Sal suddenly squatted down and motioned for the other party to come closer.

"Let me carry you over there. It would be bad if the navy finds out and alerts us."


Hancock said, with a satisfied look on her face, pressing her full body against Sal's back, her chin on his shoulder, and patting the steering wheel with her palm.

"Okay, let's go."

"Well, please fasten your seat belts, the Sal is about to set sail."

Sal held Hancock's hips and flew towards the island. The speed was so fast that Hancock laughed like a silver bell on his back. The person with him was no longer the queen of the Amazon lily, but a girl named Hancock........

The island is experiencing extreme weather of ice and fire. The blizzard covering the entire island has exploded with astonishing temperatures, and the red magma is spreading and swallowing everything. The two generals in the center are fighting hand-to-hand, and the ice and lava collide amazingly.

The battle between the two has lasted for 5 days from the beginning to now. The power of the devil fruit has completely changed the nature of the island. In the future, this island will only have ice and fire coexisting.

As the ice and fire exploded with fierce energy, the two were separated again, which also let the peeping Sal know their current situation.

Aokiji and Akainu were very tired, breathing rapidly, with dirty hair and very embarrassed, and their bodies were covered with minor injuries. In terms of clothing, Aokiji was fine. He had already torn off his broken shirt to reveal his strong upper body, and many of his strong muscles and skin were burned.

Aokiji's fist can cause a landslide.

Although the three admirals are all natural devil fruit users, Aokiji, as Garp's apprentice, also possesses powerful physical skills.

He uses warships to practice boxing just like Garp.

On the other hand, Akainu is not so optimistic.

His clothes are tattered and reveal a lot of his body.

From a distance, you can see that he is showing off his tight sports bra.

But Akainu may not care about these, because for the convenience of fighting, her professional pants were torn into shorts, revealing her long white legs.

Ice and lava once again each occupied half of the position, and the two fell into a confrontation again. Both sides, who were already exhausted, breathed heavily and tried to recover their strength. The confrontation was broken by Akainu taking the first step. Even though his daughter had congenital inconveniences, Akainu was still as imposing as an erupting volcano, which made Aokiji smile bitterly and said

"Is it really necessary for Akainu to fight to this extent?"

The cold and elegant voice of the queen answered

"Kuzan, this is not a simple duel. This is a clash of our beliefs. I will never admit that my justice is worse than your ridiculous justice."


Yes, this is a battle of beliefs, but until now Aokiji still doesn't understand why Akainu can fight him evenly evenly even though he has become weaker, and even has the upper hand in terms of momentum.

There is no point in saying more, the two continued their battle of ice and fire, and the aftermath of the collision continued to ravage this unfortunate island.

On the top of the mountain far away from the island, Thrall and Hancock were still having a leisurely picnic.

Hancock had been observing the battle below from a distance. It is rare to encounter a life-and-death battle at the level of an admiral. Seeing that Aokiji seemed to have a slight advantage, Hancock asked curiously

"Who do you think will win, Thrall? I think Aokiji has a better chance of winning."

"No, I think Akainu will win because she is more ambitious and determined"......

One day later, the situation of the two generals became worse. As the two fought again, the giant bird made of ice extinguished the lava dog head, but this time Akainu did not dodge. He controlled the lava dragon head to pierce Aokiji's waist despite the severe frostbite on his arm. The lava dried the blood around the hideous wound, leaving a wound with the smell of meat.

"This is......"

Aokiji covered the wound on his waist and barely managed to stand. Even though he had a strong physique, he was already seriously injured by this level of damage. Seeing Akainu using magma to ease the frostbite on his arm, he felt unbelievable and even disheartened about his failure.

Although he didn't want to believe it, Aokiji had to accept the fact. After a careful review, he also understood why he lost.

He had a lot of advantages in the first three days, but now he was overturned by the opponent. The gap between the two may be their respective killing intent. Akainu was determined to die for this battle, and he would die if he didn't succeed.

But he didn't have the opponent's indomitable momentum, which was the reason for his failure.

One of Akainu's arms was frozen purple, but she still walked slowly towards Aokiji with a powerful momentum. Her pair of phoenix eyes looked down at her defeated opponent, and her cold and beautiful face finally smiled, like a blooming rose.

"You lost Aokiji, the moment you hesitated, it proved that you lost"


Aokiji looked very unhappy. If nothing had happened, he would have lost. The injury to his waist had seriously affected his strength, while the opponent had only temporarily lost an arm, so his strength had not dropped too much.

Aokiji took a deep breath and said:

"Akainu, even if I lose, I will not admit your absolute justice. For the so-called justice, I cannot disregard everything."


Akainu looked at Aokiji with a strange look, and suddenly retorted:

"It seems that you still hold on to your previous prejudices. My changes are obvious to all within the navy. Do you think I am still the absolute justice you mentioned? As long as I become the admiral of the navy, I will unite the navy into one rope. Every navy member is a precious brother or sister. Even the World Government and the Five Elders cannot issue orders that violate justice."

Such an abnormal person stunned Aokiji. He wanted to refute the other party, but thinking about what Akainu had done in the past three months, it seemed that he really did what she said. Could it be that becoming a woman really changed Akainu?

Decades of impressions cannot be changed overnight. Aokiji still holds a half-believing and half-doubting attitude.

After the O'Hara incident, the relationship between the two became estranged. He was still brooding over Akainu's attack on civilian ships, and would never recognize the iron-blooded justice, let alone a few words that could completely change him.


Before Aokiji could finish his words, Akainu suddenly rushed over with lava all over his body. At this time, Aokiji's observation Haki also gave off a sense of deadly danger. Was Akainu going to kill him too?


The knife flashed, and Lava's fist failed to block the sharp dark red blade. Akainu was cut by the sword energy in the chest, leaving a deep wound. The sudden change in a flash made Aokiji realize that he had misunderstood Akainu, and he immediately used the power of his fruit to force back the attacker.

An iceberg suddenly rose from the ground, and the peak was 600 meters high.

Akainu inside the iceberg had blood flowing from his chest, and his originally tired body shook. Aokiji endured the injury and supported the injured Akainu with complicated eyes. He really didn't expect that one day she would sacrifice herself to save him. Now they are competitors.

"Akainu, why did you save me? You and I are competing for the position of Admiral of the Navy.

Akainu used his life to stop the bleeding, which restored a trace of redness to his delicate pale face. In response to Aokiji's question, she just continued to speak coldly.

"You are a marine, I am a marine, that's enough."

Simple words made Aokiji freeze in place. He couldn't guarantee that if he switched positions, he would block the fatal blow for others like Akainu.

Soon the defensive ice was shattered by the dark red sword energy, and Sal appeared in front of the two holding Ace in his hand and said in a calm tone

"It's been a long time since we last met, Akainu and Aokiji. I didn't expect to meet here by chance."


"The unexpected arrival of"Roger" made Akainu's eyes flicker, but the opponent's earth-shattering domineering aura suddenly pressed on the two of them. They were already seriously injured, so how could they be immune to the influence of the domineering aura?

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