The Kingdom of Taiqila Wolf on the East China Sea Bridge, this bridge known as the Kingdom of Workers has existed for 700 years. The World Government transported slaves and prisoners to form more than 100,000 bridge-building workers. The entire nominal kingdom has no civilians, only slave laborers and supervisors.

For hundreds of years, no one knows the significance of the existence of the Kingdom of Bridge. Only the Five Elders and Yimu know the real purpose. But everyone who knows about it knows that the bridge is still a long way from completion, at least hundreds of years or even longer. The bridge deck composed of solid rocks is a full kilometer wide. The entire bridge deck is built with rows of simple wooden houses, which looks like a concentration camp.

When this section of the bridge is completed, the slave town will be moved. There are hundreds of abandoned spots on the entire bridge for hundreds of years.

Thousands of wooden houses form a depressing town. No slaves dare to run around outside the town because the guards will shoot and kill those who run around without mercy.

The blizzard brought by the strong wind baptized this life-eating bridge, and a thick layer of snow covered the long bridge deck. Even in such bad weather, as the alarm sounded, slaves wearing thick and dirty work clothes came out one by one.

Everyone lined up in an orderly manner and walked to their work positions. Among the nearly 100,000 workers, there were not only adult men and women and the elderly, but also 8-year-old children.

The slaves of the Kingdom on the Bridge include criminals and slaves, as well as trafficked non-member country nationals. Their fate was doomed from the moment they stepped onto the bridge. They would never be able to leave the Kingdom on the Bridge until they died.

On average, hundreds of thousands of people die from exhaustion every 10 years. This has been repeated for 700 years. The not-too-long bridge has accumulated a huge number of dead souls.......

""Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang."

Several bodies of people who died of exhaustion were thrown directly off the bridge. The carnivorous fish that had gathered under the bridge began their short feast.

In the dust that could not be covered by the wind and snow, the supervisors kept waving whips and whipping the slaves who were considered lazy.

"Work quickly and don't even think about being lazy."

A barbed whip lashed an old woman's skin and flesh, and the abuser had a ferocious look on his face and had no intention of stopping. This cruel scene made many people angry, but they dared not speak out when they thought of the doubled guards.

There were many guards patrolling the vast bridge with guns, and some CP agents were hiding in the corners watching everything on the bridge, because the World Government believed that some guys would not give up easily.

The changes in the Kingdom on the Bridge were mainly caused by the riots three months ago, forcing the World Government to send more people to guard this world wonder bridge.

It stands to reason that the World Government would not pay too much attention to the Tajira Wolf, because apart from people, only some building materials are valuable, and it is not worth wasting too much energy.

However, the failed riot planned by the Revolutionary Army three months ago completely made the World Government turn its attention to it..

With the New World decaying, the World Government will never allow large-scale riots to occur in the four seas. The forces targeting the Revolutionary Army have also increased a lot in the past three months.

When the workers began to work hard, a black-haired woman in labor clothes quietly mixed into the crowd. Her bright eyes and white teeth kept scanning the surroundings, trying to find the figure who had helped her.

Under the woman's work hat was a head of beautiful long black hair.

Her delicate face was covered with a bookish scent.

As she took steps, her thick work clothes could not hide her curvy figure.

This woman was Nicole Robin, who had been away from the Bridge Kingdom for more than two months.

More than three months ago, she was blown to the Bridge Kingdom by the bear's ability.

When she was injured due to lack of clothes, she was rescued by the little girl Solan and followed her back to the temporary residence.

It's a pity that because someone informed, Robin left in order to protect In order to protect the people who helped her, she had to surrender. After surrendering, she was interrogated in a special prison by the Chief of Guards, and even wanted to hand over the Devil's Child to the World Government.

It was at this time that Robin took the opportunity to steal the key and escape from the prison. At the same time, she met the Revolutionary Army who were preparing to launch a liberation movement. Robin and the Revolutionary Army had the same goal, so they hit it off and started a riot to overturn the bridge on the spot.

But at this moment, an unexpected change occurred. A young man who called himself the Knights of God appeared. The arrogant and domineering man defeated the Revolutionary Army's troops with absolute strength. If it weren't for the Revolutionary Army leaders who fought desperately to resist the enemy, Robin and others would not have been able to escape from the Bridge Kingdom.

Afterwards, Robin was taken to Baldigo by the Revolutionary Army, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army. In Baldigo, she met Luffy's father Monkey D. Dragon and the Revolutionary Army's Chief of Staff Sabo, and also There are high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army, such as the commanders of other armies.

The failure of the Bridge Kingdom did not dampen her determination, but made her more eager to become stronger and do what she wanted.

After three months of training, the Revolutionary Army once again planned to launch a liberation movement for the Bridge Kingdom. The difference from the last time was that high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army were involved, and they were not afraid even when facing the member of the Knights of God.

The leader was the East Army Captain Bello Betty, who was the user of the Encouragement Fruit, and the other was the South Army Captain Mori, who was the user of the Push-Push Fruit and the creator of the 5.

5th floor of Impel Down.

The commanders of the Revolutionary Army were all well-known top warriors on the sea.

In addition to Robin, there were many good players of the Revolutionary Army who infiltrated various parts of the Bridge Kingdom in this operation.

As soon as the signal was given, they would ignite a spark and burn the sinful bridge to ashes.......

A strong cold wind blew, causing Robin to hold his hat and exhale a puff of white smoke in the extremely cold weather. He murmured to himself with a little concern.

"Solan, where are you? I hope nothing happens to you."

If the turmoil three months ago had been carefully investigated, perhaps Solan's relationship with her would have been discovered. A little girl who helped the enemies of the World Government would definitely suffer a tragic fate.

While the anxious Robin kept searching for Solan, a man with a naked upper body and a golden-proportion figure was working swiftly. He picked up a huge hammer and every blow caused his muscles to change, revealing sharp lines with the movement. With his handsome appearance and perfect body like a demigod, his powerful charm attracted the attention of many female slaves and even drooled.

Some guards in red coats were even more unhappy when they saw this, but the power shown by the other party made them jealous and dared not act rashly, so they could only curse each other.

"Bah, damn slaves, why pretend? They will die on the bridge anyway."

"Yes, yes, yes, we don't need to envy the lowly guys"

"Who said I was jealous? When he finishes his work today, I will definitely shoot him in the back and make him stay naked in the snow."

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