"This is Vice Captain Rayleigh. You should know that this is a battle.......Shi Ji, what is your position on the ship?"

This question made Jin Shizi stunned for a moment. He was used to being the captain and had not really thought about this question. What was his position? Fighter? Helmsman? Lookout?

"I am a swordsman, then."

"Oh, this swordsman is Shiki the Golden Lion, you should know him."

The other two were fine, Runti asked with a puzzled look on his face

"Who is Golden Lion? It sounds like a familiar name, but I can't remember where I heard it."


Hearing this, Sal tried his best to hold back his laughter, but finally laughed out loud with Rayleigh's lead. With the Golden Lion looking gloomy, Peggy Wan quickly explained to her sister who the Golden Lion was.

"Sorry, Senior Golden Lion, I rarely read newspapers from 20 years ago, so I didn't recognize you."

Under Peggy Wan's persuasion, Runti finally apologized, but the way he spoke made Sal laugh uncontrollably.


Iron Head Sister, are you saying that Golden Lion is a bygone remnant? You are killing people and destroying their hearts.

In the end, Rayleigh stopped this farce, otherwise Sal would have laughed.

It was Bonnie's turn. Sal said in a strange tone

"This is your senior, Bonnie, the gluttonous girl who joined the pirate group a few days ago. She is a trainee crew member."

Sar emphasized the word trainee, which made Bonnie grit her teeth.

If she couldn't beat him, she would definitely let that bastard Sal have a good time.

In addition, there were suddenly two more regular crew members of similar age and both were female.

This made her feel a kind of pressure.

She must not be the weakest group on the ship.

You know, she has been following Rayleigh for a few days, and at the same time, she has received the other party's preliminary teachings and has a concept of domineering.

According to the evaluation of the"master", she will soon become a formal member, and her strength is not far from the headquarters.

The golden lion looked at the four new crew members and nodded with satisfaction. These guys are not a drag. Ancient These devil fruits are not simple devil fruits, and they are also in the upper-middle level among all the devil fruits.

The only thing that is a bit annoying is that there are three female members, but the strength of these three people at their age is indeed recognized, and they are also potential newcomers when he is roaming the sea.

Only Rayleigh looked surprised. He knew Black Maria and Runti very well. They were both Kaido's Flying Six, and they were already high-ranking members of the pirate group. Sal took one more person than expected. Isn't he afraid that Kaido will regret it later?

Sal and Rayleigh have a tacit understanding that can be roughly guessed without saying it, and immediately stated the actual situation.

"I didn't take it by force. It was Runti, the iron-headed girl, who joined voluntarily. If you don't believe me, just ask her."

Faced with the finger pointing at her, Runti ignored it and remained silent. She stared at Sal with her big, bright eyes. She hated the name of the iron-headed girl.


Sar could only ignore this troublemaker. After learning about the situation on the Western Front from Rayleigh, he was relieved. This month, things will probably calm down. He can wait until next month to do anything. Suddenly, the two of them seemed to remember something and said at the same time:

"I want to mention one thing"

"I have something to say"


"Rayleigh, you go first.

Rayleigh looked at Sal with a playful look and said

"It's like this, Luffy and Ace told me that they wanted me to teach them for a while, I thought it was a good idea so I agreed. And 3 hours ago, Luju told me that she wanted you to teach Ace yourself, it seems that Ace himself doesn't want you to teach him."


The strange looks from the two old guys made Sal's eyes twitch. Did they mean that he, Sal, was disliked by his"son"?

This gossip made the Golden Lion, who had just been humiliated, very happy.

"Hahaha, it seems that Roger, you are not liked by your own son. Yes, I heard that he regards Newgate as his father, haha."

Sal held back his anger and comforted himself, saying that he should not bother with the single dog Golden Lion, and then pointed at the four people and said

"Well, Rayleigh, why don't you teach these four together? They have good potential. Oh, I made a mistake. There are three of them. Bonnie's potential is average."

"What did you say, you bastard Sal?"

When Sal accused Bonnie of trying to hit someone with the ball, but she dodged it easily, he changed his words and said

"Four, all four of them have great potential, is that enough?"

Bonnie, who had already pounced on Sal's back and whose plump breasts were deformed by the pressure, reluctantly let him go. She didn't know how other people viewed Sal, but she treated him as a peer.

Sal suddenly said to the golden lion

"By the way, Shiqi, Rayleigh can't teach so many people by himself, you can come and help"

"Impossible, I won't teach these little brats, my time is very important."

The Golden Lion directly refused, asking him to teach these young people is a waste of his time, but Sal's next words made his face change slightly

"Monkey D. Luffy wearing a straw hat is here too. Don't you want to meet this guy who broke your dreams again?"

This instantly moved the Golden Lion, and after thinking for a moment, he agreed to teach for a month........

As night fell, Sal finally took time to take a shower after a busy day and went back to his room. He lay on the bed and read today's news. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. When he used his Observation Haki to check who was coming, his face changed slightly.

"The door is not locked, Lu Jiu, come in."

As the door was opened, Lu Jiu, who was wearing a lace short skirt and pajamas, appeared in front of Sal. Her pair of white and slender legs were very eye-catching, and her proud and plump breasts seemed to be naked. This was......

Lu Jiu lay beside Sal in a familiar manner, with her head raised, as if ready to be taken. Sal knew what this action meant,"Goodnight kiss."

Sal immediately lowered his head, and the only sound in the quiet room was the moving sound of the two of them playing together.

After a long while, Lu Jiu's lips were slightly red, and she leaned against Sal and said,

""Roger, I hope you and Ace can mend your relationship. Our family has finally been reunited."

Hearing Ace's question, Sal's body stiffened slightly, allowing the restless fingers to draw on his chest. He had thought about Ace's question. The other party was already an adult, and it was difficult to make up for the time he had not spent with him. Moreover, when he thought of Ace, he couldn't help but put himself in the position of a strict father. This might be the result of the influence of Roger and his previous life.

"Don't worry, Lu Jiu, I will take care of the relationship with Ace."

Sal suddenly felt a finger reaching into his shirt, which shocked his body, and a gentle voice came to his ears.

"Well, I know you can handle it. I heard that Rayleigh and Golden Lion are going to be teachers. How about you also be a teacher for a while?"


Sal refused in his heart, but when he saw that pretty face pleading, he couldn't bear to see her sad.

"Okay, I'll teach them a lesson. Are you happy?"

"Well, I'm very happy that you can do this."

The two of them whispered to each other affectionately. When Sal picked up Lu Jiu and planned to do some husband-and-wife activities, the beauty in his arms suddenly said softly

"Roger, is Pirate Queen Boa Hancock really beautiful?"

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