The terrifying dragon flames pierced through the earth, leaving a deep pit hundreds of meters wide, and all the rocks on the pit surface were melted. This attack destroyed a quarter of the land in the secondary port. Fortunately, this is not in the main port or residential area, otherwise ordinary civilians would be affected.

The moment the fire fist was defeated, Joz had already left with Lu Jiu, and all the pirates left here at the same time. Unfortunately, there were still a few unlucky ones who did not have time to react and were burned to ashes by the aftermath of the heat breath.

Lu Jiu watched Ace being drowned by the heat breath, and his emotions instantly became excited.


As the shouting sounded, Lu Jiu's hair began to gradually turn red, and a violent force brewed in her body. Fortunately, before Lu Jiu's hair completely turned red, a flaming figure emerged from the pit.

A tall woman with long black hair and flames all over her body appeared in front of everyone.

The woman had delicate facial features and was very similar to Lu Jiu in the distance. The only shortcoming was that there were a few freckles on her face.

The long black hair gradually turned into flames, making her look like a flame elf. But what shocked everyone present was that the woman's whole body was burning with familiar flames, and she was wearing the clothes that Ace had just worn. The denim shorts made the white long legs look very beautiful, and the inner shirt and jacket on the upper body were bulging against the fullness.

The woman grinned angrily

"Damn, Kaido's Dragon Flame is so powerful. My Fire Fist is far inferior to his. If I were not the user of the Flame-Flame Fruit and I had transformed into an element in advance, I really would not be able to take this blow safely."

Ace appeared again and made Lu Jiu turn back into blonde hair.

She took back her strange power, but the worry in her eyes did not decrease significantly. She hoped that the man in her heart would appear soon. Although she had a strange ability after resurrection, she really could not control this power, let alone use it to fight.

Now she was the only one who could think about other things with peace of mind. Everyone else was frightened by the sudden appearance of Ace. Who is this refreshing beauty?

In fact, everyone had a clear guess about this dress. Even Joz almost dropped his jaw in shock, and stammered to himself.

"this.....Is this Ace? It's impossible, right? Ace is obviously a man. I have bathed with him many times. He can't be a woman. Am I dreaming?"

Except for the Spade Pirates who have seen it, the other pirates who are watching the battlefield are a little shocked.

"Who is that woman, our captain of Ace's second division?"

"Impossible, my respected Captain Ace."

The sudden change caused quite a stir. As the think tank, the Ice Witch, Whitebee, quickly thought of a possibility and walked over to Lu Jiu to ask her

"Ms. Lu Jiu, may I ask what is going on with Ace?"

"Oh, it's the aftereffect of Ace resurrecting me. Whenever I fight with all my strength, my body will turn into a girl's and it will take an hour to recover. It's all my fault."


Waidibei's pupils shrank slightly, and she began to think about how her companions who used the resurrection tool would change.

"It's really Ace......., If I want to revive my father, will there be similar changes?"

While Waidibei still had time to think about it, the Azure Dragon in the Sky Dragon roared again to wake everyone up. Without giving them too much time to be surprised, Kaido's tone was full of mockery.

"Haha, I never thought that Roger's son would become a woman, and his son would become a daughter. There is nothing strange in the world. I really want to know Roger's expression when he knew his son was gone."

Kaido's laughter was particularly harsh to Ace. When she first discovered this sequelae, she was in a state of dismay for a whole day.

Hearing Kaido laughing at her son, Lu Jiu, as a parent, of course couldn't stand it, and suddenly retorted loudly:

"The big green caterpillar above, what's wrong with a son becoming a daughter? No matter whether Ace is a boy or a girl, he is the pride of Roger and me. I heard that you also have a daughter. Isn't your daughter your pride?"


Luju's words were like sharp arrows piercing Kaido's heart. Although he usually pretended not to care about Yamato's attitude, when he was a child, because of Oden, he beat his 6-year-old daughter black and blue, and then threw her into the cage of the mortal enemy and starved her for a few days.

But all these things were done out of hatred. Yamato was planned to be the successor of the Beasts Pirates. But the rebellion of that stupid son always made him furious. Sometimes he wanted to repair the father-daughter relationship, but in the end it would only turn into the result of beating Yamato again.

Thinking of all these things, Kaido roared

"Don't mention Yamato to me, bitch. It's all because of that damned bastard Oden."

A terrifying aura pressed towards Lu Jiu, but Ace blocked it for his mother.

"Kaido, this is a fight between you and me, don't involve others, you bastard"

"Flame Jet"

Ace's palms spurted out flames, driving his body into the air, and he rushed towards Kaido at a fast speed. Facing the attacking enemy, Kaido raised his ferocious mouth to reveal his sharp teeth, and swept his huge dragon tail towards the guy who didn't know his own strength.

"Get out of here, little devil."


A terrifying shadow covered Ace. At the critical moment, Ace increased her firepower and hurriedly moved, barely avoiding the sweeping tail attack. The wind pressure caused by the tail made her face hurt slightly.

"Fire Fist."

Without time to think about anything else, Ace raised his fist and punched out a flame. The huge flame hit the dragon head, adding the color of fire to the sky under the heavy rain.

The moment the two sides fought in the sky touched everyone's heart. They could not help but watch Ace hit the enemy, and they couldn't help but get excited.

"Success, Ace's fire fist hit Kaido"

"That's right, although Kaido has a strong vitality, Ace's flames can also destroy warships."

As everyone expected, the flames went out, revealing the dragon's head that was hit. Kaido was unharmed, as if he had not been attacked. Only careful people could find that there was still a little red on the dragon scales, but it soon returned to normal color.

The discussion suddenly stopped, and the island seemed to have only the sound of heavy rain hitting the ground.

Kaido looked at Ace with his huge beast eyes, showing a disappointed look and sneered

"Roger's daughter, is this all you can't stand? Didn't the dead Whitebeard and Roger teach you? The power of the sea fruit is secondary, only Haki is the strongest power. If you don't believe it, use your pitiful power of the fruit and see if you can hurt me."

Kaido's huge dragon body stayed in the air, with no intention of continuing to attack.

Being obviously looked down upon made the proud Ace even more unbearable, and he immediately used more fire moves. He wanted Kaido to pay the price for his arrogance.

""Divine Fire. Unknown Fire, Flame Ring. Fire Pillar, Mirror Fire Flame"

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