Yan Cigui

Chapter 379: Just this bit of craftsmanship (five thousand dollars)

Chapter 379: Just this bit of craftsmanship (5,000 chapters, please vote for me)

Lin Yunyan returned to the flower hall.

Xu Jian was still sitting on the couch, holding a tea cup and drinking slowly.

Seeing Lin Yunyan come back, Xu Jian leaned over and took the one she used originally, poured the cold tea in it, and added hot water.

"Today's jujube paste cake is good," Xu Jian pushed the tea cup over, "it goes well with tea."

Lin Yunyan smiled with her eyes bent.

Now that Li Shao is gone, the two of them don't need to pretend to be serious in their own homes. On the contrary, they are relaxed a lot because the progress is going smoothly.

"Master Gu is really a good clock," Lin Yunyan commented while biting into the jujube cake. After thinking about it, she added, "You said earlier that You Yushi has a personal relationship with Master Gu, so he should be the vanguard of the attack. Then Yushi Zhen Where did it come from again?"

Xu Jian sipped her tea and relaxed her brows: "If I'm not wrong, it might be Taishi Fei."

Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows.

 She is definitely not as clear as Xu Jian about the personnel in the court.

"Yushi Zhen was on the 23rd list of Taixing. The examiner that year was Master Fei, the then Minister of Rites, who is now Grand Master Fei," Xu Jian said, "Master Zhen is considered a disciple of Grand Master Fei. Among the disciples, they don’t seem to be close enough.”

Those who can sit on the throne of the Three Dukes have naturally worked hard in the court for many years. It is not an exaggeration to say that "the sky is full of peaches and plums".

As for the relationship between candidates and the examiner, it is not an exaggeration to call them "teacher" respectfully. However, there are few teachers and too many students. Only a very small number of students either fall in love with the teacher's temper, or fall in love with the teacher, or are able to After a few connections, they ended up having close contacts and harmonious relationships. Most of them were just for face, and some even had different political views, different camps, and even enemies.

 Zhen Yushi, among the many students of Fei Taishi, on the surface, is not really a "fellow traveler".

We met respectfully in the Qianbu Corridor and just bowed. During the holidays, I couldn’t even go to the Grand Master’s Mansion to send some New Year gifts. I wasn’t close enough, and I would be suspected of clinging to him.

"I also discovered once that Yushi Zhen has been cooperating with Grand Master Fei's ideas." Xu Jian said.

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly and did not ask "once" in detail.

 Must be one of those chaotic times.

Just as Xu Jian said, it is precisely because he has gone through so many years repeatedly that he can discover the details that others cannot see from those years. It is those tiny corners that make up for them little by little. Now.

“Your Majesty had previously discussed with Sangong about deposing the crown prince,” Xu Jian continued, “Master Fei understood your Majesty’s thoughts and saw Li Shao’s old affairs being discussed in Qianbulang, so he simply took advantage of this opportunity.

 It's just that he and Mr. Zhen don't seem to have much contact on the surface, so others will not think of him.

 I guess, maybe even the Holy One doesn’t know. "

Lin Yunyan smiled: "It's better if you don't even know."

Gu Heng has a long history of attacking the prince, and since his interests are related, no one will think twice about it.

And if other people associate Master Zhen's rebuke with Grand Master Fei's opinion, and then think of the subtle expressions on the three men's faces when they came out of the royal study together not long ago, they might be able to appreciate it.

It is precisely for this reason that Master Fei asked Master Zhen to come forward without anyone noticing.

Lin Yunyan used another jujube cake and said, "I almost laughed just now."

 Xu Jian raised his eyes to look at her.

Although the little princess didn't say it clearly, he could understand the meaning of her words.

Thinking of the scene just now, Xu Jian raised the corners of her lips slightly and echoed: "Indeed."

Looking at each other, Lin Yunyan's eyes widened and her smile became a little brighter: "The dog was so anxious that he almost barked at Li Shao."

How else can we say "this time and that time"?

When Feng's servant followed Li Shao, in addition to ensuring that Li Shao would not make any big mistakes and that the Holy Father could get by with the father-son friendship, the other thing was to ask Li Shao to pick something for Xu Jian. For a moment, it would be best if Xu Jian could get into trouble.

 When Feng’s servant falls into the hands of Eunuch Cao, will the man behind the scenes stop extending his hand to the East Palace?

 The one who was put in was a Wanggouzi.

 Obviously, it belongs to Yongji Palace, and it is also Yongji Palace that will be ordered by the Holy Spirit.

 It's just that the emperor moved the deposed prince to warn Li Shao.

Just after the servant Feng appeared with ulterior motives, the emperor was able to let Li Shao easily transfer the servant from Yongji Palace to the East Palace. With the acumen of the people behind the scenes, how could he not be aware of the emperor's thoughts?

