
Without waiting for Judge to answer, Iji, the eldest son, stood up and refused. His red hair standing upright made him look particularly arrogant, as if his injuries did not exist at this moment.

"Get lost, the battle suit technology is the core technology of our Germa, you want to do it?"


The whole place was silent, and Sal just looked at him with a look of idiocy.

On the contrary, Ichi's recklessness made the other four members of the Vinsmoke family change their faces. Ichi, the bastard, fainted too early and didn't know how terrifying Sal was. He thought that the former Pirate King and the current leader of the Five Emperors were just a false title. He didn't know that the opponent's unfathomable strength was like the abyss of the sea, which frightened everyone.

"Ichi, sit down and go to......"

Reiju was about to speak to smooth things over when she was interrupted. An extreme domineering aura swept across the entire hall. Everyone present felt their shoulders sink and experienced the despair of standing naked in the snow. The three seriously injured brothers were unable to resist and were pressed to the ground.

""Bang, bang, bang, bang."

All glass products were crushed by the high-pressure domineering aura, followed by fragile pottery and wooden products, and then maids and guards. This horrific scene made the well-informed Judge's face change drastically. Thrall's domineering aura was definitely the strongest he had ever seen, much stronger than the other four emperors.

Iji, who had brought up the topic, had fallen into a coma again, and was still foaming at the mouth, making it impossible for Judge to sacrifice a son to calm the other party's anger.

Thrall's sharp eyes controlled the domineering aura to press towards Judge, forcing the Germa King to bend his noble waist. Since he was promoted to level 98, the peak-level domineering aura he possessed has been truly improved, making him look forward to what kind of realm he would be after the peak.

If the domineering aura is used against one person alone, even the vice admiral of the headquarters cannot do it. Resist the domineering color that is like divine power.

The atmosphere became more and more oppressive. Although Thrall did not explicitly say that he would use force to suppress others, his current attitude is very clear that he will turn hostile if he does not agree. He did not say it out loud only to consider the last bit of dignity of Judge.

Vinsmoke Judge's face kept changing, and he finally chose to take the initiative to surrender. When the King of Germa lowered his proud head, everyone on the Germa side breathed a sigh of relief. Reikuka got out of the domineering aura with sweat dripping down her chest, and she breathed heavily.

The three Vinsmoke brothers were not so lucky. They were already seriously injured and unable to get up. Now even without the suppression of the domineering color, they did not want to move a finger.

Judge took out a blueprint from a portable capsule and handed it to Thrall. It contained the design of the battle suit. He pointed to the blueprint and explained:

"Sir Roger, it's not that I don't want to help you make the uniforms, but the main reason is that the production cost of the uniforms is very expensive.

Look here and there, they are made of rare materials.

You will definitely not like the ordinary uniforms of the Germa Kingdom soldiers, and the uniforms that my children and I wear are not only complicated in production, but each of them costs 1.

5 billion berries.

"The price figure flashed through Sal's mind.

As the richest man in the world, would he care about this little money? On the contrary, Judge's surrender made him put on another face and showed a bright smile.

"Hahaha, money is not a problem, you also know that I robbed the Golden City of Tezulo. Now I can mobilize an estimated 200 billion berries. This is a big business for Jiazhi, don't you want to take this order?"


Although 200 billion berries are very tempting, the income of the Germa Kingdom in 10 years may not be 200 billion, but this money is very hot.

Judge was really panicked. Seeing that Thrall agreed to the cost without hesitation, he began to wonder if the other party had a problem with his brain.

1.5 billion berries is not a small amount of money. An ordinary animal-type fruit is only 100 million berries. 1.5 billion is enough to buy a good natural devil fruit, and it is generally unsalable in the market.

If 200 billion berries are used to make battle clothes, it would be more cost-effective to directly buy devil fruits or weapons. Is the man in front of him crazy or is he rich and willful?

The previous points are actually secondary. The most important thing is that he doesn't want to help with the manufacturing. Battle suit technology and cloning technology are one of the two pillars of Germa. How can they be used by insignificant people? Unfortunately, the current situation forces him to give in.

Thrall's smiling face hides ill intentions. If he refuses, today may be the end of Germa.

Judge made a final struggle and raised his voice a few degrees to argue

"Sir Roger, although I know you are rich, the battle suit technology can only play the greatest effect with the bloodline factor. If the user has not adjusted the bloodline factor, he can only play 60% to 70% of his strength at most."

"I don't care about this problem. As long as you agree, my funds will be in place within a month. You just need to keep up with the production schedule. This is a big business worth 200 billion berries."


What a shameless person! If you don't care, do other people not care?

Hancock drank tea and watched everything silently. In the case of unequal strength, the result was already doomed, but the cunning Sal was much more handsome in her eyes.

In just one minute, Judge finally agreed to the cooperation conditions under Reiju's worried eyes. The Pirate King actually came to the North Sea to bully his junior. It was simply unethical.

At this point, Judge could only pretend to laugh heartily.

"Hahaha, Mr. Roger, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you. As long as your funds are in place, I can help you make the battle suit. But you need to be mentally prepared for one thing. The manufacturing process of the battle suit will be very troublesome. I can only produce one piece a day."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate with you. I can accept the production speed. In order to show my sincerity, I can increase the price of a piece of clothing to 1.55 billion berries. I will never let you suffer a loss. If you make 50 million per piece, you can make 1.5 billion berries in a month."


Judge, who had been so generous, froze immediately. 1.5 billion a month was not a huge fortune for him. He wanted to ask for 1.7 billion for each suit. After all, the material and manufacturing cost of one suit was indeed as high as 1.43 billion. The Germa Kingdom had less than 20 finished suits in stock.

At this point, Judge kept smiling and talked and laughed with Sal. The suit was also an important part for Sal. Although the suit had no effect on the level of the admirals and the four emperors, it would more or less improve the strength of the Seven Warlords and the vice-admirals, not to mention that there would be a qualitative improvement below the vice admirals of the headquarters.

Imagine that the core members of the Sal Pirates were all equipped with exclusive suits. Even if the amplification effect was only 60% of the original one, it would still be a considerable increase in strength.

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