father's words sounded like a joke, but in reality they were meant to blame.

Geng Baoyuan disappeared without a trace, but left so many hidden dangers. It’s been a year, and we still have to clean up the mess.

Li Shao was dissatisfied, but he couldn't stand up to the Holy Spirit. He said dryly: "My father taught you this. At that time, my son was ignorant and didn't know how to restrain his subordinates. After what you said last time, my son Everyone has listened."

“You will learn a lesson and gain wisdom. You are still young and have time and opportunity to correct your mistakes.” The Holy Master said.

Hearing this, Li Shao's shoulders relaxed a little. He was about to express his attitude quickly, but he saw that the Holy Master's face suddenly became serious again.

“So,” the Holy One asked word by word, “Shaoer, are you really unaware of the inside story of Geng Baoyuan’s disappearance?”

 Li Shao's words were stuck in his throat.

He couldn't keep up with the changes in his father's posture, as if nothing he said was right. Li Shao subconsciously tightened his hand and pressed his fingertips on the steaming tea cup, which suddenly became red.

“I, Chen…” Li Shao murmured, “I really don’t know very well.”

 What he should get rid of, completely get rid of it.

As the morning sergeant said, leave all the problems to Eunuch Hu. The dead won’t speak anyway.

 But he must guard against the living.

Shan Shen is lively and difficult to deal with. In the morning, Shan Shen said some things and hid some things, waiting for opportunities to reveal more information. Li Shao was not sure whether Shan Shen had other clues.

What if Shan Shen is still trying to trick him?


Shan Shen has a good relationship with Xu Jian.

On the surface, Xu Jian was recuperating in the Duke's Mansion and did not go out or go to court. But behind the scenes, who knows if he was doing anything in collusion with Shan Shen.

Li Shao pursed his lower lip and tried his best to make his words as good as possible: "I also think that the questions Master Shan asked are very reasonable, and I also feel that they are full of doubts and strange.

 But it happened almost a year ago, and Erchen couldn't recall the specific situation at the moment.

 It was because you asked him why he changed his bodyguards that he remembered such a thing.

But I really can’t remember which day the CiBiao was given to Eunuch Hu, before the eighth day of the Lunar New Year or after the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. "

   That said, the Holy Spirit actually listened to it.

 It is human nature to not be able to remember clearly.

Suddenly asked by Shan Shen, if Shao'er answered clearly and clearly, he seemed to have come prepared and had already made a draft of Geng Baoyuan's matter.

However, not remembering clearly does not mean that you do not know the truth.

The Holy Emperor did not pursue the question, but instead asked Wang Gouzi: "The people working around you must be reliable. The newly transferred one has been with you for a few days. What do you think?"

 “Are you a bitch?” Li Shao said, “He is active in doing things, he is also flexible, and he can be used easily by his subordinates.”

The Holy Emperor nodded, seemingly casually: "It seems that things were not done properly a year ago. If Shan Shen wants to question Liu Xun and Qian Hu again, it will take a month or two to go back and forth."

 Li Shao smiled.

 Why did you come back again?

He did not dare to sit any longer, so he quickly stood up and said, "If my father has nothing else to say, I will go to the Ministry of Rites."

"Go," the Holy Emperor signaled to him, "you are watching the government at the Ministry of Rites. If Shuntian Mansion wants to investigate, let them investigate. Those who should cooperate should cooperate."

 Li Shao responded.

After leaving the Imperial Study Room, he strode forward and walked through the long palace corridor. When he faced the cold wind, he couldn't help coughing.

 The dog chased him all the way, and when he saw that he looked worried, he kept his mouth shut.

At this moment, even relief is looking for scolding.

 But you can't ignore His Highness' cough.

Wang Gouzi hurriedly handed the stove to him: "Your Highness, I was just in the imperial study room. I asked someone to prepare a warm one."

Li Shao took it and said in a loud voice: "What do you think of the belt card?"

Wang Gouzi said: "The wind is strong here..."

The seat he was standing on was the wind outlet, which blocked Li Shao from the wind. He shivered with cold as soon as he opened his mouth.

Upon seeing this, Li Shao had no intention of continuing to suffer from the cold. He covered his head and walked out of the palace gate, along the Thousand-Step Corridor to the Ministry of Rites.

As soon as he walked in, the officials and minor officials who had heard about the morning incident all looked over, with curiosity and doubt in their eyes.

When Li Shao looked at him, he felt something was wrong and turned his head in a hurry.

 After the turn was over, I realized that I still had to say hello to His Highness, but I could only turn back and salute with a low eyebrow.

Li Shao saw this and was annoyed in his heart. He walked into the study and sat down behind the desk. He spread out a book casually, but his mind was not on it.

“Gouzi,” Li Shao called, “what do you think Shan Shen will find out?”

There were no outsiders in this room, and Wang Gouzi was still very cautious. He took a step forward and said to Li Shao in a low voice: "Your Highness, you are asking the younger one now.

The younger one didn't recognize Geng Baoyuan, nor did he know what kind of temper Qian Hu and Liu Xun were, or why they were so hostile that they had to leave such a confession in Shuntian Mansion.

