Yan Cigui

Chapter 373: Are you done with Xu Jian? ! (Two updates in one)

Chapter 373 Are you done with Xu Jian? ! (Two updates in one)

In the Yamen of Taichang Temple, Gu Heng had a booklet spread out in front of him, but his mind was not on it.

Having been there for a long time, I just flipped through two pages at random. Holding a teacup in my hand, I sipped the tea until the water turned cold.

 “Gu Shaoqing, you are so bitter and resentful, what are you thinking about?”

Gu Heng came back to his senses, calmed down a little, and said: "There are some things at home. It's not a big problem, just a little troublesome..."

He spoke to the point where others would not ask him about his family affairs. They would only comfort him by saying, "Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite."

 After finishing dealing with the situation, Gu Heng left the house on the pretext of "having a rest".

Having walked along the corridor, just halfway, I saw a person running in from the outside.

"Sir," the man ran out of breath, his mouth full of white breath, "the little one is back."

Gu Heng glanced around and motioned for the man to follow him.

 The two of them walked to a deserted place.

Gu Heng asked: "What is Shan Shen going to do?"

These days, he has been thinking about His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Duke's injury.

 Intuition told him that the circumstances surrounding Duke Fu’s injury were far from simple, and it was very likely that it had something to do with the prince.

Got to dig deeper...

Unexpectedly, His Highness the Crown Prince would be in trouble again before he could dig out any useful information.

A missing guard, a guard involved in gambling debts and robbery. This case is still in the hands of Shuntian Mansion. As long as His Highness the Crown Prince has the slightest clue, Shan Shen will not let him have an easy time.

 Therefore, as soon as he heard that Shan Shen was going to the Ministry of Rites, Gu Heng asked a confidant to go over and eavesdrop.

The clerk kept his voice low and recounted exactly what he heard.

Gu Heng stroked his beard and frowned little by little.

Shan Shen is indeed an old fox, hooking one hook after another. Your Highness is immature and cannot deal with it at all. However, His Highness cannot stay out of Geng Baoyuan's matter.

 This is a good thing for Gu Heng.

 Another good thing is that there is indeed a rift between His Highness and the Duke of Fuguo. To put it more seriously, it seems that there are many conflicts.


 Is it really related to the injury?

  No matter how you look at it, it won’t become “centrifugal”.

Your Highness thinks that Shan Shen was ordered by Duke Fu to trick him, but what did Duke Fu do to trick the prince?

 The Duke of Fu really dares to trick the prince. Once the Holy Master notices the clues, then he...

Even if Duke Fu married the princess of Ning'an and the matter got serious, the princess would not be able to ask Cining Palace to protect Duke Fu.

 This doesn't make sense.

 What exactly is Fu Guogong going to do?

He, Gu Heng, is for the grandson of the fourth prince, who is his direct relative, and is he assisting the Duke?

 Purpose, every action has its purpose. Duke Fu Guo can’t think that there is no future with His Highness and want to stop being in the same boat with His Highness?

Thinking of this, Gu Heng took a breath.

The cold air entered his throat. By accident, he held onto the wall and choked for a long time.

 It’s not impossible.

 After all, how much trouble has His Highness caused!

When Yumen was closed, although he did not know the inside story, it ended with Duke Fu being seriously injured; in Chenmi Hutong, those disgraceful things about His Highness were caused by Duke Fu, together with Shuntian Mansion and the garrison Yamen, investigating for several days and nights, and found out the ancient The Yue Mission and Li Mi's old friends all got involved to minimize the impact on His Highness; during this hunting in the paddock, it was Duke Fu who once again fought against the blind bear regardless of his health.

There are no more than three things to do!

Who wouldn’t find it annoying to wipe your **** like this all the time?

 It’s not surprising that the Duke of Fu is annoyed, right?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince doesn’t have many abilities. His current status depends entirely on reincarnation.

