When Taotu was defeated and held in the enemy's arms, Chatun's eyes immediately became bloodshot. This ordinary man tried to stand up despite his injuries. A man has to fight even if he can't. He wants to fight to the death for his persistence for so many years. Unfortunately, a chain shot out from the void and tied him up tightly. The tied Chatun rolled on the ground like a caterpillar, and then he calmed down when he saw the other party put Taotu down. He asked the enemy who came over to look at him:

"Roger, what are you going to do with the two of us?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you two. You are still useful to me and can be exchanged with the World Government for something."

After hearing what Thrall said, Chatun sighed. He had no choice but to refuse. Fortunately, Taotu was not in danger of death. Chatun was as lonely as a homeless middle-aged man. He hadn't experienced such a miserable defeat in many years.

"I am not worth much. If you ask for too much, the headquarters will definitely not agree. Also, you can't do anything to Gion. I have heard a little about your lifestyle."


Good fellow, the navy actually slandered him as a pervert, and this guy who is proficient in whoring and gambling said this, this is really intolerable.

With Thrall's mind control, the Heaven's Chain blocked Chatun's mouth, and even hung the slanderer in the air, making him struggle constantly in a special posture.

After dealing with the two substitute admirals, the next thing is to go to the purpose of this time. Thrall walked towards the seriously injured Tesoro. At this time, the owner of the Golden City had a very ugly expression, because there was no need to guess that no matter who wins between Thrall and the navy, he will suffer.

Sure enough, Thrall spoke as he expected.

"Tezoro surrenders or dies, you choose one."

Tezoro clenched his teeth, an emotion that he hadn't felt for a long time made him unable to suppress it even if he gritted his teeth. Finally, under the threat of Sar's domineering color, Tezoro regained a trace of rationality and could only ask gloomily:

"If I surrender to you, what will you do with me and the Great Desolo?"

Saar did not intend to hide the truth from the other party. He also disdained to deceive a loser who was at the end of his rope.

"You will become a subordinate pirate group under my command, and you can continue to run your current business, but the Golden City and all its property will belong to me."

"You guy......."

Tezulo felt extremely humiliated at this moment. Not only did the other party take away his wealth and freedom, but he also wanted him to continue to be his lucky cat. Since he escaped from the holy land of Marijoa, he vowed never to lose his freedom again.

However, he was not at the end of his rope yet. The other party obviously wanted to get his huge wealth, so he still had bargaining chips.

"As long as you let me go, I will give you everything. Otherwise, I would rather let the golden city sink than give it up."


Faced with this threat, Sal looked at the other party strangely, and finally had to tell the cruel truth.

"Tezulo, there is one thing I should tell you. Bakara is my woman, and she is now in the control room, so you should know what is going on."

The sudden news made Tezulo dumbfounded. He didn't expect to be betrayed by an important subordinate. No, it should be said that he didn't even find out about the spy and stupidly promoted him to a high-level position.

Tezulo didn't believe it and called the control room to inquire about the situation. Unfortunately, the answer from the other end was Bakara's apologetic voice.

"Sorry, boss, I'm the only one in the control room now."

Tezulo roared angrily.

"Bakara, how dare you betray me? I have been very kind to you and promoted you all the time."

"Yes, boss, so I am very grateful to you, but unfortunately you are destined to be a loser today, and I don’t want to be buried with you. Besides, my man has come to the Golden City, so I can only apologize."

"You bitch"


Bakara hung up the Den Den Mushi directly, and Tesoro glared at Sal with bloodshot eyes, as if he would go berserk at any time. When Sal thought he would attack, Tesoro still suppressed his anger with self-control. He still had a chance, so he showed his last trump card.

"You can't activate the Golden City without the control key, let alone find the treasure I hid."

Sal of course knew the approximate location of Tesoro's treasure. He knew it was under the ship after reading the original novel. As for activating the Golden City, it really wouldn't work without the control key. If the ship was docked near the Big Mom Pirates, something would happen sooner or later.

Unfortunately, Sal had already made arrangements. He called Karina's Den Den Mushi and asked

""Karina, did you find it over there?"

The Den Den Mushi's eyes lit up, and Karina's proud voice was heard.

"Of course, I am the most powerful thief on the sea. I have found the control key in a very secret room. The key is inlaid with a very beautiful ruby."

All these descriptions made Tezulo sure that the other party had found the control key, and he pointed at Sal and howled out of breath.

"you......You guys"

Tesoro, who was furious, immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. His already serious injuries worsened again, making Sal wonder if the other party would die immediately.

Just when the desperate Tesoro was about to fight to the death, Sal suddenly turned and looked to the other side, and at the same time drew his sword to slash at the hanging Chatun.

In an instant, a deep sword mark spanned hundreds of meters, but unfortunately the dark red sword energy did not hurt Chatun as expected. A golden light took Chatun away before him.

The light still didn't know what was good for it and rolled towards the unconscious Taotu again, but unfortunately Sal would not let the other party succeed again. With the force of his feet, he disappeared directly on the spot. The dark red Ace struck in the light like thunder. The terrible Tyrant pushed the light back hundreds of meters and crashed several buildings. The dust condensed into the figure of Kizaru.

��Kizaru was holding the tea pig in one hand and touching his bleeding chest with the other. He was not able to completely dodge the attack just now, causing him to be slightly injured. Seeing that Sal was blocking the way of the peach rabbit, Kizaru had no choice but to say solemnly:

"Oh, Roger, you are such a scary guy. Can you let me take these two friends away? I really don’t want to be your enemy."

"I don't want to be called a monster by a monster like you, Kizaru"

"And if you think you can do it, come and try it."

Thrall raised his sword and pointed it at Kizaru, and then burst out a terrible domineering aura that rushed straight into the sky, and the terrible power made the heaven and earth change color.

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