Yan Cigui

Chapter 380: Did this chicken fall? (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket

  When Li Shao came out of the Duke Fu's Mansion in the morning, he couldn't get excited no matter what he thought, and he sat on the carriage with a sullen face.

The handlebar type hesitated and asked Wang Gouzi: "Where are you going?"

 The dog hesitated.

 Normally, we should go to the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites. There are still a few days before the sealing. Since we are here to observe the government, we must pay attention to the beginning and end.

Even if you don’t learn anything or ask anything after you go there, just sitting in the room with the door closed, it’s better than not even showing your face.

But Wang Gouzi also knew Li Shao's temper. The people around Qianbu Corridor were already discussing the matter, and the censors added something to it in the early morning. Today is a busy time, and His Highness will definitely not want to go there.

Even if you close the door and cannot hear, you cannot be "out of sight but pure".

“Go back to the East Palace first?” Wang Gouzi asked in a low voice.

Handbar style only wanted the answer and did not want a discussion. He became increasingly embarrassed and raised his chin towards the carriage: "Can I ask?"

Wang Gouzi didn't want to ask. He gritted his teeth and was about to make up his mind when he heard Li Shao's voice coming from the carriage.

 “Aren’t you leaving yet?”

His Highness’s tone was not kind, so Wang Gouzi had no choice but to get in the car first and asked with lowered eyes: “Your Highness, are you going back to the East Palace?”

 “What are you going back for?” Li Shao asked.

Wang Gouzi didn't care whether Li Shao liked to hear it or not: "How about going to the Rites Yamen?"

As expected, Li Shao frowned: "Apart from these two places, is there no place to go?"

 The dog is chattering.

Li Shao himself also thought about it, and felt that this thought was very boring.

When it comes to going to the paddock, he still remembers the grinning look of the blind bear when he closed his eyes. Even though he knew that he would not be unlucky enough to encounter one again, he still felt timid.

 In the early morning, restaurants and restaurants are boring, and there is no place like Chenmi Hutong that is suitable for him to spend time.

Thinking about it, he felt that he was really unlucky this year.

 I have never been so boring before...


Li Shao suddenly remembered that last winter, he spent a lot of time in Jiangjunfang.

It was too cold to fight crickets and grasshoppers, but the cockfight was very lively. The fierce fighting between the two chickens was unique.

After thinking about it, Li Shao said directly: "Jiangjunfang."

 Wang Gouzi’s face turned pale.

 He naturally knows where Jiangjunfang is.

There is a mixed bag of **** and bad guys, but it is only a business for the rich. There are many dandies coming in and out. At least there is an official in the family who can say a few words in court; of course there are also white people, all relying on their rich family background. When the two parties entered Jiangjunfang, they went their own way and had nothing to do with each other.

There are also those who want to be favored by nobles and find ways to find opportunities. Whether they can succeed in Chengdu depends on their own abilities.

After all, it is such a recreational place, and everyone who comes here has their own status. There are no sleazy people. Unless they are not clear-headed, no one is looking for trouble in there.

It can be said that it is really a serious place...

Cock fighting and cricket fighting, can they be hobbies that can be demonstrated? It's just more convincing than Hualou Gambling House.

Wang Gouzi doesn't want the prince to go to Jiangjunfang, even if he goes there occasionally to relieve his temper, but things are happening one after another today, and there are dangers everywhere. If something happens again in Jiangjunfang, I don't know what the censors will do. Scolding.

 It’s really better to go out for a drink!

Wang Gouzi thought so and suggested this.

 “Is there no wine in Jiangjunfang?” Li Shao asked.

Wang Gouzi wanted to persuade him again, but he received a straight look from Li Shao.

 “Are you the master or am I the master?” he said coldly, “Do I have to listen to you wherever I go?”

Seeing that he was getting angry, Wang Gouzi didn't dare to say anything anymore. Nono agreed and told the handlebars again.

The horse moved forward and headed towards the General's Square.

 It was still morning, and Jiangjunfang was not that lively.

The chief steward has a keen eye. Although he does not know Li Shao's true identity, he can tell that he is a noble person and remember that he came several times last year and spent generously.

After bringing the people in, he went to the private room. As he walked, the chief steward murmured in his heart.

 The guest formation was smaller than last year, and last year they even brought two more guards.

It seems that the people who served around me before were not the same as now, but they should all be from the palace. The ones who have lost their roots are different from ordinary men, and anyone with a sharp eye can see it.

 And those who can be served by eunuchs are not much lower in status.

It was precisely because of this speculation that when Li Shao looked like he was in a bad mood and wanted to have fun, the steward immediately made arrangements.

“It started in the afternoon,” the big steward said flatteringly. “If you want to see it, let them have a fight. The view from the window here is the best. Below is the ring, you can see everything clearly.”

 Li Shao nodded.