Hence, the situation is completely reversed now.

 Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan followed the holy will to cause trouble for Li Shao. Wang Gouzi had to find ways to stabilize Li Shao and prevent him from causing trouble.

If the two armies were really facing each other and arrayed in formation, they should have been evenly matched, but Li Shao had too many things to grab onto. If the people behind the scenes didn't come forward in person, how could they just rely on Wang Gouzi to patch things up?

This made Li Shao's winter clothes leaky and there was no warm spot on his body.

"Had I known this," Xu Jian commented, "he would definitely not have allowed Feng Nei to do anything provocative."

If the princess comes to ask for tiger bones, she will immediately search the warehouse; if Xu Jian has a real injury or a fake injury, let alone jogging a few steps on the rockery in Zhangping Garden, even if he jumps into the pool and swims back and forth, he has to tell the prince, " The Duke's leg is badly injured."

Of course, going forward, Liu Xun should not be planning to lure the prince to Chenmi Hutong.

 The idea there is simple.

 Wine is a poison that penetrates the intestines, and color is a steel knife for scraping bones.

Li Shao is easily tempted at his age. Once he gets used to the distinctive smoky atmosphere, his mind and spirit will be affected. Over time, no matter how well he hides it on the surface, it will become empty on the inside.

 He is still the crown prince, but he is also an easy one to manipulate.

Just like before, Li Shao was the sharp blade that cut off An Yibo and other wise and distinguished nobles. But when they were no longer able to protect the order of the court, relying on the weaknesses in their hands, the man behind the scenes could easily cut them off again. Drag down Li Shao who has no other use.

 However, he didn't expect that Xu Jian noticed Chen Mi Hutong.

Things went awry and the house had to be thrown out, so he used Dao Heng as bait and asked Li Shao to avoid it.

Xu Jian took advantage of his plan and made Li Shao so angry that he appeared in the house again, and this was how he started the subsequent series of tail-cutting actions.

What's worse is that the bad reputation that was attached to His Highness the Crown Prince at that time has not changed with time, and is now being used by Xu Jian again.

 The layout of "Hao Hao" was used backhand by Xu Jian and her. Lin Yunyan would know how the person behind the scenes felt after thinking about it.

 It is light to say that it has all kinds of mixed flavors.

 This is why she felt so refreshed after slamming the door shut.

Since she had to go to the palace later, Lin Yunyan did not delay, looked at Xu Jian's face carefully, then turned to Xu Bai to get a basin of hot water.

“Wash the powder off your face first, I won’t like it,” she said.

 Xu Jian was helpless.

 Can’t stand it? It was clear that each stroke was painted by the little princess herself, just to present a "white with gray" and extremely poor mental state.

 She used all the time she had to wait for Li Shao.

If it hadn't been longer, it wouldn't be suitable, and the little princess would have to work on it more carefully.

 Xu Bai came with a basin and put it on the table.

 Xu Jian stood up and was about to wipe her face with a handkerchief when she saw Wan Yue open her purse and take out a small silver box, which contained the fragrant beads Lin Yunyan used to cleanse her face every day.

Putting the box down, Wan Yue said, "You have to make this. The powders and pastes used by the princess are the best. They won't show any makeup on your face and won't be sticky even if you sweat. It's not easy to wash with water."

 Xu Jian:…

Picking up the fragrant beads, he couldn't help but glance at Lin Yunyan.

It's not that he can't accept the things these women use. They are all used to clean people up and look decent. There's nothing she can use that he can't use.

My grandfather once said when he was still alive that when he went to the battlefield, his face was stained with blood and his body was covered by the wind and sand, but when he retired from the war, he had to look like a human being and be clean. Especially when he returned to the capital, they were military generals and nobles. Not to mention the beautiful scenery, but it can't be sloppy or sloppy and makes you feel bad just looking at it.

Xu Jian was just thinking that the little princess was already fair-skinned and had a good complexion. It didn’t look much different whether she applied powder or not, but she just loved applying makeup and never tired of applying makeup every day.

 Even when I described it to him today, I was very excited.

I don’t even know what she was thinking. Others all used pink and white to describe her face, but the little princess even prepared some dusty powder that she didn’t need on a daily basis.

 It means to be prepared for any emergencies, and it is indeed put to use.

Xu Jian rubbed the perfume beads and scrubbed them carefully. When he raised his head again, his complexion was already healthy, with only some traces left on his temples and chin.

Thinking that she couldn't distinguish the details when she wiped the water with her eyes closed, Lin Yunyan motioned Xu Jian to sit down, took the handkerchief, bent down and wiped it with him.

