Two hours later, the port on Elizabeth Island was busy. The people of the Beast Pirates were wearing doomsday-style clothes and decorated with horns on their heads. They kept transporting supplies to sail, and a large number of gold, silver and jewelry were loaded onto the ship.

The originally small port seemed congested, with nearly 30 pirate ships waiting to leave the port.

As a small town that was robbed, even though the relocation had been arranged in advance, many people were reluctant to leave. The wealth accumulated in more than ten years of peace was robbed in one day, leaving the townspeople who stayed in the town with nothing but wailing.

At this time, Quinn, the temporary commander, was not like the cheering outside, but became anxious and kept walking around.

Boss Kaido has been out of contact for 3 hours. This is such bad news. Even if Boss Kaido went to play suicide, he would still contact with Den Den Mushi, and it was the kind of shock-proof Den Den Mushi. This kind of loss of contact is really rare.

If you say that you lose contact at ordinary times, you lose contact, but now it is during the war.

Quinn went to the logistics department to urge his men to move faster. In the eyes of irritable people, they can usually find reasons to find fault.

"Hurry up, you rubbish, why are you so slow, haven't you eaten?"

Now the whole team has to rush to Black Spear Elephant Fish Island. No matter what happens, they must find out Kaido's status.

As the pioneer, Drought Jack has already set sail. When the ship just left the port, Jack standing on the bow immediately turned his head to look somewhere, and then a loud noise attracted everyone's attention. The

Mammoth, which had just left the port, was split into two by a sword energy, and the remaining sword energy also chopped into the dock, causing a pirate ship to be scrapped.

The pirates on the Mammoth were thrown out by the tilted ship, splashing water, and Jack's roar was heard on the rapidly sinking ship, as if they had encountered an enemy.

"Damn you, I won't let you go."

A few faint sounds of fighting were heard, and ten seconds later, everything returned to calm.

Many members noticed something unusual, and then the alarm sounded throughout the port, making many people think that the Sal Pirates were attacking. Of course, this guess was not wrong, but it was not a team attack.

"Oh no, the enemy is attacking, get back to your battle post quickly."

Amid the noise, when Quinn and four of the Flying Six arrived at the harbor, the Mammoth had completely sunk. Although the other pirate ship was rescued by the pirates, it was still taking in water and slowly sinking.

Quinn pushed the onlookers away with an ugly look on his face, hugged the bow of the ship with both hands and used all his strength. His fat body instantly became much stronger, and he slowly lifted the pirate ship on the sea and put it on the land. In the distance, a group of pirate ships began to sail towards the location of the shipwreck, trying to deal with the sudden enemy and salvage the pirates who fell into the water, but there were no enemies at the original place.

When many people were puzzled, more than a dozen masters of the Beast Pirates who were above the real fighting level suddenly looked up at the sky, and two black shadows fell from mid-air, smashing a big pit in the cement berth.

I saw Sal walk out of the pit through the dust, holding Jack's head tightly in his hand, dragging him all the way forward, and Jack lost consciousness with white eyes.

Seeing that most of today's targets are concentrated here, I can't help but smile and say hello

"I feel bad for welcoming you so warmly."

Saar's sunny smile was exposed to all the members of the Beasts Pirates, causing panic among many of them. They knew who the enemy was, but they were not as aggressive as before. They encountered the final boss right after they left the house, and anyone would be panicked.

"Pirate King Roger is now one of the Four Emperors"

"Why is he here? And the person he has is the big boss, Drought Jack."

"The big boss lost just like that. It's impossible. The Mammoth was silent for only a few seconds......."

As Sal approached, the crowd that surrounded them could not help but retreat more than ten meters in sync. This exaggerated reaction was not because they were cowardly, but because Sal's momentum was very creepy, and the murderous aura mixed with domineering made Sal look like a demon to others.

After all, their territory was messed up by them, and the town was still on fire. It was obvious that these pirates were not polite. Afterwards, they wanted the Sal Pirates to clean up the mess and spend money to rebuild the town. Anyone would be angry.

Sal threw the seriously injured Jack between the two sides. His huge body was like a dead pig. Sal had a good evaluation of this stupid ship king who had just become a big sign. Although his

IQ seemed to have some problems, he was loyal and strong. He was definitely a good subordinate. It was a pity that Jack was already devoted to Kaido, otherwise he could really try to pull him into his team.

Jack was 26 years old and barely reached the level of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. He was worthy of the title of monster. In terms of strength, he was at least stronger than Moria, the shame of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

In a few years, his strength will definitely increase a lot. By the time he is in his 30s, he will have a chance to become a vice-emperor, provided that this fool can live to this age.

Jack lay on the ground like a corpse, with several deep wounds on his chest that could be seen to the bone. The shocking injuries were horrifying to see, and it was only because of Jack's strong vitality that he did not die. Even the steel mask covering his mouth was knocked off, revealing the jagged teeth of the fishmen.

If it weren't for the sound of breathing from his nose, people would definitely think he was dead.

Quinn's face looked very ugly. If he wanted to fight a top warrior like Roger, he would at least have to join forces with Jhin to hold on for a while.

Thinking of Kaido's loss of contact and the appearance of Roger, Quinn's heart fell to the bottom, and the worst guess emerged in his mind, but he still asked toughly.

"Roger, you dare to break into our place, aren't you afraid that Kaido will come back to kill you? Maybe he will fight back against those weak pirates of yours."

When he heard Quinn mention Kaido, Sal's smile became even brighter. He was looking forward to their reactions when they learned of Kaido's fate. It was fun to imagine it.

"You all dare to run wild in my territory, you should be prepared to be annihilated, Plague Queen, as for Kaido, he was already killed by me 2 hours ago......"

Before Thrall could finish, a blue figure jumped into the air. As she fell, her upper body leaned forward, making her full chest particularly clear and surging due to the wind pressure.


Runti's head butt hit Sal like a cannonball, and the opponent easily caught the powerful blow with one hand, even the Armament Haki was useless.

Sal held the iron head tightly with five fingers, and his body did not even tremble. This impact could not shake him even without using Armament Haki, and his current strength is at the king level.

Sal looked at the beautiful figure in front of him. She dared to be indignant when he was restrained by him. Maybe this kind of personality is not suitable for being a crew member?

"Tietou sister, you are really reckless. Are all the people in your Beasts Pirates of this character? You know you can't win but you still go ahead by yourself."

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