The corner of the Golden Lion's mouth rose, and he responded with the same contemptuous tone Kaido had just used.

"Kaido boy, you don't need to worry about whether it is true or not, you just need to know that you will lose miserably today. You should have this awareness of daring to break into someone else's territory alone."

"Old lion, you are too arrogant. Even if you recover your strength, you still can't act recklessly in front of me. Your time has long passed."

"Let's wait and see."

There was no point in talking to each other. The Golden Lion once again floated towards Kaido, and at the same time controlled the ground beneath his feet to rise rapidly, trying to make the enemy unstable. However, Kaido's feet were like piles inserted into the ground and stood firmly, holding the stick with both hands and swinging at the enemy.

"Thunder gossip"

"Lion Cut. Slashing Wave"

The mace and the sharp sword collided in the air, exploding countless thunders. The collision of the two men caused the black clouds in the sky that had just recovered to have huge and deep ravines again, like an abyss that swallowed everything.


The two men were in a stalemate for a moment, and the strange sound made Kaido look happy, while Golden Lion's face changed slightly. Because the Sakura Ten installed under his feet showed signs of falling off, the controllability of weapons installed on the feet and hand-held weapons was indeed very different. However, even if he held weapons without feet, it would not work, because the power of the Float-Float Fruit could not serve as a foot to withstand the battle of a strong man.

Although the weapon was unstable, Golden Lion was not panicked at all, because he was not fighting alone, and there was a"captain" with ulterior motives waiting for an opportunity next to him.

The god Sar appeared behind Kaido unnoticed, and when Kaido noticed the change, it was too late. All these things made his face change immediately. He actually forgot that the other party could make the observation Haki foreseeing the future ineffective.

"You made a mistake, Kaido."


The dark red sword energy tore open Kaido's dragon scale muscles, leaving a deep wound between his chest and navel that could be seen to the bone, and blood spilled all over the ground.

This blow severely damaged the strongest creature, and his proud defense was like ordinary flesh and blood in front of Shenbi.

The intense pain made Kaido want to roar to vent, but he still endured the pain and swung the mace to force the two people back, and then knelt on one knee to cover the wound.

This kind of injury will take 10 minutes to heal even with his top physique.

And will the two old guys in front of him who have been watching coldly and circling around him looking for opportunities wait for him to recover?

Obviously not. Sal and the other two surrounded Kaido one after the other to prevent him from turning into a blue dragon and escaping. Now this Four Emperors is a turtle in a jar, allowing them to control him.

Sal said lightly to the Golden Lion

"Shiki, I want to capture Kaido alive, don't kill him."

The Golden Lion grinned. Today, he has received great hospitality from Kaido, so of course he should reciprocate.

"It would be better to capture him alive. I want to see how arrogant this kid is."

The two of them decided their own life and death, which insulted Kaido's dignity as a top strong man. He endured the pain and stood up, his fierce momentum did not weaken much.

"If you think you can do it, come and try. I am Kaido, the Four Emperors of Beasts."

After the voice fell, the three of them fought again, and the sounds of their fighting could be heard from time to time.

"God avoid"

"Lion Chopper"

"Thunder gossip"......

30 minutes later

【Moderately change the fate of SS character Kaido, reward points 20,000]

Sal sat in the chair and enjoyed Lu Jiu's massage. Her pair of white jade hands were still as skilled as he remembered, making him feel extremely relaxed.

"Well, that's it, well, Lu Jiu, you still understand me."

Sarah rested his head in Lu Jiu's arms, and his soft hands still felt the same as before.

After the war, there is a gentle harbor to accept him. This is a happy moment for a man. Of course, some guys who don't understand love will not understand.

For example, the golden lion not far away felt unhappy watching the two of them showing off their love. Beauty is only a drug that consumes strength. Sooner or later, Roger will be overtaken by him if he indulges himself like this. However, when he focused on the bandages on his body, he became lost in an instant.

In order to take down the unconscious Kaido in the distance, he actually suffered some skin injuries due to the joint efforts of the two, while Sal was intact. At this time, how much strength he can still exert has been detected , it can only be said that he has just entered the level of admiral.

If he wants to continue to recover his strength, there are only two feasible solutions. One is to deal with the rudder on his head. Even if the three colors of domineering are restored now, the existence of the rudder will more or less affect the central nervous system. As long as the rudder is safely pulled out, his reaction ability and domineering will be restored to the peak period.

The second is to restore his feet. The importance of a pair of feet to a strong man is not much less than that of his hands. As long as he has his feet again, he can wield Ying Ju and Mu Ku dual-wield, and fully exert the power of the domineering and the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Unlike now, there will be a fatal flaw of weapons falling off when fighting with all his strength.

When the golden lion was troubled, Sal suddenly spoke out

""Ski, I have a friend who may be able to fix the rudder on your head, but I don't know if he can fix your feet."

Sal's words stunned the Golden Lion. He really didn't expect that Sal had a solution to his defect. He had also consulted many famous doctors on the sea, but all the quacks said they were helpless. The rudder was too close to the brain, and no one was sure that it could be removed without damaging the brain. He had given up hope, but now he had hope again. He immediately asked expectantly.

"who's that person?"

"One of the current supernovas of the Worst Generation, Trafalgar Law, the user of the Operation Fruit, and the captain of the Heart Pirates."

The person mentioned made Golden Lion's eyes light up. He didn't care about the title of supernova, but he had heard of the power of the Operation Fruit.

"Is he a user of the Operation Fruit? I heard that the Operation Fruit has always been the Devil Fruit that the World Government has been focusing on finding. Maybe there really is a way, but what is a supernova from the Age of Evil? Is the ocean today more terrifying than when we were active?"


Thrall didn't know how to answer. Could it be that in the future these supernovas can indeed be called the Worst Generation? After all, they can even challenge the Four Emperors system that has maintained a history of 20 years, and even bring down two of the Four Emperors.

Four of the leaders are extremely powerful. They are either Four Emperors or close to the top level. They should not be underestimated. There are also several supernovas who are as strong as the Seven Warlords.

Of course, Kidd was killed instantly by Shanks. He can only be said to be the weakest of the four, not even as good as Law and Zoro.

Just as the two were discussing what the Worst Era was, Kaido's weak voice sounded beside them, and his tone was full of disdain.

"Bullshit supernovas, they are just rubbish playing pirate games. Even Kizaru could easily defeat them in Sabaody Archipelago. If you and Rayleigh hadn't been there, all those little guys would have been sent to Impel Down."


That makes sense. The supernovas at this time are still too young.

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