Instead of following such an helpless Adou, it is better to get off the boat quickly to avoid being implicated again.

Gu Heng lowered his eyes and went back and forth to sort out his thoughts.

 If the auxiliary Duke really has the intention to find another master, then he should try to communicate with the Duke.

The Fourth Highness is too young, and the Holy Emperor does not value him. With a grandfather like him, if he wants to come from behind, he must seek more support.

If you can win over Duke Fu, you will be able to win over Chengyi Bofu, and you can also say a few words in Cining Palace. If you can use this relationship to get closer to An Yibo...

Gu Heng’s abacus was rattling in his heart.

 This step must be taken steadily.

 In fact, not only Gu Heng was wondering about Xu Jian's choice, Shan Shen was also extremely curious.

He walked through these places today and more or less saw the problem.

 The relationship between His Highness and the Duke of Fu Guo cannot be called harmonious.

 The prince was not sober and smart when it came to things, but he had a keen intuition and saw through the way Duke Fu was guiding things.

His Highness relies on this intuition to fight against Duke Fu.

Of course, Shan Shen was not just relying on intuition. He determined through clues that Xu Jian had "bad intentions" towards His Highness. But even he could see that Duke Fu was causing trouble and was deliberately seeking trouble for His Highness. How could these tricks be concealed from His Majesty?

 Is the Duke really not afraid of His Majesty’s anger?

 Marrying Princess Ning'an and relying on Cining Palace as a backer can you have such confidence?

Shan Shen gets a toothache just thinking about it.

  That's all, the Duke of Fu is not afraid of provoking the prince or angering the Holy Emperor. What is he afraid of?

  Even if the sky falls, the Duke of Fu is still tall.

 Then, when it got dark, Duke Fuguo sent another gift to Shuntian Mansion.

The things were sent by Xuansu. It was dinner time, and the Duke Fuguo's Mansion also sent a jar of good wine.

Shan Shen held the wine jar in his left hand and the envelope in his right hand, and sighed: "What kind of evidence is this?"

Xuan Su said: "Yue Niang is Liu Xun's concubine. Before she left, she left a letter, and this is it."

Shan Shen couldn't get up or down in one breath. It took him a long time to regain his composure and asked, "Why didn't you give me this important thing this morning? Didn't you give it to me yesterday? Didn't you give it to me a few days ago?"

Xuan Su said seriously: "It's not that I won't give it, Master Shan. I just found this."

Shan Shen chuckled.

 He believes the devil!

 Even if you don’t believe it, the more evidence the better.

Shan Shen put down the wine bottle, opened the envelope, and took out the letter paper. The more he looked at it, the more serious his expression became.

 He asked people to go to the warehouse and find out the fraud case files from last year.

At that time, the case involved Yueniang. She came to the house to record a confession, signed and stamped it, and left her handwriting.

At this time, I turned it over and saw that the handwriting matched the words on the envelope, and I could see that it was written by Yue Niang herself.

"Please tell the Duke that I have received the letter. I will check it carefully and ask His Highness again," Shan Shen said.

After Xuan Su left, Shan Shen picked up the wine jar again and let out a long sigh.

 It’s better to die drunk!

It is true that if the sky falls, it will hit the tall person, but before the sky falls, he lights firecrackers one after another, and he is also panicking!

"On the second day of the first lunar month..." Shan Shen rubbed his heart, "Go to this place to check and see if anyone remembers it."

Shuntian Mansion was busy for most of the night again. When he went to court the next day, Shan Shen was in very ordinary spirits. Just by looking at his face, you could tell that he was troubled by the case.

Ruan Shangshu and Shi Rui saw this and exchanged glances. Although Shuntian Prefecture excluded them all, they were also concerned about the progress, and even more concerned about whether they would be involved.

 “Are there any new clues?” Ruan Shangshu asked.

