Yan Cigui

Chapter 422: No wonder Li Jun regrets it (please vote)

 The sun is just right.

 The little chamberlain felt cold all over.

Kicked and kicked by Eunuch Sun, he stumbled into the main hall.

The door of the palace was half open, and the sunlight that came in only illuminated the gap in the middle, while the edges were still in the shade.

 Darkness is not dark, it just makes people feel frightened.

The little chamberlain looked at Eunuch Sun if he wanted to cry, but he hesitated and didn't dare to go in.

Eunuch Sun was afraid that if he made too much noise and Li Jun would notice that he was coming, he kept silent and only urged the waiter with a long face and gestures.

The little chamberlain couldn't retreat. When he crossed the threshold, he hit his feet, staggered several steps, and almost jumped in.

He moved his hands and feet and stammered: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, the other end has said yes, you, you, you can go!"

Even if he stuttered again, he would never dare to say the word "die" after "go".

Li Jun raised his eyelids and slammed the book in his hand on the table.

There was not much movement, but the little chamberlain had already been frightened out of his wits. He fell down on the ground and kept chanting "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

Eunuch Sun squatted under the window and eavesdropped, which was also creepy.

Unexpectedly, Li Jun's reaction was completely different from the previous time. He smiled.

He actually laughed out loud and clapped his hands on the table several times, which showed how happy he was.

   He also laughed so hard that Eunuch Sun’s scalp felt as if it had exploded.

What is so funny about this?

Monk Zhang Er was confused. Eunuch Sun gritted his teeth and boldly straightened up slightly. Only half of his face was exposed and he looked through the window with his two eyes.

 The next moment, he quickly retracted.

 Be obedient.

 He saw Li Jun leaning forward and backward with laughter.

 The master clearly said that Li Jun should die, so why did Li Jun still laugh?

Li Jun laughed for a while and then spoke: "Do you know what you are talking about? Which end is that? What was promised? Where am I going?"

 The little chamberlain's head shook like a rattle.

 He knew nothing at all except that he wanted Li Jun to "die"!

 He is the unlucky guy who was pushed out by Eunuch Sun!

 "Sun, Eunuch Sun..." The young chamberlain cried and asked for help.

Eunuch Sun cursed secretly that this man was of no use and could never become a great asset, and quietly stood up and looked inside again.

Unexpectedly, his eyes had just reached the edge of the window when his eyes met a pair of sharp and sinister eyes.

In the window, Li Jun seemed to have known about his existence for a long time, and looked at him leisurely, his eyes full of ridicule, and terrifyingly indifferent.

Eunuch Sun was flustered, his legs trembled, and he fell backwards with an ouch and fell to the ground.

 “Get in.”

 He heard Li Jun say three words.

Eunuch Sun didn't care whether he was afraid or not, so he could only bite the bullet, smile, obey and enter through the gate, standing next to the young chamberlain.

 “Your Highness,” he said flatteringly.

He didn't need to look in the mirror, he knew it himself, smiling was uglier than crying.

Li Jun left him alone and looked at the young chamberlain: "What? Are you interested in hearing Eunuch Sun introduce the inside story to you?"

How can the little chamberlain dare to listen?

He didn't even dare to look at Eunuch Sun. He scrambled out and disappeared after a while.

Li Jun then said to Eunuch Sun: "Come here, learn what Li Du told you."

Eunuch Sun exclaimed in a shrill voice: "Your Highness! You are really not His Highness the King of Jin! You are just a man trying to make a living, running errands in the middle. How can you meet people casually and listen to a few words with your own ears?" What? There’s always someone in the middle passing the message back and forth.”

“It doesn’t matter whether you are Li Du or Li Min, I told you last time, anyone can do it, it doesn’t matter,” Li Jun said this, but it was unclear whether he believed it or not, “You can learn as long as you want.”

Eunuch Sun had no choice but to follow his words and spoke again in a Cheng Xi tone.

After hearing this, Li Jun couldn't help laughing twice.

 “You want me to die?” His laughter stopped suddenly, and his tone suddenly turned gloomy, “I quit!”

Eunuch Sun didn't understand. He said "Huh?" "Are you regretting it?"

"What do you mean by going back on your word?" Li Jun asked back, "Do you remember the day when I made the condition? The little **** was already in his seventh year, and Li Du suddenly figured it out? Are you kidding me? After we passed that village, we That store no longer exists!”

Eunuch Sun was stunned.

Li Jun stood up and walked slowly in the hall, looking happy and contented.

“What a beautiful thought he had!” Li Jun commented, “How stubborn he was in rejecting me that day, how embarrassed he is today.

Oh, you didn’t see him in person or his embarrassed look, right?

 Then let me tell you.

  I quite understand what my second brother’s temperament is like.

There are many ideas, and the city is deep. Pharaoh can be stunned and tolerated than anyone else.

 Otherwise, why would Li Mi become a commoner, I would be imprisoned here, and he would not be in any trouble.

 It relies on the word ‘forbearance’!

I have endured it for more than ten years. During these ten years, I was full of food and drink, but he was out there working hard to plan the layout.

After putting in so much effort, the building is about to collapse. Do you think he is embarrassed? "

Eunuch Sun shut up and didn't answer.

