At this moment, the battle situation suddenly changed. Thrall was forced to retreat again and again by Akainu's offensive, as if she was at a disadvantage. When she caught Akainu's fist again, a chain shot out from the void, grasping the perfect time, when Akainu could not change his strength.

Just like the time when Akainu was severely injured in the Battle of Marineford, it doesn't matter whether the moves are old or not, as long as they are useful.

The chain instantly entangled Akainu's arm, but something unexpected happened.

Akainu's elementalization was launched at almost the same time.

Not only did his arm get rid of the restraint of the Heaven's Chain, but even his chest was able to elementalize in time to avoid most of the damage when facing Thrall's fatal knife.

The knife light split the earth, leaving a long and deep knife mark on the dock.

Akainu quickly retreated.

This intended fatal blow only cut a hole in her chest, and blood oozed from the fair skin of her cleavage.

This fatal blow was so broken that Thrall had to admire Akainu at this time. The proficiency of the fruit ability has reached a very difficult level. During the Battle of Marineford, she couldn't avoid this blow.

"���"Akainu, you are no worse than when you were a man. How did you do that? You should have become weaker."

When Sar mentioned this, he thought of the embarrassing situation in the navy when he just became a woman, and Akainu answered with gritted teeth.

"This is all thanks to you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have discovered that the fruit ability could be so strong."

Outside the dock, there was a sound of a ship breaking through the waves. It was the warship that was chasing the pirate ship and it was unable to catch up with any of the pirate ships.

Sal suddenly sheathed his sword and said generously

"Why don't we stop? I won't stop you from leaving, even though this is my territory."

After hearing what Sar said, Akainu suddenly smiled, making Sar suspect that Akainu at this moment was actually another person, or a time traveler like him.

"Haha, Roger, don't talk like you're letting me off the hook. I know your situation very well. If I keep you here for a day, do you think you'll have enough time to deal with Kaido? I heard from intelligence that Kaido himself has already been dispatched to fight the Beasts Pirates this time. You don't have time to fight me."


Well, Thrall, whose intentions were exposed, had no expression on his face.

Anyway, as long as he was not embarrassed, then others would be embarrassed. He really didn't want to fight. He looked at Buggy who was watching, and then looked at the heroic woman in front of him. Thinking of her awkward position in the navy now and her personality as a man, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Akainu, let's make a deal"

"......Roger, you actually want to trade with me, do you think I will agree? We are mortal enemies."

Not only Akainu was stunned, but even Buggy's eyes widened, unable to believe that Captain Roger actually asked the most iron-blooded admiral for a trade.

"Isn't it possible? I think this deal is a win-win situation."

Seeing that Sal didn't look like a liar, Akainu's curiosity was aroused, so Akainu gave a surprising answer to Sal and Buggy.

"Roger, tell me what kind of deal you're talking about."

Sal didn't beat around the bush and just said what he was thinking.

"If you leave here, I can publicize that you defeated me here, so that your reputation in the navy will be raised to a higher level. After all, even Garp may not be able to defeat"Pirate King Roger" in my territory. This will definitely greatly increase your reputation in the navy. Don't you want to compete with Aokiji for the position of marshal?"


As Sar watched, Akainu's expression changed. She was moved. After thinking about it for a while, she finally gave an answer.

"I don't want to be defeated. I want to defeat the Pirate King Roger. You can tell others that you were defeated in the battle with me."

"......Do you think this is possible?"

It was Sal's turn to be speechless. The big sister in front of him said,"You have such a big appetite. If I am defeated by the navy in my own territory, then he will not be able to keep his title of Four Emperors.

If the news of his defeat spreads today, a group of ignorant guys will invade the territory the next day, and even Kaido and Big Mom's attack will be more intense."

"No, I can only fight back. Do you want to?"

"Then I can only continue to hold you back and let you watch Kaido invade your territory."

Saar is not a pushover, and he quickly grasped the opponent's weakness.

"I can also hold you back and ask Rayleigh and the others to support me. It is not impossible to capture the only female admiral at that time. No matter whether you call for rescue or not, you are dragging the injured navy into an unnecessary war. Let's see what you can use to compete with Aokiji for the marshal."

Speaking of capturing the admiral, Buggy couldn't help but interrupt and say

"That's right, if you dare not agree, not only will you be captured, but you will also be forced to give birth to a child for the pirates, haha."


"Bucky, are you crazy?......"

Seeing Akainu's gloomy face, as if he would go berserk at any time, Thrall immediately punched Buggy away. How dare this guy say such a thing? Wait until he becomes the Four Emperors.

"Buggy, the idiot, has left. Let's continue to discuss the terms of both parties."

Sal really didn't want to waste time with Akainu, because his subordinates informed him not long ago that Ace and the newly resurrected Lu Jiu led the second team of pirates to the north for support. You know, their opponent is Kaido, the Beast.

"What a worrying mother and son."

So Thrall and Akainu exchanged words again and finally reached a deal.

Akainu's condition was simple. She wanted to use Den Den Mushi to record how she defeated Thrall.

Thrall's request was also simple. Akainu would withdraw from Thrall's territory now, and then do his best to help Buggy become a Shichibukai. Buggy could not betray the navy camp within a year.

Both parties got what they wanted, but Buggy was still confused. Could he become a Shichibukai and achieve his goal?......

Soon, the two sides acted out a play in front of the returning navy. At this moment, Thrall felt that he could win an Oscar for Best Actor for pretending to be repelled. His facial expressions and body movements were absolutely very similar, and his unwilling expression was very vivid.

However, after leaving, Thrall looked at his arm. His skin was red from being burned. The attack of that crazy woman did not seem like acting. Perhaps she also wanted to take the opportunity to injure him severely.

Thrall took Buggy away. At the bow of the boat, he could still see Akainu boarding the boat to chase him. However, he borrowed the fastest boat from Fishman Island, which was not something a warship could catch up with.

However, this time he met a different Akainu, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"This is the first time to cooperate with the admiral of the navy. I can't believe how Akainu has changed. Is he still the absolutely righteous guy?"

The two who left soon parted ways. Buggy re-boarded the returning Buggy Pirates. Unexpectedly, Buggy's partner changed his mind again.

And Sal continued to go alone. Although Buggy offered to help fight Kaido when he left, he was still rejected by Sal. The current Buggy Pirates are a little weaker, not to mention that Buggy did not join his affiliated pirate group.......

Sal crashed into a stormy sea, the turbulent sea surface rolled up huge waves of 100 meters, and even a sea tornado connected the sky and the earth.

20 nautical miles ahead was the destination of this time, Black Spear Elephant Fish Island.

At this time, above the gray clouds, a huge black shadow was also moving towards Black Spear Elephant Fish Island. Whether it was an enemy or a friend was unknown.

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