The breath was filled with the smell of fragrant beads, and for a moment I couldn't tell who was wearing it.

Xu Jian looked at the person close at hand, her long eyelashes fluttering slightly, making her eyes more and more pulsating.

 His Adam's apple rolled down and he asked, "Have you wiped it clean?"

“One more thing.” Lin Yunyan replied, and she straightened up after making sure that there were no omissions.


 It’s pleasing to the eye. This kind of complexion suits Xu Jian.

That gray, sickly look was what she described, but she really didn’t like it at all.

"With my little skills, I can only trick the prince." Lin Yunyan threw the handkerchief back into the basin, holding Xu Jian's face and looking around, "If you change it to someone more powerful, you might be able to see through it."

The prerequisites for being able to see through are, firstly, to be proficient in this art, and secondly, to be close enough, both of which Li Shao was unable to do.

He doesn’t understand this. Even if he gets closer, he’s just a few punches away. How can he tell the difference?

Xu Jian put Lin Yunyan's finger on her cheek and asked, "Who is more powerful?"

"Mother Wang," Lin Yunyan answered without hesitation, "that is the art of turning decay into magic."

 Xu Jian laughed.

The little princess has high ambitions and is comparable to Grandma Wang.

 If you compare it with another person, you won’t be able to come to the conclusion that it’s just a little bit of craftsmanship.

Lin Yunyan was in a good mood, so she asked Wan Yue for some ointment, took some and spread it in her palms, then pressed her hands on Xu Jian's face, rubbing it back and forth randomly without paying attention to the technique or the severity.

Xu Jian didn't move or hide. Anyway, the little princess had thin skin and tender flesh, and her hand was only so strong, so it didn't hurt at all.

Lin Yunyan wiped it on without any rules and evenly, then she put Xu Jian's cheek against the back of her hand and said, "I'm going to the palace right now."

 Xu Jian smiled and said "Okay".

Not long after, the gorgeous carriage drove out of the Duke Fuguo's Mansion and headed straight for the West Palace Gate.

In the square, Wan Yue swung her feet to help Lin Yunyan come down. The guards at the palace gate saw the princess's face was sullen and a little angry.

 When Lin Yunyan changed the sedan chair and went to Cining Palace, the guards looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all a little confused.

“Princess, what’s wrong? In the past, when we met, we all smiled and said ‘Thank you’, but we said it just now, but there was no smile at all.”

 “Did you have a quarrel with the Duke?”

"Is it impossible? The princess and the Duke have a good relationship, everyone knows it."

 “Who’s husband and wife don’t quarrel? No matter how good the relationship is, there will be times when they argue.”

 “I heard that the prince just left the Duke’s Mansion not long ago…”

 “Did the prince provoke the princess?”

"Hey, haven't you heard? Yesterday, there was a definite rumor at Qianbulang that the prince was at Yumen Pass..."

In the Imperial City, the hardest thing to spread is news, and the easiest thing to spread is actually news. It depends on who is more capable of stopping or dispersing.

Soon, rumors started to spread from everywhere.

 The prince's visit to the Duke's Mansion seemed to have annoyed Princess Ning'an.

The prince is so unreasonable, why does he go to the Duke's Mansion to show off his power?

When the princess entered Cining Palace, her face was so dark that even her father-in-law asked cautiously.

But in fact, Lin Yunyan had a straight face when she walked into the Cining Palace. When she saw the Empress Dowager, she got a few "hearts". When only Grandma Wang was left in the inner palace, she straightened her eyebrows and gave the Empress Dowager a sweet smile. .

The Queen Mother raised her hand and patted her: "You can still smile."

"You can't really cry," Lin Yunyan said softly, "I just followed the instructions of the Holy One step by step, and I pretended to show my displeasure to others..."

 The Queen Mother sighed.

 What else can I say?

If the prince had not been really dishonorable, the Holy Spirit would not have tried to temper him by deposing him.

If it weren't for the prince to gain some wisdom and straighten himself out, why would Xu Jian, Yun Yan and the others have to rack their brains to make a plan?

Regardless of whether they know the inside story or are completely unaware, it is still difficult for the courtiers to get involved.

“Don’t sigh,” Lin Yunyan said, “I’m going to tell you something fun. Just now that the prince came to the house, I put powder on Xu Jian’s face to make him look ugly...”

Even though the Empress Dowager was in a heavy mood, she was still amused by Lin Yunyan and couldn't help laughing.

 When I laugh, the suppressed emotions are relieved a lot, and the whole person becomes more relaxed.

Furthermore, after hearing the interesting stories about Yun Yan and Xu Jian's young couple, we can also see that they get along well with each other, which makes the Queen Mother feel more comfortable.

