Nico Robin didn't pay attention to the man as she passed by him. She just wanted to see a girl who was willing to sacrifice for someone she just met.

Suddenly, a familiar voice made Robin stop. The man not far away was looking at her.

"Robin, it's been a long time since we last met. It seems like you've been doing well and become much prettier in the past three months."

Unable to recognize the voice for a moment, Robin froze, wondering if she had been exposed. If the World Government knew that the Devil's Son had reappeared in the Bridge Kingdom, the Revolutionary Army's plan would most likely be interrupted.

Robin didn't hesitate at all. When she turned around, her hands were already crossed together, ready to use the power of the Hana-Hana Fruit to break the enemy's neck at any time.

On the snow-covered bridge, a shirtless man with strong chest muscles was also looking at her. His slightly red body exuded heat to dispel the coldness nearby. At first glance, Robin felt that it would be very comfortable to hug his hot body in winter.

From the straight abdomen to the strong chest muscles, the line of sight moved up to the tough face like a knife. Robin's foxy eyes widened, with an unquestionable look, because the identity of the person was beyond her expectations.

After confirming again and again that she was not mistaken, she was surprised.

""How come it's you, Sal? Aren't you in the New World?"

For three months, she had been following the news of the world, including Luffy's participation in the war at the top, the death of Whitebeard, and the situation of the Five Emperors. She was shocked by what Sal did. It turned out to be the man she remembered. She didn't expect that he would come to the Kingdom of Bridge without a sound and pretend to be a slave laborer. She didn't believe that there was no special meaning.

Sal skillfully picked up the towel and wiped the non-existent sweat, and said with emotion.

"I'm here to experience the life of a slave. I think life in the Bridge Kingdom is not bad. We are all happy to cooperate with each other."


Even Robin, who has good manners, was shocked by the answer. This answer is really weird.

""Sal, stop joking. Are you here because of the Bridge Kingdom? I don't think the strongest man in the world would show up for no reason."

When Robin said this, his eyes sparkled with anticipation. He had some concerns about the action to liberate the Bridge Kingdom. If the"Pirate King" joined, it would be foolproof.

Robin's expectations made Sal scratch his face. The main reason he came to the Bridge Kingdom was that he couldn't find the Revolutionary Army's base camp. After all, the White Earth Island"Baldigo" was really hard to find, otherwise the World Government would not have not discovered the Revolutionary Army's base camp until now.

In the original work, only Blackbeard had Bugles sneak into Sabo's team to find Baldigo, and they even had a battle with the Revolutionary Army on the White Earth Island, and the entire island was devastated before both sides retreated.

Although the winner was not clearly stated. However, Sal felt that they should be evenly matched, otherwise none of the high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army that appeared later would be missing.

During the war at the top, he forgot to ask Ivankov for the Den Den Mushi, so he could only look for it by himself.

Since he couldn't find the White Earth Island"Baldigo", he might as well try his luck in the Bridge Kingdom.

According to his memory, the Revolutionary Army and Robin in the original work should have liberated the Bridge Kingdom long ago, but now something unexpected has happened, which made Sal interested.

He tried his luck here and indeed saw the existence of Nico Robin, so it would not be difficult to find the Revolutionary Army.

As for liberating the Bridge Kingdom, it was the least important reason.

But it was just a misunderstanding, Sal answered seriously.

"There is no such thing. I am not very interested in the Kingdom on the Bridge. Instead, it is your motive, Robin. I heard that three months ago you and the Revolutionary Army tried to start a riot in the Kingdom on the Bridge. Do you intend to liberate the slaves on the Bridge again this time?"

"Well, I did come back to liberate everyone this time."

Robin admitted directly, because she felt that Sal might be able to help, and based on her understanding, this man would not let go.

Robin suddenly took two steps forward and approached Sal, looking up at the shirtless man in front of her and asked softly

"Thrall, may I ask you to help me liberate the Bridge Kingdom?"

"Of course, no problem, as long as you owe me a favor, it's equal exchange."

Just one favor can move the Pirate King, Robin's eyes are shining like stars

"It is really my honor that my value is comparable to that of a kingdom."

Sal looked at the gentle and elegant lady in front of him, just shook his head and said what he thought was the truth.

"Don't underestimate yourself, Robin. You are the last historian in the world. As a woman, you are precious enough. You are a beautiful treasure on the sea."

Others may not know that Sal knows Robin very well. He knows how gentle and kind she is. Her overall appearance is not much worse than Hancock.

And she is very similar to Reiju, equally considerate and strong.

"Then I will accept your compliment, but my strength is limited, so please show mercy when I need to repay you."

The beauty opposite smiled, after all, even she would feel happy to be praised by an excellent man.

The chat between the two attracted the attention of many guards, and the captain of the guards showed a fierce expression.

"That kid actually dared to be lazy."

Originally there was no excuse for trouble, but now it appears. However, when they slowly surrounded this side, several people would faint silently on the ground, silently, and Thrall's peak domineering aura was enough to do this.

The slaves who had been exploited to the extreme saw the guard fall to the ground, looked around and found that no other guards noticed, so they became bold and threw the guy who offended everyone into the sea. The altitude of thousands of meters was a perfect place to destroy the body. Robin saw that the guard's fate was not rippled, but grabbed Thrall's palm and wanted to take him away

""Brother Sal."

At this moment, a blond girl rushed over panting. Even her thick clothes could not hide her sweat and her face was full of fatigue.

When Robin saw who it was, he was very surprised because the girl was Solan, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Solan did not recognize who the woman was for the time being, and said to Sal happily

"Brother Sar, I have already inquired about the number of people in the kingdom. There are about 130,000 people in the kingdom. Also, this is the map I asked Grandpa Renault to draw. When can we take action?"

"Don't worry, Solan, it will be done in these two days."

Solan nodded to Sarr with great trust. Most of the others did not believe that Sarr could liberate the bridge, but Solan, who had seen his god-like power, was full of confidence.

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