Yan Cigui

Chapter 421: I agreed, he can die (two updates in one)

Back at Yuqing Palace, Wang Gouzi was busy helping Li Shao wash and change clothes.

Eunuch Guo looked at the time and went in to ask for instructions according to his past habits: "Your Highness, it's time to have dinner."

Li Shao was lying flat on the couch.

He had just washed his hair, and his long hair was hanging loose and not completely dry. He said, "Later, I don't want to use it now."

Hearing this, Eunuch Guo hesitated a little.

Wang Gouzi hurriedly whispered to Mr. Guo: "Your Highness is tired today and has not recovered yet."

 In this case, Eunuch Guo could not force Li Shao.

  Instructing the person to put the food in the small kitchen to keep warm, he turned to look at Li Shao, who was as if he was boneless, and sighed secretly.


How can I be tired when I sit in the Ministry of Justice and watch the government?

Your Highness is not a frail person. He can run around in the paddock for a day when he is running wild, and he can go to court after drinking and having fun in Chenmi Alley all night. This kind of body is not tired at all.

 To put it bluntly, it’s just boring.

  Sitting at work in the Ministry of Punishments, reading the volumes of documents, how can it be more interesting than having fun?

  Naturally, I can’t cheer up.

However, having said that, it is better to have no energy than to spread energy randomly.

Eunuch Guo did not dare to let Li Shao go out and act recklessly. He went to the Yamen honestly and came back and lay down honestly. The people who served him were really relieved.

Wang Gouzi did not leave, he lowered his eyes and thought.

He didn't even keep it, but deliberately put it out for Li Shao to see.

Li Shao really became curious: "Why are you so embarrassed?"

"Your Highness," Wang Gouzi took two steps forward, knelt down in front of the couch, and said cautiously, "I heard that a chamberlain died in Yongji Palace a few days ago."

Li Shao did hear about it, but he didn't take it seriously.

There were countless eunuchs, maids, and nuns in the palace, so it was not unusual for one or two to die.

"The young chamberlain's name is Zhuo Ping. I was quite familiar with him before," Wang Gouzi said. "I didn't expect him to die suddenly. He seemed to have been beaten to death by the man from Yongji Palace. This is really... How pitiful!”

Li Shao then became more interested: "Being beaten to death by Li Jun? Seriously?"

"As you know, I worked in Yongji Palace before I was young. I asked the father-in-law I knew and they all said the same thing," Wang Gouzi sighed, "I can't believe it..."

"What's unexpected?" Li Shao looked at him, "Since you were born in Yongji Palace, you still don't know what Li Jun's temper is like?

I went there twice, and without saying much, I remembered his gloomy and nervous look. He was moody at all!

 What kind of good person can a ‘good son’ be when he is imprisoned by the imperial grandfather?

It is not unusual for him to beat an **** to death. "

"That's true," Wang Gouzi said, following Li Shao, "He is indeed a man of uncertain circumstances, but he has been imprisoned for so many years, and as far as I know, no one has been killed before.

Zhuoping should be the first to encounter bad luck.

  Why did that Highness suddenly become so angry? Do you think it has something to do with Fu Guogong?

 The Duke of Fuguo went to Yongji Palace in the afternoon, and in the evening the highness hit someone. "

Li Shao touched his chin, thoughtfully.

 He knew that Xu Jian had been to Yongji Palace and was ordered by his father.

 After all, without his father’s nod, Xu Jian would not dare to break into the forbidden palace no matter how courageous he was.

He also asked Xu Jian privately about the reason. Xu Jian only said that it was for the matter of Dingguo Temple. It was not that the Holy One doubted the person, but that there were many people talking too much. It would not be a loss to ask in a roundabout way.

Li Shao didn’t ask any more questions.

 The only clue he could provide was a monkey-faced eunuch. It was up to his father to decide how to investigate later.

His father didn't want him to alert others, so he couldn't get involved, so he simply acted as a hands-off shopkeeper.

But now that Wang Gouzi was mentioned, Li Shao connected the two things of "questioning" and "the death of an eunuch".

Why did Xu Jian ask Li Jun?

  Why did you get so angry with the questions that you beat a young **** to death in the middle of the night?

If it had been before, Li Shao might have caused some trouble for Xu Jian over this matter. After all, Xu Jian really caused him a lot of trouble.

However, at this time and that time, regarding the Dingguo Temple matter, Xu Jian and he were allies, and they were under holy orders. No matter how free Li Shao was, he would not rashly undermine his allies.

 He was thinking about Li Jun.

Li Jun's reaction was so great, could it be that the tragedy at Dingguo Temple that night was really Li Jun's handiwork?

“Is there a monkey-faced **** over there with Li Jun?” Li Shao said smoothly.

Wangouzi was startled: "Monkey face?"

Li Shao then realized that he had made a mistake.

 Fortunately, it was only two words. Li Shao thought it was not a big problem, so he cleared his throat and added: "It's okay, I just said it casually."

