Reiju's puzzled look suddenly changed, revealing a look of shock, because she finally recognized who the woman was. The stunning woman in black long straight hair was the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock, who had resigned from the position of Shichibukai a few days ago to follow the sea overlord"Roger", and the man next to her was probably the legendary pirate.

Thinking of this, Reiju was shocked and hurriedly spoke out to stop Niji and the others from their reckless actions.

"Wait a minute.……"

It was too late to speak. The two brothers had already rushed towards Hancock, one on the left and one on the right, trying to besiege the real strong enemy.

The blue-haired Niji used the power of lightning, while the green-haired Yongji used the attribute of giant strength.

The attack of the two seemed pitifully slow to Thrall, but the fact that they dared to besiege Hancock made his eyes become serious.

"What two ignorant children."

Before Hancock could make a move, Thrall had already burst out with a targeted Domineering Aura, which did not affect the others. The two Domineering Auras instantly hit the two people who were rushing over, and the terrible pressure made them unable to move.

Niji felt as if a hundred thousand pounds of burden was added to his shoulders. Fortunately, they did not have the fear of humans, otherwise they would have screamed.

Thrall raised his long sword, and the bright red energy quickly condensed to form an air vortex. The dazzling light dimmed the sunlight a little.


Before Reiju could step forward to stop him, Thrall had already swung out a sea version of Weiguo.

A bright red shock wave cut through the sea and drowned the two screaming guys, leaving her, the eldest sister, standing there in a daze.

The aftermath of Weiguo's attack pierced through the clouds.

The two people who were hit head-on by Weiguo lost consciousness and fell into the ocean.

Their combat uniforms became tattered.

It was obvious that Thrall's attack was beyond the range of the uniforms.

The coach's defeat attracted the clones who were always paying attention to rush forward to rescue him.

Thrall ignored the two people who were seriously injured by the attack. Although these modified guys have a high lower limit, their upper limit is too low. They are not as good as Sanji who has human emotions.

Sanji's future success When the five children reached their peak, I really wanted to see Judge's expression at that time. The bloodline technology that he had always placed high hopes on was not as good as that of an abandoned child.

Just as several snails began to bombard, a powerful domineering aura enveloped the entire sea area. The large range was already the full strength of Sal.

Thousands and tens of thousands of clones, all men of the same appearance, were instantly stunned on the spot due to their weak strength and spirit.

As the clones fainted one after another, the snail fleet had no one to control it. The snail ships stopped on the sea, and just like this, a fleet that could destroy the kingdom was completely wiped out.

Now there is only one semi-finished product left. Sal looked at the bewildered Reiju and asked

"You are the only one left, do you still want to fight?"


Reiju took a deep breath to suppress her panic, and slowly flew to the deck of the boat, waiting with a very humble attitude.

"I'm really sorry that my two stupid brothers disturbed the Pirate King's interest. I hope Lord Roger can show mercy and let my three brothers go."

Saar touched his chin, and it seems that he is also very recognizable.

"Or do you have the eyesight to recognize who I am?"


Reiju, who thought she was very smart, froze. Although she knew that the other party was being sentimental, she still didn't dare to refute.

Sal stepped forward and patted Reiju's shoulder, causing her body to tremble a few times, but Sal's next words made her even more uneasy.

"Don't worry, the purpose of my visit to the North Sea this time is to visit your Vinsmoke family. You won't reject me, right?"

"Of course not. It is our honor to have Mr. Roger visit us."

Behind Reiju's calmness, there was a lot of worry, because she didn't know the purpose of Sal's visit.

Sal continued casually.

"That's fine. If there are people my age, just call me Sal."


Reiju was confused by what Sal said, but the other party's serious expression made her have to cater to him.

"All right, Lord Sal."


In the modern hall of the palace of Snail City, when Reiju led Sal and Hancock through the gate, a loud voice welcomed them.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect the legendary Pirate King Roger to come to Germa. It really makes me feel honored. The last time I saw him was 30 years ago."

Sal looked around and saw a golden-haired man coming towards him. This man was Vinsmoke Judge.

Sal also pretended to smile

"The scientist who went out to sea to seek change seems to have got what he wanted now."

"No, I haven't restored the glory of my ancestors yet."

When he was young, Judge did meet Roger, who was already a legendary pirate, and the two had a good conversation.

Judge warmly greeted the guest and entered the luxurious hall.

The King of Germa was very cordial and friendly, which was not like the reaction of a father whose three children were seriously injured.

After a hypocritical reunion, Thrall also looked at the target carefully.

Judge wore a metal helmet, had long golden hair, and was tall. He had a pointed black beard that pointed diagonally upward. He wore an orange cloak and a light gray combat suit with the Germa"66" logo, equipped with white long gloves, a golden belt with the"66" logo, and black combat boots with jet thrusters. The transformer of Judge's combat suit reads"J"


At the Germa Kingdom dinner, in addition to Sar and Hancock, the host family had Judge and his four children screaming.

The four children were all handsome and beautiful, among whom Reiju was more attractive in a sexy pink evening dress, only slightly inferior to Hancock.

After eating and drinking, Judge really asked

"Sir Roger, I don't know what you are doing visiting the Germa Kingdom this time. If you need me, I will definitely help you."

Saar took a sip of red wine, feeling that the wine was full of long-lost technology and harsh words. No wonder the Germa Kingdom's red wine couldn't be sold.

"I don't want to beat around the bush, I want you to make special combat uniforms for me."

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