The little ones only know that when they open or close their mouths, they get you into trouble. "

Li Shao hummed: "It's really troublesome."

"The matter has reached this point. We can only let Shuntian Prefecture investigate the case carefully. Since you have no knowledge, Shuntian Prefecture will not be able to wrongly accuse you." Wang Gouzi said.

Li Shao said: "I think Shan Shen has bad intentions."

"You are the crown prince," Wang Gouzi did not dare to add fuel to the fire, "If you have no proof, the Holy Emperor will not listen to you."

 It sounds like this is true, but Li Shao feels that things are not that simple.

Shan Shen didn't want to settle the case, and when he was about to seal it, he suddenly took the case in another direction, even this direction was completely opposite to the interests of Shuntian Mansion.

Shan Shen would rather be accused of not investigating the case carefully and being unreliable than to involve him in Geng Baoyuan's disappearance. It cannot be just for casual investigation...

 Shan Shen must have his own purpose.

 When the old matter of Geng Baoyuan was brought up again, Li Shao himself was the first to be affected.

How could he not think more about this?

Li Shao thought that he could not overestimate Shan Shen now.

"You," Li Shao waved to Wang Gouzi, gesturing for him to come closer, "I don't have anyone around me that I can rely on right now. Do you have any clues? Is Shan Shen hanging out with Xu Jian these days? Go together?"

 “The Duke of Fu?” Wang Gouzi’s eyes flashed, “How could His Highness mention that the Duke of Fu…Gong Fu is recovering from his injuries.”

Li Shao clicked his tongue and did not continue to ask.

What Li Shao didn't expect was that while he "taken a step back" for the time being, Shuntian Mansion took a big step forward.

 In the afternoon, Shan Shen even visited the Ministry of Rites. "Excuse me, excuse me. I need to ask the crown prince for advice on some matters. I know that His Highness is very busy with government affairs, so I didn't invite His Highness to Shuntian Mansion. I came here myself. Feng Shangshu, my lords, please lend me a place, lend me a place."

Shan Shen arrived openly and openly, carrying a food box in his hand and handed it to Feng Shangshu.

“The dim sum made by the restaurant not far from our Yamen is not bad. Please try it, Mr. Feng.”

Polite, long-sleeved and good at dancing, he didn't look like he was asking questions, but more like he was just visiting, which made Li Shao's eyelids jump.

Shan Shen pretended not to notice Li Shao's dissatisfaction. He took another box from his master and gave it to Wang Gouzi. He turned to look at Li Shao and said, "Your Highness, the Duke of Fuguo tasted it before and said it was good. You also..."

 Li Shao's face became increasingly ugly.

Shan Shen, which pot is this and which one should not be opened?

 Xu Jian eats well, so he must eat too?

 Did this person do it on purpose?

"That's right," Shan Shen cleared his throat, his businesslike tone returning to a gentle tone, "on the tenth day of the first lunar month, did His Highness blame Liu Xun?"

 Li Shao raised his eyebrows.

"Liu Xun entered the palace that day, and there is this entry in the palace gate records," Shan Shen said. "And that afternoon, the Liu family invited a doctor, and Liu Xun was kicked on the shoulder, leaving a large bruise. According to that A doctor recalled that Liu Xun and the Liu family were very cautious at the time and gave him a lot of money to keep it secret.

Your Highness, can you tell me what happened in the East Palace that day? "

 When Shan Shen said this, Li Shao naturally remembered the situation that day.

He saw that Qian Hu was absent-minded, and after questioning, he found out that Geng Baoyuan was missing, that they had planned to rob someone, and that the robbery was caused by Liu Xun. He was so angry that he called Liu Xun to confront him, and he was stunned by what he saw. the result of.

He had no intention of robbing anyone at all. He didn’t even know the name of the girl Liu Xun told Geng Baoyuan. He was arranged by his subordinates without knowing it.

How can Li Shao not be angry about this?

I was angry with them for causing trouble, and angry with them for robbing someone but themselves instead, so I kicked Liu Xun.

 But this happened in the East Palace, how could Shan Shen...

"Who did Mr. Shan listen to?" Li Shao asked, "I still thought you found something. You are so clueless. Since Mr. Shan is asking me, you might as well speak frankly and tell me your inference."

Rather than being questioned and questioned by Shan Shen after he said something, Li Shao simply gave up the initiative and saw what Shan Shen had to say.

Wang Gouzi was anxious and said hurriedly: "It's cold outside, so it's better to talk inside."

 Let’s talk after closing the door!

 It is not a good thing to have so many people gathered around to listen.

Shan Shen looked around and was not surprised.

  Everyone will weigh things carefully when it comes to the prince. They are afraid of causing harm to the fish in the pond, but they cannot override their curiosity. No matter where their eyes are looking at this moment, their ears are open to listen.

Even Feng Shangshu is no exception.

Shan Shen paid no attention to Wang Gouzi and said: "It concerns Liu Xun. I went to the Fuguo Duke's Mansion to inquire about the situation with Mrs. Xu.