Shi Rui said: "Master Shan, everyone wants to find out the facts of the case, and we don't want to be confused. We can understand your persistence, but after all, the crown prince is involved. You are not so naive that 'the prince commits a crime and is guilty of the same crime as the common people', right?" "

“I’m afraid Geng Baoyuan is already dead, and he won’t be able to involve the prince. You must not get into trouble.”

Shan Shen responded with a smile, the corners of his mouth were neither high nor low, and there was no smile at all in his eyes.

Is this something he is taking advantage of?

 He was obviously on a pirate ship, so he could only row the oar as hard as he could!

Of course, Shan Shen more or less listened to what these two people said. At least, he did not mention the new clues in the morning. He would go to the Ministry of Rites to ask His Highness after the next court.

This is what Shan Shen thought. In the Jinluan Palace, he stood in the queue honestly, hunching his neck like a quail.

 But some people were not satisfied with his quail, and Gu Heng even took the initiative to ask about the case.

"This..." Shan Shen could only stand in the center of the hall and considered, "It's still under investigation..."

 After saying that, he raised his head and quickly glanced at the prince and the emperor.

 The prince looked cold and suppressed his dissatisfaction.

The Holy Master's eyes were so intense that Dan Shen was about to sweat.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to touch the sweat, Shan Shen paused suddenly. He seemed to read "encouragement" in the eyes of the Holy Master?

 Did you make a mistake?

Shan Shen was surprised, looked up again, and met His Majesty's gaze.

 What a good guy, he is actually full of encouragement.

 The Holy Spirit actually encouraged him to actively ask questions and take the initiative to question?


For a while, Shan Shen could not fully understand the holy intention, but he at least understood why Duke Fu was so bold.

 As expected, he was a close minister deeply trusted by the Holy Emperor.

  No wonder the Duke of the State would say that the thunder and raindrops are loud, but they do not hit Shuntian Mansion.

 This layout turned out to be in compliance with the Holy Spirit’s ideas.

Then he, Shen Shen, can't go against the Holy One, right?

The Holy Spirit wanted him to ask, but if he didn't ask, wouldn't he have become a fool?

Shan Shen took a deep breath and gained confidence: "I would like to ask Your Highness, do you still have an impression of Liu Xun's concubine?"

Li Shao pursed his lower lip.

When he was asked suddenly, he actually couldn't remember the woman's name, but the face was still reflected in his mind, with willow eyebrows and red phoenix eyes, which made the tear mole particularly scorching.

"Sir, please speak up if you have something to say," Li Shao's throat rolled up. "I said it yesterday. If you have evidence, bring it out. If you don't have evidence, don't ask questions here and there!"

Upon hearing this, Shan Shen took out the envelope from his sleeve and said, "The name of the foreigner is Yue Niang. This is the handwriting she left before leaving Beijing. It has been compared with the handwriting she left on the Shuntian Mansion case file. , it’s definitely handwritten.”

"It says that on the second day of the first lunar month, Liu Xun asked her to go to the theater to listen to a play. She met His Highness in the private room. During the play, she noticed that you had been looking at her and that you had no good intentions towards her."

“Yue Niang was frightened and later mentioned the matter to Liu Xun, but Liu Xun vaguely revealed that he wanted her to serve His Highness, so Yue Niang had to pretend not to understand and deal with it.”

"In mid-April, Liu Xun once drunkenly spilled the beans about how Geng Baoyuan had kidnapped someone but disappeared. Yue Niang knew that the girl was in danger just because she looked very similar to her, and she felt terrified inside. He was also afraid that the prince would bring up the old story again and Liu Xun would really sacrifice her, so he left a letter and fled the capital. "

“I sent people to the theater to inquire and found out that there were indeed distinguished guests going to the theater on the second day of the Lunar New Year.”

“The testimony written in Yue Niang’s handwriting is consistent with the testimony obtained previously.”

"Your Highness, you fell in love with Yue Niang, so Liu Xun, Geng Baoyuan, and Qian Hu thought about it and robbed her. Is that what happened?"

