Thrall and Golden Lion turned their heads to look at Kaido in the corner of the hall, only to see that the Four Emperors were tied up by more than ten seastone chains, with no intact skin on his body. Even his eye sockets were deliberately swollen by Thrall, which made Kaido's oppressive appearance feel very strange.

Even for such a Four Emperor Kaido, it took him and Golden Lion 20 minutes to completely defeat him. Even if he was severely injured, he was as tenacious as a cockroach and very difficult to deal with. It is conceivable how difficult the opponent's monster-level physique is.

Seeing this, Thrall did not refute the question that the supernova's strength was indeed rubbish at this time, but just put forward another view

"Kaido, the current group of supernovas is indeed very weak, but there is one thing you overlooked. Among the twelve supernovas, three have the potential of Conqueror's Haki, and one has the top devil fruit, the Operation Fruit. Do you still dare to underestimate them?"

"......The qualifications of the three kings?"

"So many of those little brats actually possess Conqueror's Haki?"

The two legendary pirates were indeed shocked by the news.

You know, although there are many people who possess Conqueror's Haki on the sea, there are more than 20 pirates who possess Conqueror's Haki in the New World alone, but these numbers were reached after years and decades of accumulation.

Among the twelve supernovas this year, there are three who possess Conqueror's Haki, plus the users of the Operation Fruit ability that is rare in a century, this year's supernovas may really be different.

There are several supernovas every year, but after these new generations of pirates come to the New World, they often fail to make a splash, so the Four Emperors' impression of supernovas is just like this, guys who overestimate their own abilities.

Sal looked at the Golden Lion, who was shocked and pretended to be indifferent, and smiled maliciously, and then revealed some future information.

"Shiki, remember Straw Hat Luffy? He and his ship's swordsman Roroa Zoro have the potential to be a Conqueror"

"What, two of those brats are kings, no wonder they are so annoying. The captain and the vice-captain are both possessors of Conqueror Haki, Roger, this is very similar to when you and Rayleigh first debuted. And Straw Hat Luffy is still wearing your straw hat from back then, what an annoying East China Sea man"

"Haha, I dare not compare with these monsters, and Roroa Zoro should not be the vice captain. Wait, when they grow up, they will definitely turn the sea upside down."

While Sar and the other two were chatting, Kaido fell into deep thought and muttered to himself

"Maybe these guys are qualified to be my men. Jack just caught a supernova."


Hearing this, Sar turned around and looked at Kaido who was thinking seriously. If he didn't want to recruit two masters of Conqueror's Haki in the future, the two Four Emperors would not be defeated. Not to mention that this is the time to think about these things? You are a prisoner.

Sar asked curiously

"Kaido, you are my prisoner now. You are still thinking about the future. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you now? Then we can conquer Wano Country."

As the voice fell, and the murderous aura deliberately emitted by Thrall made the atmosphere in the whole hall solemn, the golden lion also wondered if Thrall would take action? The fall of one of the four emperors just set off his comeback.

Kaido opened his eyes that were swollen to a line. On the contrary, he was the most calm as a prisoner. He was tied up with chains and lay on the floor leisurely, making a hoarse voice.

"Roger, if you wanted to kill me, you should have done it long ago. There was no need to use so much seastone to imprison me. Do you still want to take me to Wano Country and kill your enemy at the grave of Kozuki Oden to let him rest in peace? You haven't mentioned Oden at all during the battle until now. Don't you know that Oden was killed by me?"

"......Kozuki Oden was killed by you? He was quite powerful."

This was the first time that Golden Lion heard this news. He knew Kozuki Oden on Roger's ship and they even fought each other briefly. He never thought that such a man would be killed by Kaido.


Kaido did not respond to the Golden Lion's words. He did not intend to mention Oden's name too much at this time. He was also afraid that he would really arouse Sar's murderous intention.

This seemingly silly man is actually a cunning and smart man. He has already sorted out all the details he can think of. If someone is deceived by his appearance and personality, then he can only consider himself unlucky, and that unlucky person is obviously Oden.

Sar stared at Kaido with a very unfriendly look, but he really did not have the intention to kill him. Kaido, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, really guessed it.

Seeing Kaido's originally ferocious face become funny, I really don't understand how Oden, who is really silly, can believe the words of a pirate and waste four years in vain. After sailing on the sea for so long, doesn't he know what a pirate is?

If he went to war with Kaido when he just returned to Wano Country, Kaido's chances of winning would be very slim. After all, at that time, the daimyo who had ulterior motives would still listen to his orders in name, and some people with lofty ideals would do the same. Back then

, Kaido had a period of conflict with Gekko Moriah. It was during the four years that Oden wasted that Kaido defeated Moriah, who was not bad, and initially established his status as one of the Four Emperors.

Kaido's strength gradually increased in the past four years, while Kozuki Oden was a clown for four years and lost everything he had in Wano Country. Whether it was his connections or the hearts of the people, he was really a big fool.

Comparing the two sides, it is reasonable for Oden to die in battle. He is not Luffy, and he must pay the price for his stupidity.

As for revenge for Oden, Sal has no such idea at all. Even though he has the influence of Roger's residual soul, he had a very bad impression of Oden in his previous life, so his evaluation of Oden is really average, a powerful fool.

If he could save him, he might reluctantly help, but avenging him is a no-brainer.���But he doesn't want to do it, and Kaido's existence is still useful to him, at least he is still needed in the short term.

"You guessed it right, Kaido. I will not kill you. I will make a deal with you. As long as you agree to my conditions, I will let you go. Otherwise, I will really execute you."

Saar's extremely serious eyes let Kaido know that the other party was telling the truth. If they couldn't reach an agreement in the end, they would really kill him, the Four Emperors. Seeing the naked malice of the two old guys, the bold and careful Kaido couldn't help but feel indignant.

If it weren't for the two shameless old guys joining forces, how could he have been defeated so thoroughly and even captured. The 18 times he was captured in his life were all when he was young. After he became one of the Four Emperors, he never suffered such humiliation again.

"Tell me, Roger, what do you want from me? I'll state in advance that if the conditions you propose are too much, you might as well kill me now."

Saar could probably guess what Kaido was thinking, and he didn't intend to beat around the bush and directly propose the conditions.

"This time you invaded my territory and were caught, so you have to pay 20 billion berries in compensation, return the property and people you robbed on the way, and hand over Baker Island and Luan Island to me. I also want Kuri in Wano Country to serve as a diplomatic consulate and sign an agreement that both parties will not start a war within one year. Finally, you have to hand over your daughter to join my pirate group."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Yamato, don't even think about it, what diplomatic consulate, you are just looking for trouble, these requests are not sincere at all."

Kaido refused loudly without thinking, because there was an absolutely impossible condition in it, he would not hand over Yamato, that stupid son is the future pillar of his Beasts Pirates, and he will help him dominate the sea.

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