According to Mrs. Xu’s recollection, Liu Xun had an injury on his shoulder on the tenth day of the lunar month. He mentioned that he had been kicked by you, but because of his different status, the Liu family did not complain at that time.

I have asked the doctor whom the Liu family hired at that time, and also asked the palace guards, and they were all right.

 The tenth day of the lunar month happened to be the third day since Geng Baoyuan disappeared, so I had to come to ask for advice from His Highness.

 Did Liu Xun introduce the target and Geng Baoyuan failed, and you blamed Qian Hu and Liu Xun for this, and kicked Liu Xun out of anger? "

Li Shao was so angry that he clenched his back molars.

 Oral confession? How could Shan Shen get such a confession?

 Liu Xun was stupid enough to tell his mother that he was kicked?

Li Shao couldn’t believe it.

 How will he refute Shan Shen?

 The story of what happened is exactly the same as what Shan Shen said. The only difference is the role he, Li Shao, played in it.

Shan Shen regarded him as the mastermind, and he was obviously the one who was dragged down.

 Just, how can he prove himself?

Especially when he insists that he did not know anything about Geng Baoyuan's gambling debts or robbery, how can he prove it to himself?

 Overthrow the previous rhetoric?

Li Shao's throat rolled up and he said coldly: "I knew there was something about Xu Jian here!"

 What Mrs. Xu? !

Xu Jian ordered Ning An to do many things in order to control him. His wife could take advantage of him, and so could his mother.

Shan Shen and Xu Jian are really angry at the same nostril!

"Liu Xun has been to the East Palace and asked a doctor. Can his injuries be blamed on me?" Li Shao couldn't help but raise his voice, "Master Shan, Liu Xun is not dead and Qian Hu is also alive. Ask them , ask them carefully, did I tell them to kidnap some girl?"

"Your Highness, please don't be angry. I'm still investigating intensively," Shan Shencai said, not afraid of Li Shao's anger. "It's true that those two people are far away from the capital, and questioning will take time. I can only start from the situation that I can control in the capital."

Li Shao said: "Master Shan and Xu Jian really have a tacit understanding. Xu Jian recovered from his injuries, and Master Shan went to the Duke's Mansion."

"Mrs. Xu is now living in the Duke's Mansion, and I have no choice but to disturb her," Shan Shen said. "I will continue to investigate. If there is any progress, I will report it to His Highness in time."

 After speaking, he bowed respectfully, greeted Feng Shangshu and others, and turned to leave.

Li Shao was helpless by Shan Shen's slippery temperament, so he went back to the house first, leaving the others looking at each other.

They are all old people in the officialdom, how can they not see something?

On the tenth day of the lunar month, something must have happened in the East Palace. Even if His Highness didn’t know about Geng Baoyuan’s scandal before, he knew about it after that day.

There is indeed an undercurrent between His Highness and the Duke of Fu. In fact, at the beginning of the year when the government was inspecting the government, all the people in the Ministry of Rites who were discerning were more or less aware of it.

Unexpectedly, one year has passed and the contradictions seem to have become more serious.

 At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, His Highness was in danger, and the Duke of Guo spared no effort to rescue him, and his injuries worsened.

This is really...

Outside the Yamen, Shan Shen took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly.

In fact, he did not see Mrs. Xu. He was invited to the Duke's Mansion in the morning. He only saw the Duke Fu and learned about the situation from the Duke. It was the Duke who suggested that he do not need to wait for more evidence and come directly to His Highness. Asked here.

That's true. The suggestion made his head swell with seeds and almost explode.

 Good guy, what a good guy!

The Duke of Guo still has such information in his hands. He didn't mention it at the beginning of the year. He didn't mention it when Liu Xun and Qian Hu were fighting. He didn't mention it when he asked him to dig mountains. He didn't mention it when he asked him to launch an attack in Jinluan Palace. He didn't mention it when he was hiding it. Seriously!

Shan Shen didn’t believe that Xu Jian only found out the inside story after seeing the waist badge.

There are many roads and methods in Fuguo. He might have known where the badge was buried early in the morning. He might even know the whereabouts of Geng Baoyuan and who the target was who was kidnapped that day.

Even if you have a pure heart, but let him touch it cautiously, and then touch it again, you are not afraid of being touched by him!

From Shan Shen's point of view, if the Duke of Fu Guo had mastered so many things and laid them out one by one, he would undoubtedly be "testing" the Holy Spirit's bottom line. It was not surprising that the Holy Spirit would be angry and deal with both of them.

Having said that, even if the Holy One doesn't deal with them, His Highness the Prince has already been made furious by his way of talking a little, hiding a little, and revealing a little more. If he does this twice, I'm afraid it will start a prairie fire.

 But unfortunately, Fu Guogong looked confident.

 Unexpectedly, he had already boarded this pirate ship, and now he was riding the wind and waves, three thousand miles away from the shore...

Think about Tang Sanzang crossing the river in a bottomless boat. Where will the boat under his feet be ferried by the Bodhisattva?

Shan Shen got into the sedan with a sad face.

From the gate of the Ministry of Rites, a small official quietly flashed out, ran westward quickly, and disappeared in a flash.

  Thanks to book friend 20200422080747982 for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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