Seeing Hancock's beautiful face showing hesitation, Guloliosa was afraid that the two empresses would make the same wrong choice in the past, so she jumped out and interrupted.

"Wait a minute, Thrall, have you forgotten that Snake Princess is the queen of Nine Snake Island, and are you going to abandon the people of Nine Snake Island too?"

Hancock stopped thinking about this. Although she looked unhappy, she did not deny Guloliosa's meaning. Yes, she is the queen of Nine Snake Island, and she cannot abandon all the people selfishly like Guloliosa, but it feels really bad to be interrupted.

Hancock, who was a little angry, kicked Guloliosa away, tilted her head back to make the arc of her chest particularly exaggerated, put one hand on her waist, and pointed at the other with the other hand to blame.

"Of course I know that I am the queen of Nine Snake Island, so I will not abandon the Amazon Lily like you, an old woman."

Guruoliosa was kicked and rolled a few times, looking very embarrassed. Although the kick from the Snake Princess was very painful, she thought it was worth it to dispel the other party's idea of danger, at least to prevent the other party from making a decision that she would regret for the rest of her life like she did before.

Guruoliosa patted the dust off her body and said to Hancock earnestly.

"Snake Queen, I know you love Thrall, but you are the queen of Nine Snake Island, and we will all follow you."

Threll saw the provocative look from Guroliosa and guessed that they were probably thinking the wrong thing, thinking that Thrall just wanted to abduct Hancock and run away, not caring about the life and death of Nine Snake Island, so she explained.

"When I said to take Hancock away, I didn't mean to let her abandon the Nine Snakes Island, but to take the Amazon Lily people away with her. The reasons are very complicated. Let's go back to the palace and explain in detail."

Packing up tens of thousands of Amazon Lilies and taking them away scared the two women a little, but from Thrall's serious expression, it didn't seem fake.

So Hancock walked in front of Thrall with a happy face holding Thrall's hand, while Guloliosa followed behind and kept imagining.

Soon the three of them returned to the palace, and the number of people involved in deciding the future of the Nine Snakes Island increased from 3 to 6, with Hancock's two sisters and the female warrior who was the captain of the guard.

When everyone was seated, Thrall also told the real purpose of this visit.

"I want all the Amazon lilies to move to my territory in the New World. You don't have to surrender, and I will give you a suitable island to live in. All this is for Hancock."

An island suitable for tens of thousands of people in the New World is not cheap.


Although Hancock was very touched by the gift, she also put herself in the right position when discussing the future of Yamazon Lily. At this time, she was the queen of Nine Snake Island and had to seek the best interests for her people.

Hancock was no longer sweet as before. She returned to her domineering appearance when Sal first saw her. She opened her red lips and said her doubts.

""Saar, why do you want the Amazon Lily to relocate? Our people have lived on Nine Snake Island for hundreds of years. We are all very familiar with this place. I think you will give me a reasonable explanation." The green-haired Sandasonia echoed

"Yes, brother Sar, why should we move for no reason? This is my hometown."

Sar looked around, and then used his observation Haki to search to make sure there was no one else, and then he said the news that was very important to everyone. If the following words were spread, it would cause unpredictable changes.

"I got the inside information of the World Government. They plan to abolish the Shichibukai system in two years, and will also encircle and suppress the Shichibukai pirates who are full of threats."

Hancock fell into deep thought. If she was deprived of her Shichibukai status, it would be a huge blow to Nine Snake Island. The troubled Hancock could not help but bite her nails with her teeth habitually. She knew that Sal would not lie to her about such a thing. It could only be an unknown change.

Guroliosa, who thought she had great intelligence gathering ability, widened her eyes and asked in disbelief.

"How is it possible? Doesn't the World Government intend to fight against the Four? Oh no, it's already the era of the Five Emperors. The situation of the Navy after the Battle of Marineford is not optimistic. If the Seven Warlords of the Sea encounter problems again, it will cause turmoil in the world."

Saar just shook his head to deny the other party's guess. Most people really couldn't guess that there would be such a big change in just two years, but that's the fact. Two years later, the Seven Warlords of the Sea were caught off guard by the sudden decision of the World Government. Fortunately, each of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was a top powerhouse.

The only ones who were the most unlucky were Hancock and Nine Snake Island. They were threatened by the Navy in front and then defeated by Blackbeard. If Rayleigh hadn't arrived in time to make Blackbeard hesitate, I'm afraid the Pirate Queen would have died.

If there is one reason for all the changes, it can only be said that they were all caused by that big-headed man.

Sal said

"Two years later, the World Government really doesn't need the Seven Warlords of the Sea to maintain the balance of the ocean. Hancock, do you still remember that you gave your blood to the World Government?"

"Well, I did give a little blood three years ago."

Sal nodded and continued

"The main reason why the World Government collects the blood of you Shichibukai is to create Seraphs. This is a kind of advanced biotechnology that can combine your bloodline factors with the power of the Lunaria tribe to create super-strong artificial human weapons, and the one who created them is Vegapunk."

The name of Vegapunk made everyone frown. Although this name is not unfamiliar to them, they know very little about Vegapunk himself. What they are sure of is that he is a"man" and most of the technical products of the World Government in recent years are from him.

Guroliosa is not interested in Vegapunk, but only cares about the news about the survival of Amazon Lily, so she hurriedly asked

"How strong are they? How many people are there?"

"Each Seraph is as strong as Hancock, and Vegapunk's first batch of Seraphs was seven, and it is unclear if there will be more in the future."

"Monsters with the strength of seven sisters....."

Sandasonia and Marigorud took a breath, and felt horrified just thinking about the seven sisters attacking them.

Hancock's strength is not weak. Among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, only Hawkeye is stronger than her, and Doflamingo and Tyrant Bear are about the same level as her. There are seven such top Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the strength of the Seraphim alone is not much weaker than that of the Imperial Group.

Faced with such information, Hancock became even more gloomy, and only when Thrall held her hand could she relax a little. She knew very well that the existence of the Seven Warlords of the Sea who obeyed the orders but did not obey the orders was actually very annoying in the eyes of the World Government. If there really was a replacement, it would not be surprising that they were surrounded and suppressed.

And no one knew whether the Seraphim could be mass-produced, but generally this kind of biotechnology did have the possibility of replication. The appearance of the Pacifist was already surprising, not to mention the weapons of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Imagine if the World Government had twenty Seraphim, that would be a force that could change the world.

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