The giant punched Taotu back, and Tezulo's angry voice came out.

"Damn navy, I, the Golden Emperor Tesoro, will not be bullied by anyone, Golden Divine Fire."

A laser beam was fired from the eyes of the golden giant, but it was unfortunately dodged by Taotu easily. The pitch-black long sword then removed the giant's entire arm, but the golden giant quickly absorbed the gold to restore his arm.

The two sides fought back and forth with great pleasure, but it was still Tesoro who slowly fell into a disadvantage. Even though the golden giant's aggressive fighting style looked very shocking and made Taotu jump up and down like a rabbit, the fact was that he was no match for Taotu, a woman.

Just as Thrall was waiting for the opportunity, the situation suddenly changed. Des, the muscular man, fell down with a happy face, and Chatun began to join the battle to besiege Tesoro. The two substitute generals joined forces to leave Tesoro with little room for resistance.

Seeing this, Thrall pulled out Ace and jumped directly off the tall building, and at the same time spread the domineering domineering Observation Kill to prevent the two from having the Observation Haki to foresee the future.

When the two substitute generals worked together to defeat the golden giant and severely injured Tesoro, Taotu suddenly changed his face and warned Chatun not far away

"Kaji, be careful behind......"

I saw that Thrall had appeared behind Chatun, who was the main force that defeated Tezoro. This backup general was still in his old strength.

Thrall's black clothes blended into the darkness. Only Ace in his hand was burning with dark red flames, and his dark red eyes were particularly conspicuous in the darkness. Without giving the enemy time to react, Ace's blade swung towards the opponent's vital point.

""God's Evasion"

Facing the terrifying Tyrant Slash, Chatun could only condense his Armament Haki to resist the sneak attack. Unfortunately, this was a fatal blow that Thrall had prepared for a long time, and it was not something that ordinary Armament Haki could resist.

The Armament Haki's skin was easily torn apart, and the dark red sword energy penetrated Chatun's body, knocking the backup general away.


Taotu didn't even think about finishing off Tezoro, and rushed to Chatun's side. Although Chatun was still conscious, his body had been severely injured. The deep knife wound on his chest that was so deep that the bone could be seen was shocking.

A substitute general couldn't get up again, at least not in the short term.

Seeing this, Taotu turned around and glared at the attacker. When the moonlight got rid of the cover of the dark clouds and completely exposed Thrall's figure, the familiar appearance shocked the two people with different injuries. Only Taotu gritted his teeth and said

"It's you again, Roger......."

Under the moonlight, Sal showed a refreshing smile and greeted politely.

"It's been a long time since I last saw Vice Admiral Taotu, and Vice Admiral Chatun who was injured by me by mistake."


Hearing this teasing remark, Chatun, who had been stabilizing his injuries, immediately vomited blood.

The appearance of Sal made Tezulo pale, knowing that he had become the fat meat that many people dreamed of. This made his already inflated ambition unbearable, and he angrily punched the ground. He thought he was the best in the world, but he didn't expect that he would still be unable to escape the future of becoming someone else's meal.

"I am not a lamb to be slaughtered. Money is my strength."

A gust of sea breeze blew away the dust from the battlefield. Taotu picked up the long knife and faced Sal meticulously. She did not dare to show any carelessness. With Chatun temporarily unable to fight, she was the only one who had to temporarily resist the sharp edge of the"Pirate King".

Taotu said softly without turning her head.

"Kakei, please contact the headquarters. We failed."


When Kaji took out the Den Den Mushi with difficulty, Thrall also heard their conversation. It seemed that the Navy really planned to rip off the fat sheep, so they must not be allowed to succeed. It was bad news that the Navy would recover its strength in a short time.

Thrall's momentum increased with every step he took. When he approached Momosaki, his powerful Conqueror's Haki pressed the opponent's shoulders slightly.

Thrall's figure instantly rushed towards the two people, holding the hilt with both hands and slashing down. Facing such a powerful blow, Momosaki was the only one who raised her samurai sword to barely block Ace's blade. Even so, she was pressed to one knee by the huge force, and the ground sank several meters.


Taotu was pressed so hard that she couldn't get up. The strong force seemed to crush her. Every inch of her muscles was wailing, as if she was expressing her own weakness. The back of Jinbi Luo's knife slowly pressed down on her white shoulder, leaving a blood mark.

"How could the power be so strong? You can become even stronger?"

Momoto looked up at Sal in shock. Although the Armament Haki was at a disadvantage against the Tyrant, it was impossible for him to be so powerless. The opponent's power was the strongest she had ever seen in her life. Even Kaido and Charlotte Linlin, who had fought before, were not as strong as Sal.

Sal said indifferently

"Lieutenant General Taotu, I thought you would be a good opponent, but I overestimated you."

Faced with the ridicule, Taotu bit her red lips. Even though she knew that the other party wanted to provoke her and make her lose her composure, she could not ignore the ridicule.

"Don't look down on me, Roger."

Taotu used her body skills to dissipate the force and escaped, retreating to a safe distance like a rabbit. But the clothes on her shoulders were still torn, revealing her white skin. There was also a very conspicuous red and swollen muscle on her skin, which clearly showed that her situation was very grim, and Sal had no intention of giving her a chance to breathe.

The long sword was like continuous rain, making it difficult for the opponent to breathe. Taotu could only passively raise the sword to resist. Every slash made her palm hurt, her knuckles were injured, and her thin body was forced to retreat continuously.

Sal held the sword in one hand and waved it recklessly, and the dark red sword energy was in It is so conspicuous in the dark night, and its destructive power is even more frightening.

Chatun, who was on the outskirts of the battlefield, barely moved his body, and in just a few minutes, he recovered to a state where he could move. It can be imagined that his physical strength is also at the monster level, but this time his opponent is a monster among monsters.

Chatun gritted his teeth and showed a look of regret. If he had been more careful, he would not have ended up like this. Now he can only watch his unrequited love object fighting alone. In just a few minutes, Taotu was already sweating profusely, and he believed that he would be defeated soon.

He was powerless and could only pray for reinforcements to arrive soon.

"Hurry up, if you don't come soon, Gion and I will be in danger."


The sword energy kept colliding and canceling each other out, just like the battlefield in the center of a storm suddenly stopped.

Taotu, who was trying to resist, instantly became pale, because her famous sword Jinpira was broken by the opponent's continuous collision. You know, Jinpira is the half-black sword she has nurtured for a long time.

After cutting off Jinpira, Sal did not intend to kill him. Instead, he turned Ace over with the back of the knife facing down, and knocked Taotu unconscious directly.

Sal held the unconscious Taotu in his arms with one hand, and then put her on the ground very gentlemanly. After all, he considered himself a man who was kind and gentle to women, and he had other uses for these two captives.

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