
Sar's body froze again, and he even felt a chill on his back. This moment had finally come. Although he had been mentally prepared, he still felt a little nervous when he had to face it. Even when facing the combined forces of Sengoku and Garp, he was not as guilty as he was now.

Sar immediately hugged Lu Jiu and lied.

"Although Hancock is beautiful, I think she is not as good as......"

When Sal was about to say some of the cliché dialogue from a drama he had seen in his previous life, a finger blocked his next words.

"Don't lie, I've seen photos of the Pirate Queen, she's so beautiful, no wonder you like her. But I don't blame you, after all, I wasn't resurrected at the time, so it made sense for you to find another woman."

Saar heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, worthy of the memory of Lu Jiu, who has a broad tolerance, but the next words of Lu Jiu made his face change drastically

"In addition to the Pirate Queen, there should be a Navy Tina, she is also very beautiful"

"this......Lu Jiu, it's already late today. I think we should take a break and talk about this tomorrow."

"No, I want you to tell me the situation now."

Lu Jiu's words changed from soft to full of royal sister's tone unconsciously, and Sal could still see red hair within his sight. When he looked down at the beauty in his arms, he saw that Lu Jiu's hair had all turned red, emitting a kind of red energy, and even her facial features seemed to become more delicate, and her skin became whiter.


Lu Jiu suddenly raised her head, allowing Sal to see her eyes that were no longer as clear as autumn water, but seemed to be filled with fire. Suddenly, a pair of hands pressed Sal on the bed. The slender arms seemed to be full of strength, and were definitely not weaker than the ordinary Shichibukai.

Of course, this strength was not enough to suppress Sal, but he just didn't want to hurt Lu Jiu in front of him.

Sal couldn't help swallowing his saliva as Lu Jiu looked down at him. He suddenly felt that Lu Jiu was not only as gentle as the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, but she could also be beautiful and cool. The other party's beautiful eyes suddenly revealed a passionate meaning, and her two hands tore off his clothes and began to become restless.

"Lujiu, what are you doing?"

"You are a man who flirts with others. I want to leave my mark on you."

".......Hey, what's wrong with that? Woman, you started the fight first, I'm going to make you regret it."

Soon there was a sound of a man and a woman playing together in the room. In the early hours of the morning, Sal looked at the woman in his arms and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. You little woman, you still want to play the role of a domineering president.......

Five days later, Rayleigh and Golden Lion had left the Black Marlin Island. Rayleigh took four new crew members to the training island, and Ace and Luffy would arrive there one after another. Rayleigh would be in charge of the first month's teaching. Golden Lion went to Law's Red Heart Pirates and took charge of the second month, while Sal was in charge of the third month.

Luju also left with Rayleigh, and she wanted to go back to see Ace. The two of them had been sticking together like they were on a honeymoon these days, and at night they were squeezed until only a little was left by the proactive red-haired Luju. It must be said that red-haired Luju was more interesting than the usual obedient girl.

When everyone left, only Sal and several affiliated pirate groups were left. They were going to exchange Kaido with the Beasts Pirates today and move the treasures at the same time.

At the port of the Black Marlin Island, the Beasts Pirates had only one pirate ship and three cargo ships to take over, and the person leading the ship was none other than Flame Disaster Jin, who was wearing a dark leather jacket that was very eye-catching.

Sal took Kaido and waited for them to dock, and suddenly said to Kaido calmly:

"I didn't expect that the big boss, Flame Disaster Jinn, would come. It seems that he is the person you trust the most. But aren't you afraid that I will kill him too? Then your Beasts Pirates will be leaderless."

"Humph, Roger, if you want to do it, just do it. No one will stop you now. But you did guess one thing right. Jin is my most trusted partner."

Kaido said with pride. It seems that Jin is indeed one of the most important people in his heart. Even Yamato may not be able to compare with him.

Although Kaido was tied up by seastone at this time, his body functions have recovered to the peak after a few days of recuperation. As long as he breaks free from more than ten seastone chains, he can show his peak strength.

Thrall didn't continue to speak. He simply handed over Kaido to Jin. The two did not communicate much on the way, and Kaido was rarely angry after the seastone was untied.

"Roger, I will definitely avenge today's humiliation."

"Kaido, if you have the guts, report it now."

The two suddenly became confrontational, but no one took the initiative to attack. They were now in a state of balance, maintained by an agreement that could be torn up at any time.

Kaido just glared at Thrall and left with the Flame Disaster Jinn, which made Thrall a little disappointed. Looking at the departing ship, he sighed

"Why doesn't Kaido take action? I'm looking forward to fighting him again."

It's different now. Four days ago, the news of the Three Emperors' Battle was finally delivered, causing the system to keep displaying prompts. In four days, more than half of the experience points were harvested.

【Moderately change the fate of SS-level character Kaido, reward points 20,000】

【SS-level characters have normal (negative) emotions towards the host, moderate surprise (hostility), and reward experience 320,000】

【S-level characters have normal (negative) emotions towards the host, moderate surprise (hostility), and reward experience 710900】

【A、B-level characters have normal (negative) emotions towards the host, moderate surprise (hostility), and reward experience 2117532】

【C、D-class characters have normal (negative) emotions towards the host, moderate surprise (hostility), and are awarded 3586953 experience points】

【Total experience: 6.82 million】

【Level Upgrade: Level 95 (1.21 million/4.5 million)】

Upgrading two levels has significantly increased his strength. At least three days ago, he was not sure about taking down Kaido, but now he has the confidence to take down this strongest creature within four days.

Sal picked up the newspaper that had just been published today and returned to the room, while the port received���The finances were handled by a special financial staff, so he didn't have to worry about it.

He opened the newspaper and saw the contents inside, which made him smile.

The new Seven Warlords of the Sea: Senryodo Baki, Whitebeard II Edward Weeble

"It's some idiotic thing that bitch Bakingum Stussy came up with."

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