Shan Shen finished speaking in one breath, looking at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, no matter what Li Shao's reaction was.

Li Shao was stunned when he heard this.

He knew that Liu Xun was a bastard, but he didn't expect that **** to let the outer room leave such a letter.

 No, it shouldn’t be.

 The letter was also left to Liu Xun. Would Liu Xun be so stupid as not to destroy the letter?

"Sir Shan," Li Shao said word by word, "you forged evidence? You said it was her handwriting, so it was her handwriting? What you compared was the archives of your Shuntian Mansion, they are all your words!"

Shan Shen knelt down with a puff, but his back was straight: "I did not forge the handwriting. Your Highness cannot trust the Shuntian Mansion's appraisal. You can also ask other officials to come to Shuntian Mansion for comparison. I know that Geng Baoyuan's case involves Your Highness, you don’t dare to be negligent in the slightest, and you definitely don’t dare to cause trouble randomly.”

Li Shao's face turned red with anger.

He had already remembered the second day of the first lunar month mentioned in the confession, but he did not believe that the people in the theater would remember what happened a year ago.

 Moreover, he left the palace incognito, so no one knew his identity!

He did look at Yueniang a few times, but he had never asked Liu Xun for a favor. How could he accept a woman who had been with Liu Xun for so long?

 Wearing Liu Xun’s worn-out shoes? Is Liu Xun worthy? !

What happened next was even more inexplicable. He had already said it many times. He had no idea what Liu Xun and Geng Baoyuan were doing behind his back, and he had never given any orders!

 But it doesn’t make sense!

“Tell me, how did you get this book?” Li Shao asked.

Shan Shen did not testify against the Duke of Fuguo. He only said: "According to the rules, Shuntian Prefecture should protect people and evidence, but I can't say anything."

 “You!” Li Shao was so angry that he slapped the armrest heavily.

 It must be Xu Jian!

 Don’t think he can’t guess it!

"Okay!" The Holy Emperor turned his head and looked at Li Shao. He didn't say anything. He just stood up and got down from the throne. He walked to Dan Shen and gave him a cold look. "It's really a mess!"

 After saying that, he strode out of the palace.

When Eunuch Cao saw this, he quickly called out to retreat and pursued him with a guard of honor.

Li Shao also stood up and stood down, gritted his teeth and asked Shan Shen: "Are you and Xu Jian done?!"

Shan Shen gritted his teeth and said, "Best regards, Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

After Gong sent him away, the Jinluan Palace suddenly became lively and there was a lot of discussion.

Shan Shen didn't bother to listen, so he just picked up his feet and walked away.

 Stay here and wait to be surrounded and asked?

 The news from this morning will spread in Qianbu Corridor in a short time.

Of course, it didn’t take long for everything to reach the Fuguo Palace.

Lin Yunyan had just finished breakfast and was walking around the house to eat.

 Xu Jian looked at her and said, "This fire is enough to make Li Shao uncomfortable."

Lin Yunyan also laughed.

 That handwritten letter was sent to Shuntian Mansion by Xuan Su.

At that time, she made a deal with Yueniang to help Yueniang leave the capital. This handwritten letter, which was 70% true and 30% false, was one of the conditions.

Of course Liu Xun did not make a drunken gaffe, and Yue Niang did not want to slander Liu Xun, but those things really happened. She hesitated, but still followed Lin Yunyan's ideas and wrote this handwritten letter.

Lin Yunyan holds the letter in her hand in case of emergency.

 Unexpectedly, it has been more than half a year, and it has finally become useful.

 Thinking about it, Li Shao should be "satisfied" with this unexpected gift. She would have to work harder to prepare another big gift for Li Shao.

What should I say about Li Shao? He is definitely not smart, but he is very intuitive when it comes to some malicious intentions directed at him.


Monthly tickets will be doubled starting from the 29th. Please stock up if you have tickets. Thank you.



 (End of this chapter)

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