Li Jun didn't care about the other party's attitude at all, and continued to talk to himself: "What did he say that day? I can do whatever I want. It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. He is on the outside and I am on the inside. This is the difference?"

These three sentences, are he right?

 But why did he change his mind today? Oh, of course he was caught on the tail!

Did Xu Jian arrest him, or did Eunuch Cao arrest him?

Your Eunuch Sun has sent so many messages back and forth. Do you really think that you can remain unnoticed?

 When you are out and about, look back often. Of course, it will be in vain. With your eyes and skills, you can’t understand even squatting outside the window. Who can you get rid of? "

Eunuch Sun's face was pale and pale, as if he had seen a ghost.

 He must have been followed, Cheng Xi also said this.

But Cheng Xi also mentioned that the house had nothing to do with the master. Since Cheng Xi dared to let him look for it, it meant that the house was also taken care of and the details would not be found out.

Even so, Eunuch Sun was still frightened after being followed twice by people who were following him in the dark.

Who was asked to board this ship?

The news these two times are not small, how could he not report it?

Just as he was thinking about it, a thought suddenly slipped through his mind. He suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Li Jun in disbelief.

 Could it be that everything was planned?

 No wonder Li Jun regrets it!

 What kind of village or store is this?

From the beginning to the end, His Highness never had the thought of exchanging his life for his master's promise to deal with the Holy One. He just regarded it as a piece of cake dropped from the sky so that his Eunuch Sun must go for a trip.

  Yes, Duke Fu has come to the Yongji Palace. No matter what he said to His Highness, the palace's eyes were locked on them.

His Highness just calculated that there must be someone watching outside, so he said those words. He didn't have to work **** his own, but could use other people's hands to follow the clues.

After all, given His Highness’s current situation, even if he found out the identity of his master, he couldn’t do much.

The only one who can take action is the Holy One. Letting the Holy One follow with his hands is called borrowing strength to fight.

Eunuch Sun felt regretful in his heart.

 He was deceived by His Highness!

 Speaking of which, you can't blame him. If another person had said that they would sacrifice their lives in exchange, Sun Gongzheng would not pay attention to it.

It is true that His Highness’s behavior in the past was too crazy, making people think that he would do anything daring and unbelievable, even if he dared to say it.

That day, the threatening words were heard in my ears, wild and crazy.

 In the end, I was deceived by His Highness’s seemingly crazy attitude!

But, Cheng Xi clearly said it couldn’t be touched, so why did the master suddenly change his mind?

 It seems that this is the key to Wang Gouzi’s news!

Compared to Eunuch Sun's appearance, Li Jun was in an extremely happy mood at the moment, as if he could see Li Du's "hard work" behind him through the slumped look of the **** in front of him.


Li Du will not be helpless, nor will he be in a dilemma. He must have a countermeasure that he has laid out.

 But those strategies are bound to give up some things, those advantages and hidden stakes that Li Du has laid out for many years and gathered in his hands little by little.

Li Du was able to escape, but in a panic.

 Cutting the flesh with a knife is naturally a labor of love.

If Xu Jian were here at this time and had a frank talk with Li Jun, he would sum it up in one word: cut off the tail.

"Didn't he let me do whatever he wanted? Then let me tell you something, I love you alive now, how can I die? He was caught by the tail, I want to watch the show!" Li Jun stepped forward, not taking it lightly Bu Zhong patted Eunuch Sun's face and said, "And you, you can get out."

Eunuch Sun was stunned.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Li Jun commented, "It's so stupid!" Then he ignored it and sat back on the couch to read a book.

The more confrontation there is, even if it is not a face-to-face confrontation, the more Li Jun can determine the identity of the person opposite.

The advancement and retreat of this move is 100% due to Li Du's aura.

 After all, they have been brothers for so many years. Although the fight for the throne was short, they had already understood each other after having been fighting for other benefits for more than 20 years before that.

Similarly, he understands Li Du, and Li Du must also understand him.

Li Du was really angry, and he also knew that he was a test the previous time, so he let him come back with harsh words and let him do whatever he wanted.


Li Du said that he wanted him to die, did he think that Li Jun would die honestly?

How can it be!

Li Du really wanted him to die, but he wouldn't let a **** say a few words in the middle.

Li Du had a way to kill him silently.

Just like this, if Li Du wanted to be safe, he couldn't cut off just a little bit of meat. Cutting off both thighs might not be enough.

Li Jun couldn't help but become curious: What plan did Li Du arrange? What's the plan?

 After all, it is easier for his incompetent sixth brother to understand.

 Stalking, setting out, fishing.

There is nothing to catch these stinky eunuchs, they are all bait.

  It was just after noon, and the sun was so bright that it was hard to keep your eyes open.

Cheng Xi was ordered to find Eunuch Tong: "Have you prepared the medicinal powder you asked to prepare earlier?"

"It's all polished," Eunuch Tong took a small bag and asked softly, "Where are you going to use it?"

Cheng Xi lowered her voice and whispered to him: "Yongji Palace."

Eunuch Tong's heart was beating loudly: "Isn't it appropriate? This, this is so! What do you think, Master?"

"The master said," Cheng Xi licked his lips, "Someone has been wanting to join the game for a long time. He has been watching and watching all day long. If the water is muddied, that person will naturally come out..."

Thanks to the book friend Lonely Cello for the tip.

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