Betty suddenly walked up to Sal and changed her usual friendly attitude. She wanted to know how much Sal knew about the Revolutionary Army.

"It seems that Mr. Roger knows the Revolutionary Army very well. I wonder if you know the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army. He is actually somewhat related to you."

Saar looked at her strangely. What a strange woman. She seemed quite aloof just now, but now she has become a bit like the big sister next door. But when it comes to Sabo's origin, he just happens to know

"Oh, you are talking about Sabo, the little guy from the Goa Kingdom in the East China Sea. He is the sworn brother of Ace and Luffy. He is indeed related to me, and I admire his strength and character. But I am more looking forward to the moment when he meets his scumbag brother. I heard that his brother's fiancée is the princess of the Goa Kingdom."

Seeing Sal calmly talking about Sabo's origins, Betty's eyes flickered under her sunglasses. The fact that the other party knew so much was beyond her expectations. She originally thought that Sal knew at most the information about Sabo's five years of debut, but she didn't expect that he even knew his childhood. You know, Sabo's memory was only restored two months ago when he saw the execution of Ace in the war at the top.

Betty hurriedly continued to ask questions, hoping to get a not bad result, but the reality is often different from what she imagined.

"Do you know the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Tyrant Bear?"

The second question made Sal realize that Betty had been trying to get him to talk, and he couldn't help but reveal a meaningful expression. Since the Revolutionary Army was so curious about his intelligence capabilities, he would fulfill their plan and get some explosive intelligence.

"Dragon's partner Tyrant Bear? I know he was one of the founders of the Revolutionary Army. I heard that the reason he became a Shichibukai was to get close to Vegapunk and protect the country and Bonnie. But his current situation is not optimistic. He has been transformed into a half-machine form that is neither human nor ghost."

Thinking about the future of Bear, Sal recalled something Bonnie said when they parted on Fishman Island.

At that time, Bonnie asked with a sad face

"Sal......Captain, can you help me rescue my father?"

At that time, Sal's answer was of course he could, but it was not the right time yet. After all, the bear should be in the holy land of Marijoa now, and he was not ready to go to the city where Im was.

If he was besieged by Im and the five old guys, it would be dangerous. Although he didn't know the strength of the six people, he was still full of fear. He hoped that the bear could hold on for a while, otherwise rescuing the tyrant bear who could not regain his sanity would more or less disappoint the expectations of Bonnie.

Betty didn't know that Sal's mind had flown elsewhere, and all the information from the other party matched, which made her face slightly solemn. Not only Sabo's unknown information, but also some information that she didn't know.

How deep does this legendary pirate know about the Revolutionary Army? Does he even know the secrets hidden by Long? Thinking of this, Betty began to gradually become impatient. The unknown is the most terrible enemy, otherwise it will be very passive to become an enemy in the future.

She still remembers what Long once said. Even pirates like Whitebeard and Shanks, who are not very aggressive, may become enemies of the Revolutionary Army in the future, not to mention the current Sabo. The other party was very aggressive, and a conflict was not impossible.

Sal did not expect that the other party's heart was getting heavier. He simply exposed his intelligence capabilities to shock the Revolutionary Army. Then he could just wait for the real dragon to come to visit in person at home, without having to go to the other party's base camp.

The people around were digesting the intelligence that Sal threw out. Some high-ranking officials of the Revolutionary Army really didn't know the intelligence about Sabo and Kuma. Robin and Ahiru, who was his deputy, soon noticed that something was wrong with the two, but the two think tank women chose to continue to watch.

Betty's plump pomelo rose and fell. In her opinion, the man in front of her was too scary, as if everything was under his control. Sal's various behaviors made her miss possible ideas. She didn't think that maybe the information just now was just known by chance. If she continued to ask, the other party would be exposed.

In order to avoid the worst situation, Betty remembered the intelligence of the Revolutionary Army on Sal, so she made a decision. The whole person suddenly became like a blooming lavender. She twisted her waist and took a few steps forward, raised her head and bent her upper body. Her exaggerated plumpness made people look down on her, and she said in a feminine tone.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Roger knew so many things. He is really a rare excellent man in the world. Do you want to have a drink and chat with me in the evening?"

Such a direct temptation made Saldo look at the other party. Betty's liberated grapefruit had the capital to chat with him, but her performance was quite obvious in the eyes of everyone. Even Mori slapped his forehead and couldn't watch it anymore.

""It's better not to do it. I'm afraid I won't be free tonight."

Betty, who thought she was a great beauty, was stunned for a moment. The temptation ended before it even began. It didn't matter that it ended. It was an insult to her charm that such a great beauty rejected her invitation in seconds.

In response, Betty suppressed her anger and hugged the other person, letting her plump pomelo wrap around the other person's arm, and put her head forward and blew a breath into Sal's ear.

"Come on, there may be unexpected developments."

This strange scene made Sal speechless. Sister, can you not be so obvious, or show it in a place where no one is around, then he might really have an irresponsible friendly battle.

It seems that this 32-year-old mature woman is not as mature as she shows. Although her figure is comparable to Robin, at least she is not qualified in using basic seduction skills.

Sal grabbed the other's shoulders and pushed her away without changing his face. How can they hug each other in public? He is a man who cares about face.

"Ms. Betty, please respect yourself. You are really not my type."

Betty was frozen by the continuous rejection. The continuous blows made her straightforward character unable to be disguised any longer. She looked at Sal's outfit and said sarcastically

"Humph, don't be so self-indulgent. I really don't like you. You are not wearing a shirt in the snow. Are you a pervert?"


Although he knew that the other party was angry, Sal couldn't stand being mocked by a woman who looked more like a pervert. Obviously, the other party's clothes looked more like a pervert.

Betty had short purple hair and a bob with bangs.

She wore a red top hat with goggles and a long tassel on the back.

She also wore burgundy sunglasses.

She wore a red long-sleeved vest on her upper body with a"BELO"She was wearing a red tie around her neck and yellow leather gloves.

She was wearing a long tail skirt, red boots and red and white stockings, and a cigarette was hanging from her mouth.

Her beautiful face and hot and plump figure made her look like the special clothing of some special profession in her previous life.

"I don't know if I'm a pervert, but I think you are the pervert. You're wearing revealing clothes in such cold weather. Aren't you afraid of corrupting children? Apart from being a pervert, I really don't understand why a woman would wear such clothes in the ice and snow."


Betty looked down at her clothes, and then glared at the man, who was speechless. She didn't even care about the cigarette falling to the ground, and walked forward to glare at the rude man. If she was not sure that she couldn't beat Sal, she would definitely make him pay.

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