After everyone returned to the building they were stationed in, Ace asked Joz about his plans. He really didn't know the latest battle situation.

Thinking of the dire situation at the moment, Joz said solemnly:

"Kaido is indeed the leader of the Beasts Pirates, with Jack and Quinn as the big names in the team, and Jin, the Flame Disaster, should stay in Wano Country. Four of the Flying Six were dispatched, Fuzzy Fu, Black Maria, Sasaki, and the newest Junti. A total of 30 pirate ships were dispatched under his command."

After hearing about the opponent's strength, Ace couldn't help but look embarrassed. He was no longer a novice who had just arrived in the New World, and he knew very well that the opponent had already dispatched more than half of its forces.

"We can't stop this force at all. What are you going to do, Joz? Are you going to continue to retreat and abandon Black Spear Elephant Fish Island? This is the second largest economic island in the territory."

Joz shook his head and said he would not retreat. The situation has turned around.

"We will not retreat. We will stay here and wait for support. The leader has sent a message that he will arrive within an hour. With him, we will not be afraid of Kaido. Moreover, the Beasts Pirates have just occupied Piccolo Island. It will take several hours to reach Black Spear Elephant Island."

Except for Ace and the other two, everyone else knew the news. The name of Sal made his men find a backbone.

"Don't worry, Ace, we'll be fine as planned."

"That's right."

Thrall's news made everyone present happy, except Ace, who was stunned for a moment and somewhat resisted Thrall's arrival.

"Is Roger coming too? If he relies on his strength, he may be able to stop the enemy. After all, Kaido may not be his opponent."

Ace's address to Roger made Lu Jiu's eyes flicker a little, but she didn't say much.

She knew her son's resentment towards Roger very well. In the future, she could only rely on her to eliminate the rift between the father and son. Moreover, when she heard the news that Roger was coming, she was also looking forward to the reunion of the couple after 23 years.

If she had to say the only thing that made her unhappy, it was the few pieces of news that Ace mentioned to her.......

Time passed slowly, and the wind and waves outside gradually grew stronger. Waves as high as 100 meters hit the port one after another, and the surging sea water flooded many low-lying areas. Fortunately, Black Spear Elephant Fish Island has long been accustomed to this extreme weather, and the protective measures are still within an acceptable range.

The blonde looked out the window, and the surging sea made her feel depressed. It was really her first time to see the weather in the new world. This extreme weather that she might not encounter in ten years in the four seas was actually a common daily occurrence in the new world.


The sound of Den Den Mushi rang out in the quiet room. After the call was answered, Joz could not help but show joy when he heard the news from the other end of the Den Den Mushi. After the call ended, he quickly announced the good news to everyone waiting.

"Great, Marco sent a message that the Big Mom Pirates have withdrawn unconditionally. The final agreement reached by both parties is that from now on, neither side can provoke a dispute within one year. And our side only needs to accept the other side to redeem Katakuri and others with 8 billion berries."

This condition is simply the condition of the victorious side, and it is also the first war victory of Thrall as one of the Four Queens.

The affiliated pirate groups, who were originally a little uneasy, have truly returned to their senses from this moment on.

Charlotte Linlin's concession has already marked the end of this crisis, and only the Beasts Pirates are left alone, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Now we just have to wait for Thrall to arrive and we can be completely relieved.

Suddenly, a dragon roar was heard in the heavy rain outside. Even if there was a storm blocking the sound, everyone could hear it clearly. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then everyone's face became very ugly, because they knew who the owner of the voice was.

"This dragon roar is from that bastard Kaido, how did the Beasts Pirates arrive so quickly?"

"Maybe it wasn't the Beasts Pirates, but Kaido who was chasing them alone. A madman like him would not do such a thing."

As the dragon roar got closer and closer, everyone hurried out of the house. Everyone was scattered at a close distance. They were afraid of being caught by Kaido. The lethality of the fruit of this Four Emperors was obvious to all on the sea.

It is rumored that Kaido's attack could raze an entire mountain to the ground.

Above the secondary port, everyone saw a huge dragon head sticking out from the dark clouds, followed by a blue dragon body nearly a kilometer long. Countless thunders flashed in the dark clouds, and the power of the sky could not even leave a black spot on the dragon scales, which shows how terrible the dragon body's defense is.

At this moment, this scene makes people feel that this storm was created by this blue dragon, giving people an endless sense of oppression.

"Hahaha, Joz, I finally caught you, Roger's new men.

Kaido's voice cut through the sky, and the terrible dragon roar even slowed down the rain a bit, which made Joz grit his teeth and glare at him. He and Kaido had a grudge, as an old friend was killed by Kaido.

Joz temporarily suppressed his anger and howled at Kaido.

"Kaido, Big Mom's pirates were defeated by Rayleigh and Marco, and the two sides have officially ceased hostilities. Only your Beasts Pirates have invaded our territory. Do you really want to fight us one on one?"

Kaido was stunned by the news of Charlotte Linlin's truce. Although he was angry about Big Mom's temporary retreat, he still showed a sneer.

"Haha, I don't care what old Lingling decides. This time I will definitely catch all of you Whitebeard remnants. Even Black Gun Elephant Island will become my territory."


As Kaido's dragon body rotated, nearly ten water tornadoes connecting the sky and the earth appeared on the sea. As they came, the whirlpool's wind swept up a lot of seafood and threw it into the air, and then approached them at a very fast speed.

"Kaido, this bastard."

Only two people were qualified to help hold Kaido back, and Jozu's melee strength was useless against the flying blue dragon. Ace calmly wanted to take off his clothes and challenge Kaido, but Lu Jiu grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Ace, I won't stop you if you want to fight for everyone, but don't you know what your situation is? You are not allowed to take off your clothes."

Ace looked at his shirt, then at Kaido flying in the sky, and could only agree in annoyance.

"Mother, I know. I won't take off my clothes to fight."

Ace left the crowd under the concern of his loved ones and jumped onto a rooftop. His fist quickly burned with raging fire.

The condensed flames exploded in an instant, and Ace swung his fist

""Die, Kaido! Fire Fist"

A huge flame attacked the raging Azure Dragon in the sky. This move could destroy large warships, but it didn't hurt Kaido at all. Instead, the identity of the attacker made him excited.

"Hahaha, Fire Fist Ace, the son of old man Roger, this time let me help him teach his ignorant son."

""Hot Breath"

Kaido spit out dragon fire and crashed into the huge flaming fist. The two flames of similar size collided with each other, but the stalemate that Ace had expected did not occur at the moment of collision. Kaido's hot breath actually defeated the flaming fist with overwhelming power and hit Ace directly.

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