Seeing that Hancock was already wavering, Thrall continued to give other reasons.

"In addition to the Seraph, Vegapunk is also researching a weapon that can destroy a country. The Calm Belt, which used to be a natural barrier to the Nine Snakes Island, is no longer an obstacle to the navy. So as my woman, I am afraid that the World Government will focus on you."


The two held hands even more tightly.

This matter between men and women made the other three women who didn't understand love very curious, but the title of Snake Queen made them dare not watch openly, so they could only take a few glances secretly.

Guroliosa didn't care about the two people. All kinds of news had made her scalp tingle, the Seraph and the weapon to destroy the country. According to the relationship between Snake Princess and Roger, she is a woman of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Pirate King, so she will definitely become a key target.

Guroliosa murmured to herself

"Vegapunk turned out to be such a monster, it's really scary."

After a discussion, everyone finally made a decision. Hancock picked up two glasses of sworn brotherhood wine, handed one to Sal, and said in a very serious tone:

"We Amazon Lily will move to your territory, Thrall. In exchange for being protected, the Nine Snakes Pirates will become your affiliated pirate group and will fight for you from now on."

Seeing Hancock make a decisive decision, Thrall did not stop her. She was his woman and the queen of Amazon Lily. He had a little idea about the sworn brotherhood wine, so he changed the ordinary sworn brotherhood wine into a wine for marriage.

Holding each other's arms, their faces were close, and their noses were even touching. This intimate behavior made Hancock blush and shy.

"I, Thrall, accept the allegiance of Boa Hancock, the Queen of the Amazon Lily, and will protect the people of the Amazon Lily from now on."

"I, Boa Hancock, will dedicate everything I have to the love of my life, Augustus D. Sal."

With the end of the wedding-like ceremony, Sal and Hancock truly walked together with their hearts connected. The Amazon Lily quickly began to mobilize, and people on the island were busy packing up their things, such as products raised in the sea.

The migration is expected to be completed within half a month, and the person in charge of the relocation is the Golden Lion, who will move away with the Nine Snake Island. When they arrive in the new world, Sal will give the selected island to Hancock, and then the Amazon Lily will have two islands to live on.

In order to get the old lion to contribute, Sal promised to pay attention to other people's legs and other perverted things for him........

A week later, nothing bad happened in Sal's territory during this period. On the contrary, due to the availability of funds, the overall construction and strength are booming. As the Golden Lion came in person, Sal took Hancock away despite his complaints, and she accompanied him on the rest of the journey.

On a small but technologically advanced boat, Hancock witnessed her hometown, Nine Snake Island, rising from the ground and slowly drifting away with tens of thousands of people.

Only devil fruits can possess such great power. The legendary moving mountains and filling the sea is not impossible for devil fruits.

"Since you know so much about Vegapunk, Sal, you shouldn't allow them to create terrible man-made weapons, right?"

"Well, I did think about conquering Egghead Island before his work was released, but to do that we would have to go to war with the Navy, and we are not a match for the World Government in the short term."

Sure enough, Hancock hugged her man and continued to ask

"Have you ever thought about taking away Vegapunk's achievements?"

She guessed this, she is indeed a woman who knows everything.

"I have a plan. My intelligence has mentioned that Seraphim can set obedient objects. As long as we get Seraphim, we may be able to take it for ourselves. Moreover, there is a Seraphim that looks like your younger self. I will not allow others to let her do evil."

In fact, Sal still has some things to say, such as Seraphim is still a dark-skinned version of you, looking like a little girl.......

A few days later, in the first half of the Grand Line, Thrall and Hancock passed several islands along the guessed route, but did not find the planned target.

After wasting several days searching, Thrall could not help but feel a little disappointed when he saw that his original plan had failed.

Hancock behind him was wearing a purple cheongsam, with a sexy and charming figure that was extremely attractive. It was this stunning beauty who hugged Thrall from behind and comforted him.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it, what are you looking for?"

Sal didn't intend to hide it. Originally, the current plan was just an unintentional move. It was a sudden idea after hearing the news from the insider.

"I'm looking for the place where Akainu and Aokiji dueled. I received news that they would duel on an island in the Grand Line a few days ago, and the winner would become the Admiral of the Navy."

In order to guess the approximate route, Sal used a lot of manpower and material resources to come up with a route.

Hancock showed a cute expression of surprise

"Are you planning to launch a surprise attack on both of them?"

"Well, if it is possible, it would be very interesting to capture two admirals, one of whom is the future admiral of the navy. By the way, have you made any progress in the Tyrant I taught you to use?"

Speaking of Tyrant, Hancock showed a very annoyed expression on his face.

"......It's very difficult. I have only grasped a few skills now, and it is very difficult to use them."

Hancock's performance made Sal feel that she was in Versailles. In fact, her mastery speed was already very fast, faster than Roger's in the past. After all, she was taught by Sal, an expert teacher who claimed to be the best in Conqueror Haki.

During the half month they spent together, there was not only romance, but Sal also tried his best to teach Hancock the skills of Conqueror Haki. Even for a person like Sal who had reached the pinnacle of Conqueror Haki, it was very difficult for others to master Conquer Haki.

Fortunately, Hancock was the best choice in terms of strength and potential. Her physical fitness reached the level of the vice-emperor, and the strength of Conqueror Haki was close to the top. As a whole, she could barely condense a semi-finished product of Conqueror Haki. Entanglement.

Thrall is full of confidence in Hancock's future.

As long as she fully masters the skills of domineering entanglement, her strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and the strength of a general will not be just a dream.

When they were free, the two of them taught each other intimately again.

Thrall guided each other step by step to condense the domineering entanglement.

Just as the body temperature of the two people rose in contact, an island appeared in the distance, interrupting Thrall's pressing on the plump wolf claws.

The island looked like a wonder composed of ice and fire, which was breathtaking.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel, which made Thrall smile. At this time, there was still a very fierce battle sound on the island, and several large naval warships were docked in the distance.

"Hancock, it seems our luck isn't that bad after all."


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