Grandma Wang also laughed along with her: "The Duke is really good-tempered. He will do whatever the princess says. If someone else has a bigger temper and has big ideas, he won't listen to his wife at all."

The Empress Dowager liked to hear this, and was satisfied in her heart. She warned: "Don't bully others just because he is in control. Fortunately, he is in the room. If the outside world finds out, they will laugh at him."

"I'm not stupid," Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes and deliberately made a silent gesture, "I will only tell you and Grandma Wang, but I must never tell anyone else, otherwise he will be laughed at. went."

  "Okay, okay," the Queen Mother said happily, then turned to Grandma Wang and said, "Look at her, she looks like a child after she got married."

“It’s only been a few months since we got married, and we’re not already a mother, so why can’t we just be a child?” Grandma Wang teased, “Princess, is that the truth?”

It may not be right, but if the Queen Mother is happy to hear it, then what she said will not be wrong.

 The people in the palace who were quick to hear the news were guessing what complaint the princess had made to the empress dowager when she entered the palace. No one knew that the inner hall of Cining Palace was full of joy and laughter.

It was cold, the windows were closed, and the sound could not be transmitted. What's more, Cining Palace valued these things, and no one would go outside to gossip, unless the empress dowager ordered it.

 So, when Lin Yunyan left Cining Palace, another wave of news was added.

The princess was still in a bad mood. She was wrapped tightly in her snow coat. In addition, she called the basin in the inner hall, so she must have washed her face after crying.

The empress dowager sent someone to invite the emperor, presumably to make the decision for the princess.

 In the other room, Eunuch Cao entered the royal study and reported in a low voice to the emperor: "Someone is coming from Cining Palace. The Empress Dowager invites you to come over."

The Holy Father raised his head, glanced at the thick folder on the big case, put down his pen and pressed his eyebrows.

“What?” asked the Holy Master, “Have you been to Ning’an?”

Eunuch Cao said: "I heard that I went there. I sat there for half an hour and just left the palace."

The Holy Spirit smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Look, it’s almost time for lunch, but the Empress Dowager only let her pass without mentioning lunch, as if she was so angry that she couldn’t eat.

 “Let’s go,” the Holy Father stood up, “go and listen to what the Queen Mother has to say.”

Sheng Shang drove the Cuning Palace. As soon as he entered, he felt that the atmosphere was very dull. He was less than that of his father -in -law.

 When he walked into the inner temple, he found a different scene inside.

The Empress Dowager was sitting cross-legged on the Arhat bed, with a pile of horse tags spread out on the table beside her. She closed her eyes and touched the cards to guess the cards.

 “Two biscuits,” she said, opening her eyes and turning over the cards, “Sure enough, it is!”

Your Majesty:…

  quite enjoying myself.

Seeing the saint coming, the Queen Mother asked Grandma Wang to collect the things: "I just heard from Yun Yan that the saint asked the prince to go to Fuguogongfu to make amends."

The Holy Father nodded and asked again: "Did Ning An come to complain to you? When I came over, I heard a few words and said that Ning An was so serious that he cried."

"It's just a pretense," the Empress Dowager took a sip of tea, "If others don't know what's going on, doesn't the Holy One know it too? It's all arranged for the sake of the prince. As long as it can be frightened, how can it be true and false to cry? It's Yun Yan is not tired, Ai Jia is tired too."

The Holy Emperor was speechless for a moment and said after a while: "Thank you for your hard work."

“Of course, when you sit in the position of crown prince, you also have corresponding responsibilities,” the empress dowager said. “Similarly, since Ai Jia is the empress dowager, she also has responsibilities for the Ai family.

If you want the country to be peaceful and the people at peace, and if you want the country to be smooth, if you fall into a small position, you want someone who can sit on the dragon's throne to be competent.

 Therefore, the Ai family chose the Holy Emperor among the princes back then. Now that they are thinking that Shaoer will succeed him in the future, how can it be called hard work to temper him?

The Ai family only hopes that Shao'er will mature as soon as possible after this experience. Even if they feel uncomfortable, they should not hold grudges against Yun Yan and Xu Jian for this. "

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit looked moved: "I understand."

 The two talked for a while, and then the Holy Master stood up.

As soon as Shengjia left Cining Palace, he said to Eunuch Cao with a frosty look on his face: "Where is the prince? Let him see me in the imperial study room!"

  I'm piecing it together again. The extra 1000 yuan each from yesterday and today is equal to one additional chapter, and the additional chapter is the chapter completed in the December monthly ticket sprint event.

    A new year, a new month, a new monthly ticket activity has also been registered. If the goal is achieved during the double period, an additional 2,000 words will be added.

So I’m asking for a monthly ticket~~~

   Thanks to book friend iampetty for the reward of 10,000 coins, and thanks to book friend AX for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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