The clouds in the sky kept rolling until a deep hole appeared, as if it was going to swallow everything, and the light of the moon was also sprinkled in the hole.

As the strength of the Conqueror's Haki reached its peak, a terrible Conqueror's Haki deterrence directly pressed on the enemy, causing the admiral's body to shake.

Since Thrall reached level 96, the Conqueror's Haki, which was already at its peak, has actually improved a little, which made Thrall extremely excited.

Kizaru felt as if his body was carrying a huge pressure, and he murmured to himself very seriously:

"It seems that this matter is difficult to handle."

The powerful threat of the Conqueror's Haki made Kizaru realize that it was impossible to rescue Momosagi by trickery. The opponent's fighting intention was always locked on him. He immediately put down Chaton and planned to rescue Momosagi from Sar's hands head-on. The navy could not lose any backup admiral now.

The dark clouds in the sky once again blocked the light of the moon, which was like a signal to start a war, so the two men got up.

""Yashakani no Magatama"

Kizaru crossed his hands and shot countless light bullets from his fingers. Unfortunately, Thrall, who was already familiar with Kizaru's fighting skills, would not give the other party a chance to create chaos.

""Wei Guo" swung the knife with one hand, and a powerful shock wave directly swallowed the barrage, and also submerged Kizaru's figure with unstoppable power.

After the shock wave passed, Kizaru's figure disappeared, and the streets of Golden City seemed to have been bitten by the shock wave, leaving only a mess. This scene made Tezoro's eyes burst. Every blade of grass and every tree in Golden City was his hard work, and only he could decide the future of Golden City.

When Thrall put away the knife, a little light condensed from behind him into Kizaru, and the other party formed a lightsaber with both hands and chopped Thrall's head directly.


Ace's blade held the Murasaki sword firmly, and the two looked at each other, one high and one low. However, Thrall was smiling, while Kizaru's face was no longer as calm as before.

Thrall's ability to predict the future made it difficult for Kizaru to launch a successful sneak attack, unless the opponent was a strong man like Shanks who mastered the Observation Killing. Unfortunately, Kizaru didn't even have the Conqueror's Haki, let alone the Observation Killing, so his speed advantage was gone.

As Thrall exerted his strength, Ace quickly pushed the Murasaki sword back, and the strength was so strong that Kizaru had to take a few steps back with an expression of disbelief.

"How is it possible? Roger, when did your power become so strong?"

Kizaru has fought with Sal more than once or twice, and has a general understanding of the strength of this"Pirate King". Although the opponent seems to have recovered a lot of strength every time, Sal's strength has exceeded everyone he knows.

Whether it is Garp and Sengoku, or perhaps the three admirals or the four emperors, they are not as good as Sal.

Sal continued to attack while replying faintly

"Kizaru, do you think I will tell you? This time I plan to keep you here. Let's see if that old fellow Zhan Guo feels bad for losing two backup generals and one official general."

No matter whether the opponent was bluffing or really intended to do so, Kizaru finally gave up the idea of close combat after several exchanges. Several collisions made his knuckles hurt slightly. Even a general like him was still at an absolute disadvantage in the competition of strength, whether it was a collision of domineering or a contest of strength.

The two of them kept fighting, one chasing and the other escaping. Light beams and sword energy were splashed all over the ground as if they were free, destroying the entire core area of the Golden City into devastation.

Just as Kizaru blocked the long sword with a light-speed kick again, and he was also pushed into the air by the powerful force, a scene in the distance made his face change slightly. Because a fleet was landing in the Golden City, it could be seen from a distance. It turned out to be the flag of the Sal Pirates.

The men that Tesoro had arranged at the port were like chickens and dogs and were easily defeated when facing this team under the command of the Four Emperors.

This development made Kizaru very embarrassed, and in the end he had to give up Momosagi. If he didn't run away, he wouldn't be able to take even Chatun away. Besides, since he learned that Sal had become stronger again, Kizaru knew very well that he was no match for the"Pirate King". They were already at a clear disadvantage after fighting for less than 10 minutes, so how could they rescue the prisoners from the opponent?

Just as Kizaru was about to retreat, a chain shot out from the void and tied up Chatun and pulled him away. It was obvious that Sal still intended to keep both of them.

"This won't do, or I won't be able to explain to Marshal Sengoku."

Without any hesitation, Kizaru turned his body into light and chased after the chain. Unfortunately, Thrall had already foreseen his actions, and swung his sword again to force him back from the elemental form to the physical form, making it impossible for him to escape for a while.

Seeing that Chatun was being pulled farther and farther away, Kizaru's face had become very ugly. Without external intervention, he could not break through Thrall's interception.

When Thrall took advantage of the victory to pursue Kizaru and beat him, suddenly a golden spear pierced his heart. When Thrall easily grasped the spear, it also gave Kizaru a chance to escape. I saw that the light of Kizaru's incarnation had disappeared, and only the Golden Emperor Tesoro rushed towards Thrall in golden armor.

Tesoro roared with a momentum of fearless death.

"Don't take away my freedom and wealth"


Sal frowned at Tesoro's unwiseness. His original impression of Tesoro was not too bad. After all, the other party's experience was that of an infatuated person.

Tesoro wanted to be a musician in his childhood, but unfortunately his father lost all his property due to gambling and died. Later, he was abandoned by his mother and lived on the streets. He joined the gang at a young age and was very successful, but was abandoned by his companions and lost everything during an operation.

When he was resting outside a slave shop, he found Stella, the love of his life, or the obsession of his life.

The two gentle hearts warmed each other and even developed feelings for each other.

Just when Tesoro wanted to reform himself and make money to redeem his lover, something happened. The Celestial Dragons intervened and bought Stella. Even Tesoro was treated as a slave because he opposed the Celestial Dragons.

After being a slave in Marijoa for two years, he learned that Stella had passed away. From then on, the young man with dreams in his heart was really dead, leaving only a madman full of wildness and desire. When Tiger liberated the slaves in Marijoa, he also ran away.

After regaining his freedom, he took away Doflamingo's golden fruit, and then became his partner. After going through all the ups and downs, he became the"richest man in the world."

However, after becoming the richest man, Tesoro also turned into the evil dragon he hated. He worshipped the Celestial Dragons with whom he had a blood feud, and harmed ordinary people and even made them slaves.

However, even such a person who was looked down upon by Thrall was qualified to be transformed as long as he had the golden fruit. After all, no one would go against money.

But now it seems that even if the other party is seriously injured, he will never surrender. No matter how bad he becomes, the only thing that remains unchanged is his desire for freedom. In this case, the only thing he can do is to get rid of the guy who is in the way.

There was a flash of murderous intent in Thrall's eyes.

"God avoids

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