That was more than ten years ago. How old is Wang Gouzi to know what the **** he is!

 The dog laughed sarcastically.

When Li Shao finally remembered to have dinner, Eunuch Guo came in to set the table. Wang Gouzi speculated on the opportunity. He wanted to quickly go to the **** to find a connection and pass a message to him, but he thought of the man's attitude towards Qiao. Give up again.

That dead **** has a habit of delaying things. If you rely on him to deliver the message, something will happen sooner or later.

It would be better to find a way to go to Yongji Palace tomorrow to find Eunuch Sun.

 First come to report the news, and secondly to complain. It is best to use Eunuch Sun to change the contacts in the palace!

 The next day.

 Li Shao arrived at the Ministry of Punishment.

Wang Gouzi asked in a low voice: "When I want to go to Yongji Palace later, I'll send Zhuoping off."

 “Hasn’t he been carried away and buried by the internal affairs department a long time ago?” Li Shao asked.

“First seven,” Wang Gouzi said, “it’s definitely not easy to go there at night. Let’s light some incense for him while it’s daytime.”

The matter was not serious. Anyway, he would sit in the Ministry of Punishment until noon, so Li Shao made sure.

Wang Gouzi quickly prepared some tea, sharpened the ink, and went all the way to Yongji Palace.

Eunuch Sun was resting in the house. Ever since he was threatened by Li Jun that day, he had been feeling very nervous these days.

Wang Gouzi got straight to the point: "What did Duke Fuguo say to the man inside that day? Why did someone suddenly die?"

In the past, Eunuch Sun would have scolded the dog for not having any rules, but he was really not in that mood today. Besides, the dog was following His Highness and was the vanguard of the master.

Eunuch Sun patiently recounted what happened that day.

"I don't even know what Duke Fuguo said to that person? Later, he failed to reach an agreement with his master, and he was so angry that he killed Zhuo Ping?" Wang Gouzi was speechless, and then said, "I have some news here, yesterday. When I told His Highness about the man who beat him to death, His Highness suddenly asked about the monkey-faced eunuch, and I had a small intuition that it had something to do with Duke Fuguo coming to Yongji Palace."

Grandpa Sun said sternly: "What else? How can the Zajia report to the superiors for being so clueless?"

"Because I am clueless, I have no choice but to come here to find you, Eunuch Sun," Wang Gouzi said. "The messenger in the palace is not very good at handling the matter. I am afraid that this little news will be delayed in the middle. I don't know how long it will take to reach the master." In the ears.

His Royal Highness and the Duke of Fu are not sure what they are doing recently. There are some things that they are hiding from Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao finally used some tricks to get a clue.

Eunuch Sun, you have worked so hard, please report it as soon as possible. "

 “I know, I know!” Eunuch Sun said, but he was unsure in his heart.

But then I thought about it, Zhuoping's incident had already set a trap for his master. If the news about Wang Gouzi was really important, but he missed it, in the end, his Eunuch Sun would probably be killed. .

It's better to go there, the news has been reported anyway.

It's best if it works. If it doesn't work, it's not because he makes a fuss, but because the dog makes a fuss.

 Before noon. Cheng Xi was preparing lunch for his master when someone came looking for him.

 “Eunuch Sun is here.”

Cheng Xi frowned: "The Zajia can't leave. Did he tell you what happened? The guy from Yongji Palace is in trouble again?"

 The little chamberlain shook his head hurriedly: "It's other news..."

Cheng Xi complained secretly, explained the matter, and hurriedly went to see the person.

Eunuch Sun looked uneasy. After seeing Cheng Xi, he got straight to the point: "It's the news from Wang Gouzi."

Cheng Xi wondered: "How come the news from him comes to you? Where are the people who are in contact with him?"

"Wang Gouzi is afraid that there will be a few delays in the middle." Eunuch Sun did not complain as soon as he came. After mentioning it tactfully, he only talked about business, "He said that His Highness has been secretive with Duke Fu recently, and he has hidden something from him. .

After he tried his best to talk, His Highness suddenly asked him, "Is there any **** with a monkey face at Li Jun's place?"

It was also Wang Gouzi who was not sure, so he intuitively asked me to come over. "

As Eunuch Sun spoke, he looked at Cheng's face with joy.

He didn't want to delay the matter, and he didn't want to make a fuss and get a few words of reprimand, so he tried his best to push the matter to Wang Gouzi.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Xi's face turned serious.

"Monkey-faced eunuch?" Cheng Xi's voice became tight, "His Highness, did you really ask this?"

“Yes,” Eunuch Sun said hurriedly, “That’s what Wang Gouzi said.”

Cheng Xi frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "Wait here, I'll go see the master first."

After saying these words, he turned around and walked away, leaving only Eunuch Sun's hurried figure behind.

Eunuch Sun couldn't help but feel horrified.

That dog is really a dog who meddles in its own business while still alive, but a blind dog catches a dead mouse?