Now that the matter has come to this, Wang Gouzi did not try to persuade him any more. Firstly, he could not be persuaded, and secondly, he was afraid that his persuasion would have a negative effect, which made His Highness even more angry.

It would be better to just watch the cockfighting for a while, so that the depression is gone, and leave before the number of tourists in Jiangjunfang becomes more crowded in the afternoon, and maybe no one will notice.

The two roosters were ready to go downstairs, and the wine and food were served in the private room. Li Shao stood by the window with a wine cup.

Amid the crowing of the rooster, the rooster seemed to be about to fly. It came and went, its feathers flying into the sky and swirling in the cold wind.

Li Shao was looking at it so intently that he didn't bother to eat the food and only ate wine one cup at a time. He even thought Wang Gouzi was too slow to refill the wine, so he took the jug and refilled it himself.

Wang Gouzi stayed guarded obediently, his ears hurt from the rooster's crow, and he sighed in his heart. He could only comfort himself over and over again: His Highness seemed to be in a better mood.

 However, Li Shao, who seemed to be in a better mood, had no intention of leaving at all.

The two chickens at the bottom were indeed specially selected by the steward to please the distinguished guests. They were not only brave, but also evenly matched. They attacked quickly and defended tightly. They stopped to observe and pace from time to time. Until nearly noon, there was no winner yet.

Naturally, word of such a fierce battle spread. It was supposed to be a good show of betting on the banker during the last cockfight before the year. I didn't want it to be staged in advance today. I was a little dissatisfied with Jiangjunfang's random changes without advance notice, but I didn't want to really do it. I just missed such an intense event. I was just a bunch of idle dudes, so I came here quickly.

I didn’t see the beginning, and at least the fight didn’t end. Especially when I arrived at the place, I saw that the two chickens were still jumping around, looking like they could fight for another two to three quarters of an hour, or even half an hour. They were all very excited. .

 Not long after, Jiangjunfang became lively, and there was a lot of people cheering for the chicken.

 The dog became even more noisy when he heard it, and he wanted to raise his hands to cover his ears.

 Li Shao is very interesting.

After drinking wine, his whole body was feeling hot, and his depression had indeed dissipated a lot. He even became addicted to alcohol, and after finishing one pot, he asked for another.

Since Jiangjunfang is a place that deals with distinguished customers, the sale of wine is naturally much more expensive than ordinary wine shops outside. However, Li Shao saw that he was not someone who could not afford to spend money, so the steward simply gave six pots and put them on the table. "You are what you drink."

Li Shao didn't care about this little thing. When he was in a good mood, he never thought about whether he drank too much.

The two roosters at the bottom fought for another two-quarters of an hour. One had his left feather damaged, and the other had his neck broken. There were drops of blood on the ring, and there were many scattered feathers.

At this moment, the eyes are red, and it has reached a critical moment. It is fierce, and it also shows a bit of exhaustion. After another round of achievements, the black chicken finally defeated the flower chicken.

Some people cheered, some sighed, some cursed, but no one was finished and urged the steward to start another round. The steward knew that the other guests had some objections to the show held today for the distinguished guests. It was both an apology and a way to make money, so he quickly cleared the ring and started another round.

This round is also played by two good fighters, you can tell by looking at their posture.

  The spectators became more and more lively and excited. Li Shao drank several glasses of wine one after another, and his eyes and neck were all red.

This round still did not disappoint. The first quarter of an hour was full of trials and tribulations, but then the fierceness slowly emerged. He flew into the air and raised his wings, which was extremely intense.

  The already high interest of the spectators became even more intense and they cheered continuously.

And Li Shao shook his head while holding the wine glass: "The mustard feathers and the golden distance are so colorful. From morning to sundown, the victory or defeat is still indistinguishable."

Wang Gouzi looked at Li Shao when he heard the sound.

In fact, he didn't fully understand every word of this poem, but he didn't think this poem came from the prince watching the cockfight. But to say who this poem came from, Wang Gouzi's little knowledge is also true. have no idea.

He just felt that if the fight lasted until nightfall, His Highness would have spent the whole day in Jiangjunfang...

 It’s hard to explain.

Whether it is to Eunuch Guo, Eunuch Cao, or his master, it is difficult for him to explain.

what should I do?

Wang Gouzi had a toothache, so he forced himself to look out of the window. Unexpectedly, he saw the big white-feathered rooster that was flying up and about to beak at his opponent. His body suddenly froze, and he seemed to suddenly disappear. He lost his strength and fell down with a bang.

 The dog’s eyes widened.

 This chicken fell?

what's the situation? !

Li Shao was stunned and looked down at the ring in disbelief.

I saw the white feather lying motionless on the ground. The other one was startled at first and did not step forward immediately for fear of being deceived. At this time, it seemed to have reacted. Seeing that the opponent could not resist, it went up to pursue it, barking, slapping and pecking. .

