The Golden Lion was not aware of Thrall's fear, but he could sense something unusual in his tone.

"You worry about these things yourself. Kaido has two children, a son and a daughter? You took the initiative to ask them to join, so they should be very strong."

Sal glanced at the golden lion in surprise. Kaido was not blessed with a son and a daughter. It seemed that he really didn't know Kaido's affairs.

"Kaido has only one daughter, but he has always raised his daughter as a son, wanting to train her to be a successor who looks like him, so he calls his daughter Yamato a stupid son. It has to be said that Kaido's bloodline is really very powerful. Yamato not only inherited his physique, but also has the domineering Haki."

It is possible that Kaido's bloodline is much stronger than Charlotte Linlin. After all, Yamato is stronger than Katakuri in terms of age and strength. Charlotte Linlin may have glimpsed this amazing bloodline?

"If you compare Kaido's daughter to your son, who is more powerful?"


Why do you suddenly bring up this kind of thing? Are the two comparable? Ace should be able to catch up with or even surpass Yamato in the future, but the gap between the two is really huge right now.

"Yamato is stronger, I think if Ace fights her with all his strength, Ace won't be able to hold out for a few minutes."

This answer surprised the Golden Lion. If even Ace couldn't hold out for a few minutes, then Kaido's daughter must be very powerful. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind that he had never had before. Roger, Kaido, Charlotte Linlin and others all had their own children. Does he need them?......

When this thought lingered in his mind, the frightened Golden Lion quickly shook his head to dispel it, causing Sal to look at him curiously. What was this old lion thinking?......

At the same time, at the temporary camp of the Beasts Pirates on Elizabeth Island,"Plague" Quinn kept calling the Telephone Bug, but still couldn't get through, which gave him a bad feeling.

Could it be that Captain Kaido was in danger? This shouldn't be the case. As the Four Emperors, Kaido, even if he was defeated by the former Pirate King Roger, it should be no problem for him to turn into a blue dragon and fly away.

The abnormal situation made the fat scientist irritable and hurriedly shouted

"Runti, are you ready? We have to keep up with Kaido, hurry up......"

When Quinn walked out of the room yelling, a blue-haired figure had already arrived in front of him. Her hard forehead hit him, knocking Quinn's fat body back two steps.

Runti, who was also a member of the irritable team, had already been overwhelmed by the temporary increase in work.

"Stop urging me, Quinn, you fat guy are so annoying. You were the one who ordered the town to be robbed, and you were the one who urged them to leave. Otherwise, you can do these troublesome things, and I won't care."

Quinn covered his forehead. He had to say that this girl's strength was growing very fast. She seemed to have just turned 20 last month.

If anyone else dared to commit a crime, he would definitely punish her. The two siblings, Runti, grew up beside them, and he also knew the character of this iron-headed Runti, so he was more tolerant.

"Damn it, Runti, you little yellow-haired girl, I watched you grow up, I am your elder"

"I don't care if you are older than me, I just know you have the most troubles".......

The waves in the sea had calmed down a lot. A special boat left the port at a very fast speed and headed for Elizabeth Island, the temporary base of the Beasts Pirates.

On the roof of a building in the port, Ace, still wearing a girl's body, sat on the roof, staring at the gloomy and deep sea in a daze. The storm was over, but the shock she suffered today had not completely subsided.

A beautiful blonde suddenly sat next to her. Lu Jiu tidied her hair that was messed up by the sea breeze and said with concern:

"What's wrong with Ace? You look listless now, which is unlike your usual self.

Although they have not been together for long, Lu Jiu brings Ace real motherly love, which makes Ace open his heart and ask.

"Mother, am I weak? I can't help in today's battle. I can't even do anything against Kaido. How can you still hold up your father's banner with this level of ability?"


Hearing her son calling another man"Dad", Lu Jiu still felt a little uncomfortable, but thinking that the other man had replaced her and Roger to accompany Ace for a long time, this was understandable.

"Ace, if you feel you are weak, then work hard to become stronger. Your father was also weak when he was your age, but now he is one of the strongest men in the sea. You are his son, and you will definitely become one of the strongest men in the sea in the future. In fact, you can ask Roger to teach you to become stronger. Don't you think he won't teach you?"


Ace thought about how the two of them had been getting along over the past month. The other party's attitude could be described as harsh, so he couldn't help but stammer in his answer.

"But Roger is also very busy, he has a lot of......"

Before Ace could finish, Lu Jiu reached out and pressed both sides of her forehead. The two very similar faces looked at each other and their foreheads touched each other.

"He is your father, so do not hesitate. You are his son, and he has the responsibility to teach you well. If he dares to say no, I will never agree."

When Lu Jiu was excited, he seemed to remember something, and his hair turned red.

""Mother, I understand. Don't get excited."

Ace didn't dare to face his mother whose hair had turned red. The last lesson was already cruel enough.

"Well, I believe my son will surpass Roger in the future. This is called"the disciple surpasses the master."

Surpass Roger? Sal's powerful three-color domineering made Ace, who was frustrated, discover a new way to become stronger. Maybe he can also master the technique of entangled with the domineering domineering.

Suddenly, Lu Jiu's abnormal words made Ace's face change slightly.

"Ace, do you think the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock is really beautiful? Even Roger is attracted to her? And what about the personality of the Navy Flower named Tina?"

Faced with Lu Jiu's three questions, Ace's face was stiff and he didn't know how to answer. The Pirate Queen was indeed a beauty, but this was not a topic that could be discussed in front of his mother.

"Mother, I have never seen them, so I don't know.......But I think my mother is the most beautiful"

"You kid, you are so old, I am already old"......

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