 Looking happy, is this rat still a fat rat?

 Fortunately, he didn't turn a deaf ear to Gouzi's words.

 On the other side, Cheng Xi almost trotted back.

Jin Guiren was having a meal when he heard the hurried footsteps coming from far and near outside. He raised his head and looked over, and saw that Cheng Xi was out of breath, holding on to the threshold and unable to catch his breath.

 “What’s the matter?” he asked.

Cheng Xi came into the room and dismissed the others with a wave of his hand, ignoring the burning sensation in his chest: "Wang Gouzi said that His Highness asked about the monkey-faced eunuch. It seems that it was because of this that Duke Fu went to Yongji Palace that day. thing."

 Jin Guiren put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands.

Cheng Xi took a step forward and asked in a low voice: "Is it Eunuch Bao he wants to ask? But doesn't he remember?"

There were too many situations that night.

 The casualties were completely unexpected, and Eunuch Bao himself was completely confused.

In the words of Eunuch Bao, he calculated the time and left the hall when the fire was getting bigger. He was afraid that the children would be weak and unable to bear the smoke, so he moved them into the open room.

I don’t know why, but there was no movement in the east room. Mrs. Chengcheng carried His Highness outside the palace and rushed back into the fire.

 Eunuch Bao kowtowed to his master, saying that he had done something wrong, and his face was seen by the young highness.

Your Highness was so frightened that he couldn't say anything and fell ill. After he recovered, he would probably be exposed so that the master could make preparations.

 The master was very angry at the time, and it was just his luck that after His Highness recovered from his illness, he didn't know anything about it.

They were cautious and cautious, and it took more than half a month to confirm that His Highness had indeed lost his memory.

 This amnesia lasted for more than ten years.

But I didn’t expect that His Highness would actually remember it now?

Cheng Xi looked at his master worriedly.

Jin Guiren pursed his lips, tightened his jaw, and had a sinister look in his eyes.

"Since he asked, he just remembered it," he snorted coldly, "No wonder, no wonder the Holy Emperor asked Xu Jian to go to Yongji Palace, no wonder Li Jun dared to speak out and make terms with me!"

 Cheng Xi didn’t dare to breathe loudly, he lowered his head and waited for instructions.

Jin Guiren got up and paced back and forth in the room.

After a long while, he said: "Let someone tell Li Jun that I agreed and he can die."

Cheng Xi’s face turned pale: “Master?”

“I didn’t want to kill Li Jun. If I have him, I will have another target,” Jin Guiren said angrily, word by word, “Now this is all I can do, put him to death and survive.”

Cheng Xi’s heart dropped for the most part.

 How well he knows his master.

The person in Yongji Palace died, but the master is also going to die.

"How did we get to this point?" Cheng Xi asked hurriedly, "Eunuch Bao has been dead for a long time, and they can't find anything with just a monkey face. All the things that can be pushed are pushed to Yongji Palace..."

Even regarding Eunuch Tong, didn't the master divert his attention, let Wang Gouzi's line move a little more, expose some clues, and ask Eunuch Cao to check Yongji Palace?

 As long as all the lines are collected in Yongji Palace, the master does not have to worry...

"It's not that easy." Jin Guiren saw what he was thinking, "Xu Jian and Eunuch Cao are not idle. The same goes for the house. Xu Jian visited Shuntian Mansion, Shan Shen may not be able to find out. It's not that Has Cining Palace sent anyone to the Royal Pharmacy? Who knows what the Empress Dowager has checked."

There are too many threads exposed.

They seemed irrelevant and had no connection, but he did not dare to underestimate the enemy, for fear that the lines would have been connected unknowingly.

 One step slowly, step by step slowly.

 Speaking of which, when I first misjudged Xu Jian’s attitude towards His Highness, I was already lagging behind.

 But even today, he still dare not say that he has completely understood Xu Jian's thoughts.

 This is his biggest dilemma right now.

 Enemies who are unpredictable are the most troublesome.

“Go and prepare some paper and ink,” Jin Guiren explained. “I will edit a letter and send it to Su Yi. I have to send it over immediately because of the urgent need to travel thousands of miles away.”

The master was so cautious that Cheng Xi did not dare to say anything lucky. After preparing paper and ink, he hurried to see Eunuch Sun again.

Eunuch Sun was anxious as he waited, with a layer of sweat on his forehead.

When he heard what Cheng Xi had brought back, a few bead-sized beads of sweat slid down his face and landed on his neck.

Who should I tell him to bring this message to?

How dare he, how dare he!

Zhuoping's tragic death is still before our eyes!

But he had to do it even if he didn't dare. Eunuch Sun returned to Yongji Palace with a mournful face and summoned the young chamberlain.

 The two of them stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

He wanted to find someone to go see Li Jun on his behalf, so when he spoke, the little chamberlain shook into a sieve.

Eunuch Sun, out of sight, drove people away and said, "Hurry up!"

 See you tomorrow, book friends.

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