The onlookers were in an uproar. They were having a great time watching it. Why did it just happen like this?

 What a disappointment! How could it be so disappointing? !

  Amidst the discussion, the stewards guarding the ring came to their senses and grabbed the chasing chicken away. However, they were pecked several times by the aggressive chicken on top.

 Another person went to look at the motionless one. The white feathers were stained red and lifeless. It was obviously dead.

 “The neck is broken.” He picked up Bai Yu and talked to the chief steward.

A bystander came closer and said hurriedly: "I seem to see something flying over and hitting the chicken's neck."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was even more uproar.

The chief steward came over to check with a gloomy face, and sure enough, he found a small stone on the ground with red blood.

  Before the game started, they carefully cleaned the arena. It was impossible to leave any stones behind. The stones were clearly thrown at them to kill the chicken.


Have they provoked anyone they shouldn't have provoked in Jiangjunfang?

“It seems like it came from that side.” Someone pointed to the small building on the east side.

 Looking at it, the chief steward's face turned pale.

The people who can be accommodated in that small building are all the sons of nobles. Today, the distinguished guest with the **** is also upstairs. Even though they have a background in the General's Office, they dare not casually go to them to ask questions.

 In this situation, it seems that I can only accept myself as unlucky and quickly comfort the other guests.

"I'm really offended by disturbing the pleasure of the distinguished guests, so I'll arrange another one..."

Before I finished speaking, many people couldn't listen anymore.

The dandies who come here always have eyes on the top of their heads, and they start talking to me every time you say something.

“It’s obvious that someone took action, but are you, Jiangjunfang, a vegetarian today?”

 “Arrange another show? Have someone break the chicken’s neck again?”

"Who is sitting upstairs that makes you so timid and cautious? Dare to offend us, but don't dare to offend him?"

“You’re going to ruin your business in your territory, and you’re going to swallow your anger and expect us, the people who pay to watch cockfights, to endure it too?”

“Come on, come on, if you don’t report to the official, I will report to the official for you. Don’t talk about being friendly and making money. If you procrastinate again, I will make you lose money every day!”

How can the stewards stop me?

Even though the nursing staff came, they did not dare to take action against these guests. After all, they just wanted to report to the official, and they guarded the small building on the east side to prevent the people inside from leaving. They did not do anything drastic.

Besides, the guests in the small building seemed to want to watch the fun and know who knocked Bai Yu down from the sky with a stone, and did not leave in a hurry.

Only Wang Gouzi stood in the private room, barely able to breathe.

 Report to the official? Want to report to the official? When Shuntian Mansion arrived, Wang Gouzi felt really tight in his chest when he thought of Shan Fuyin's face.

Just now something happened to Bai Yu, and he felt that something was not good, and wanted to urge His Highness to leave, but His Highness didn't want to leave.

Li Shao drank too much, was a little drunk, was disturbed, and was dissatisfied.

Wang Gouzi wanted to help him, but Li Shao swung it away with all his strength, but his lower body was unsteady due to his drunkenness, and his calf knocked heavily on the stool.

Because he was drunk, he didn't feel much pain, but it was really not painless or itchy. Seeing that walking was even more stumbling, Wang Gouzi didn't dare to let Li Shao go anymore.

 In case you lose your footing and fall down the stairs...

 But when he thought that Shan Shen was coming, Wang Gouzi wiped his face, he really might as well get out of here!

 The cockfight did not last until sunset, and his life would have been really dark.

They were waiting for Shuntian Mansion in Jiangjunfang. They just thought that the murderer was surrounded in the small building. No one knew that the real murderer had escaped long ago.

A stone was thrown, and before the crowd could react, the man had already come down from upstairs and blended into the crowd. After encouraging the official to report, he stepped back again. With everyone paying attention to the small building, he could not tell where the ghost was. I felt farther and farther away from this area, and finally jumped away from the north wall of Jiangjunfang.

This person is Xuan Su.

When Li Shao left the Fuguo Palace, Xuan Su followed him.

He followed Li Shao to Jiangjunfang last year and was very familiar with the terrain. After discovering that Li Shao drank a lot and the place became more and more lively, he shot down a fighting cock.

Xuansu leisurely walked back to the gate of Jiangjunfang. Not long after waiting, he saw Master Shan rushing over with his men.

Shan Shen had a sullen face and quick steps, which showed that he was in a irritable mood.

Xuan Su saw this and raised his hand to touch the tip of his nose.

 It’s causing trouble for Mr. Shan again.

 Let’s give him some snacks next time...

 Mudyu, Zhang Jinju, how colorful the continuous battles are. From morning till night, the outcome is indistinguishable. —Ying Jue's "Cockfighting Poem" of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the 10,000-coin reward.

 Happy rewards and updates, I’ll squeeze it in and get it done as soon as possible.

 Continue to shout for monthly votes~~

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