Regardless of what Gazhi thought secretly, Sal stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder and said

"Judge: We are allies now. Don't worry, from now on your business will be my business."

When Judge heard Sal mention the alliance, his face turned even darker. He didn't want to become an ally of"One Piece". If the base camp was in the New World, it might be okay, but his current kingdom was in the North Sea. Unless the entire Germa Kingdom moved to the New World, he would not end up well if he jumped too hard.

The Four Seas can be said to be the key territory of the World Government. In the entire world, only the Grand Line and the New World have soil for the survival of big pirates, or they can become legal pirates of kingdoms such as the Shippo Navy.

Becoming an ally of Sal in the Four Seas will be liquidated by the World Government.

Judge asked hurriedly.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Roger, we should just be partners, how come we are allies?"

Saar couldn't help but put more force on the other's shoulder, and replied with a smile.

"Judge, do you think too highly of me that you don't want to be my ally? You should know that the fact that you provided me with battle suits means that we are allies in the eyes of the World Government."

"Mr. Roger, how can I look down on you?......But"

How can there be so many justs?" Sal continued to interrupt him and said

"Don't worry, as an ally, I will definitely lend you a helping hand. If you want to restore the glory of your family in the future, I will come forward to help you block the power of the navy. Unifying the North Sea is not a dream."

"Unify Beihai...."

Judge recalled the days when his father was still in power. At that time, the Germa Kingdom was a rat crossing the street in the North Sea and everyone wanted to kill it. No member of the World Government took Germa seriously. In the end, his father died of depression because of this.

The goal of unifying the North Sea has been his lifelong pursuit. No, it should be the goal of the Vinsmoke family for generations. Judge swallowed what he wanted to say. Even though he knew that Thrall would not really help him unify the North Sea, it was better to leave hope.

"That's right, Mr. Roger, we are allies, the kind that are unbreakable."

After confirming the alliance, the next thing Judge had to do was to communicate with the World Government and try to minimize the impact of manufacturing the battle suits, and it would be best if the World Government did not pursue the responsibility of cooperating with Sal.

Although the Germa Kingdom has no territory, it also has a strong network of relationships in the World Government. Although it is not a member country, it is better than a member country. If necessary, it can also influence bounties and certain policies.

In the original work more than a year later, Judge adjusted Sanji's bounty through the relationship with the World Government.

All of this is the reward for Judge's cooperation with the World Government using technology, and the two sides can be said to be in a cooperative relationship.

"Happy cooperation"

"Happy cooperation."

The two strong hands were clasped together, and Sal made the other party feel the powerful force with just a little effort.

Judge resisted the discomfort and waved to Reiju. When his most promising daughter came to him, he really introduced her to Sal.

"Mr. Roger, this is my eldest daughter, Reiju. She grew up listening to your stories and has admired you for a long time. So I want to fulfill her dream and marry Reiju to you. What do you think?"


Thrall was shocked by the sudden development. His eyes shifted from the flattering Judge to the indifferent Reiju. He could not see the pink-haired lady's admiration at all. The other party's intention to strengthen the cooperation between the two sides through marriage was too obvious. Although Reiju was good in all aspects, Thrall was unmoved because a terrifying sight was looking at them from behind.

You, Judge, dared to cheat on the Pirate Queen in front of her. Aren't you trying to confront the Minotaur in person? I am a pure love warrior for thousands of years, and I cannot coexist with the Minotaur.


Thrall pretended to refuse like a gentleman, but at the same time he proposed another compromise plan. He knew that Gazhi wanted to tie Thrall's power more closely through marriage, but Thrall would not"sacrifice" his body for the sake of developing power.

"Although Miss Reiju is beautiful, we just met today, so there is no need to get married. However, Miss Reiju can join my Sal Pirates. She is very suitable to be my partner in terms of strength and wisdom."


Judge was about to continue to persuade him, but before he could open his mouth, his body froze instinctively, because a top-level domineering aura had already enveloped him. Turning his head, he realized that Hancock was looking at him unkindly. The domineering aura faintly pressing on him made his face change slightly. This domineering Pirate Queen was someone who could not be offended, and the other party seemed to be the"legitimate girlfriend"."

"That's fine. It seems my daughter doesn't have this blessing. She can only become a crew member and follow Mr. Roger."

In fact, he still noticed some meanings in Sal's words. For example, it's not easy to get married if they just met today, so they can decide after getting familiar with each other. Joining the Sal Pirates is just right.

Although Judge's decision seems to be very childish, it doesn't mean that he is very casual about marriage. The real reason is that Sal's strength is too strong.

When you are afraid of a person's power, the best solution is to join the other side's formation, and you also need to do your best to improve your status in the hearts of others. In just less than 4 months, even if you only read the newspaper, you will know that the Sal Pirates can rival the two Five Emperors and are the strongest overlords on the sea. The local short-lived Rocks Pirates are no better than this. The Sal Pirates have stronger cohesion than the Rocks Pirates.

Since you are forced to bet on Sal, you must continue to increase your bets. Only by investing heavily can you reap a lot of rewards.

Seeing that the two have reached a consensus, Reiju suddenly smiled and showed her full affinity and said

"Please take care of me in the future, Luo.....Captain Sal"

"Please take good care of me in the future, Miss Reiju."

The banquet went on smoothly, and the guests and hosts got along very well. Sal felt like he was back home. It would be even better if he could ignore the fact that the three hosts were severely injured by the guests, and the glass and wood fragments all over the floor.......

At night, Hancock was seen holding Sal under her in a strong position in the VIP room. Her plump breasts were curved in an attractive way by gravity, almost touching the man's nose. Her eyebrows were raised, making her beautiful face look different.

A long leg spread Sal's legs, and a pair of slender white hands pressed down on the prey's shoulders.

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