Black Spear Elephant Fish Island is a large island famous for its fish catch. Two of the famous ocean currents in the New World meet here, forming a peculiar ocean current. Because of the suitable climate, it is one of the largest fishing areas in the New World. There are more than 10,000 species of fish that can be caught here. You should know that there are only 120,000 recorded species of fish in the entire One Piece world, and this place has nearly one-tenth of the species.

Of course, there are many unknown fish in the deep sea in the forbidden area of humans.

Because Black Spear Elephant Fish Island can provide many delicious and rare seafood, fishmongers from far-sea countries from all over the world generally do not miss this place, and even servants serving the Celestial Dragons have to come here in person to purchase goods.

All these things make the entire island very prosperous. Even if there are no mineral resources on the island, the fish production alone allows Black Spear Elephant Fish Island to have a population of 300,000 people, comparable to a small or medium-sized country. The only drawback is that the entire periphery of the island is full of fishy smell.

For decades, there have been thousands of ships going out to sea every day. Such a busy catch of seafood has not reduced the output of seafood, but���And we know how rich the resources are.

Among the many exported fishes of Black Spear Elephant Fish Island, the most iconic specialty is the Black Spear Elephant Fish, which has a body of ten meters long and a part on its head that resembles an elephant's trunk.

The meat of the Black Spear Elephant Fish is tender and delicious, and it is extremely delicious. It even has great medicinal value, which makes its price remain high.

Because Black Spear Elephant Fish generally live in deep waters below a thousand meters, and only appear in shallow waters when breeding and spawning, there are few places in the world where Black Spear Elephant Fish can be caught. This island is the largest export market.

An ordinary Black Spear Elephant Fish can be sold for 5 million to 10 million berries. If it is the best among elephant fish, the Black Spear Elephant King Fish. It can even be sold for 50 million, and sometimes the price can be raised to 100 million berries.

As an island rich enough to leak oil, it has of course become the best hunting target in the minds of many pirates, but Whitebeard and Sal have protected it before and after, so that it is not disturbed by foreign forces.

Because it is close to the border of the Four Emperors, Kaido has been eyeing this place. In the past, he had invaded many times but was repelled by Whitebeard.

One of the goals of the Beasts Pirates' invasion this time is to take this island for themselves, and even if that doesn't work, they want to harvest all the wealth on the island. According to the World News, the wealth of Black Spear Elephant Fish Island is comparable to that of a medium-sized kingdom.......

At the port of Black Spear Elephant Fish Island, the entire sea area was shrouded in violent storms.

The port, which was usually bustling and had ships entering and leaving every minute, became very deserted. No merchants visited the most important foreign trade export market, and only a few local fishermen insisted on going out to sea to fish in the harbor.

The grand occasion of thousands of ships entering the port disappeared, and outsiders did not dare to visit at this time, because the turbulent period of this month made everyone know that the war was coming.

Compared with the deserted front port, the secondary port was much more lively, with more than 10 pirate ships docked here. This was the Northern Fleet led by Diamond Joz, which was stationed at the forefront two days ago.

Now facing the full invasion of the Beasts Pirates, they can only retreat again and again, and have voluntarily given up 5 islands, while the Beasts Pirates are still chasing them, seizing the short time.

At this time, a pirate ship with two flags docked. It was the Spade Pirates of the Second Division who had just arrived. Standing on the bow was the captain of the Second Division, Ace. This descendant of Roger rarely wore two tops.

The support of a main pirate ship attracted many pirates to come up. The strength of the captain of the second division was among the top 4 during the Whitebeard era. Among the many captains, only Marco could surpass Ace.

When the two teams met, Diamond Joz came over to greet this good brother. With a 5-meter-tall body, he patted Ace, who was only 1.8 meters tall, and asked curiously,

"Haha, Ace, you came just in time, but how did you plan to come here?"

Ace covered his aching shoulder. Fortunately, it was him who was slapped. If it was an ordinary pirate, it would be miserable.

"Joz, I came to help because I heard you were short of people. I have long wanted to meet Kaido, the King of Beasts. I went to Wano Country to challenge him, but unfortunately I didn't meet Kaido......."

Before Ace could finish, a blonde woman with a serious expression stood in front of Ace and used silent protest to make Ace give in before saying

""Ace, didn't you promise me that you wouldn't face Kaido alone? You know the strength of the Four Emperors. You still need time to grow up. For now, leave this kind of enemy to your father."

Ace scratched his forehead. Although he felt uncomfortable when Roger's name was mentioned, he couldn't refuse the other party's care.

Since Thrall appeared, more people called him Roger's son instead of the independent Fire Fist Ace, which made him even more unsure about how to face Thrall.

Ace said helplessly

"I'm an adult now, so you don't have to worry about me, Lu......"Mother."

He had no choice but to change his words. When he was in Whitebeard's hometown, he had a hard time calling her mother. In the end, he received a little lesson from motherly love, which made him feel scared until now.

Lu Jiu didn't notice Ace's thoughts. She just looked at the stormy sea with a little worry, worried about her son participating in the top war.

"Ace, I know you are an adult now, and it may not be good to be too strict with you. But I just don't want you to do anything dangerous. I heard that during the war at the top, it was your irrationality that almost caused Akainu to be seriously injured."

"......Well, I will be careful."

The strange atmosphere made Ace and Joz look at each other. Under each other's strange expressions, they introduced their friends.

"This is my mother, Portgas.·D·Lu Jiu, mother, this is Diamond Joz, my good brother."

Lu Jiu greeted gently.

"Thank you for taking care of Ace."

"No, no."

Joz touched his head and said modestly. This feeling was like when he met an elder relative when he was a child. Although the other party was Ace's mother, she looked no more than 30 years old, much younger than himself.

Joz couldn't help but sigh that she was worthy of being a resurrected character, and he couldn't help but put himself in the role of a younger generation.

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