Gaya looked into her eyes and said in a deep voice, "Really?"

Although it sounded calm, Wen Qian knew that he was angry, and the anger of the gods was undisguised, so suppressed that she couldn't breathe. Only then did she realize that in front of this person, she was like a tiny ant.

They couldn't be more different.

And the gods don't seem to need any reason to tease an ant.

Wen Qian saw his eyes turn silver again, and there was an indescribable beauty in the dark night, but he was not a fragile and beautiful porcelain, but a highly poisonous killing weapon.

"Do you have to say such nasty things to provoke me?" "Gaya's eyes were nonchalant, but already a little cold, "I know you're the best at these tricks.

"If you're willing to say something nice, I might let you go."

Wen Qian sneered: "I speak with pleasure, and I have good things to say to you... "

What kind of extradition, even if I want to be your mother, I won't be happy."

His eyes were cold, always noble and indifferent, and he said condescendingly: "Have you figured it out?"

"I don't need to think about it at all." Wen Qian smiled presumptuously, full of irony, she just didn't like him, and she couldn't be a god.

"If I helped you, I would definitely regret it for the rest of my life. "

I don't do anything I regret.

Gaya's eyes flickered and glanced at her. She was obviously restrained and couldn't move, but her slender neck was still held high, and her exuberant vitality was like her long rose-purple hair, which would never fail.

“...... Don't regret it?" he repeated faintly.

She had the most swaggering personality he had ever seen, and the most dazzling soul. So even if she was already the messenger of Yaozhen, Gaya wanted to take her over and dye her black little by little.

Such a soul shines everywhere.

The tip of Gaya's tongue licked the sharp fangs, and suddenly she wanted to taste it.

There was a lot of amusement between his eyebrows, like looking at a lively pet, "But do you really think I need to ask for your wishes?"

With that, he grabbed her fragile and white neck, bared his fangs, leaned over and bit down!"


moment the stabbing pain in her neck came, Wen Qian almost wanted to kill someone.

She felt the vampire's teeth bite open in her neck, the pain rushing up, and the feeling of blood loss was clearly terrifying.

"Gaya—" she squeezed a few words out between her teeth.

I'll fuck you ancestors!!

, his brows furrowed, his nails digging into the flesh of his palms, blood dripping from his hands. Actually temporarily broke through the confinement of Jiaya, and a sharp blade quickly turned into a sharp blade in her hand, and stabbed forward.

How could Gaya's let her hurt, her wrist was strangled by the god of death. As soon as she exerted her strength, the knife in her hand fell to the ground.

"Biting dog thing..."I'll kill you sooner or later."

The blood was still draining, her eyes were black, and the feeling of dizziness was coming up layer by layer.

Suddenly, they all heard the sound of two people talking outside the door, it was Yaozhen and Feilian who had returned. Wen Qian's fingertips pinched into Gaya's arm hard, but Gaya didn't seem to feel the pain, and still didn't let go.

Wen Qian couldn't struggle at all.

It wasn't until Jiaye finally relented that Wen Qian's knees weakened and she fell directly to the ground, his lips were red with blood, his tongue licked the tips of his teeth, and he tasted it aftertaste.

It's quite sweet.

Before leaving, he still attached himself to Wen Qian's ear, and his tone was a little provocative: "Lightbringer, you don't have a choice now. He

also deliberately accentuated the words "Lightbringer".

"If you think about it, come to Wonderland to see me.

Wen Qian felt a chill from the wound, and at an angle she couldn't see, her neck was glowing with black gas from the wound little by little, and the black rose totem climbed up again, flowing down the skin and blood.

Jia Ye's right hand covered the side of her face, and with a touch of her fingertips, the scar on Wen Qian's face disappeared completely, and he said softly: "There is a scar on the face, it's really not good-looking."

He seemed somewhat satisfied, and looked at it for a moment, until the sound was very near, and then he leaped out of the ledge, and disappeared.

Her face was pale, and she didn't even have the strength to shout, she heard Yaozhen and Feilian open the door, Wen Qian slowly stood up with the door, but before she could take a step, she completely lost her strength, and the whole person fell backwards.


When she woke up, she saw two enlarged faces in front of her, looking at her with concern. Wen Qian sat up and saw that she was lying on the bed in the room, she reached out and touched it, the wound on her neck was gone, but the pain of being bitten by sharp teeth was still faintly painful.

It was Yaozhen who cured her when she was unconscious.

It was about three or four o'clock in the morning, and the city was already sleeping deeply, and it was pitch black outside, but no one could sleep here.

Wen Qian sat on the side without saying a word, exuding an aura that no one should approach.

Yaozhen and Feilian glanced at each other, and they were both silent.

Seeing the death totem on Wen Qian's body, who could not understand what was happening?

Gaya came to the human world, which was undoubtedly the worst news for them at the moment.

The three of them sat silent, and no one knew what to do.

Yaozhen hung his head slightly, as if he felt a little guilty: "I can only heal your injuries, but I can't solve the curse under Jiaye." "


"It's none of your business. Wen Qian seemed to have guessed this result a long time ago, and asked with no expression on her face, "What will happen if you can't break the curse?"

Fei Lian stopped joking at this time, and he said in a deep voice: "If he wants you to die." "

I understand this.

Gaya asked her to be his extradite, but she didn't want to, so Gaya cursed to control her, life and death were in his hands, and she had to do it if she didn't do it.

"You know... What is an extraditerr?" asked Wen Qian.

“...... Extradition person?" Yao Zhen was slightly stunned, "Isn't that the messenger who connects the two worlds by Gaya

?" "That is to say, the extradition of people can be the key to his travel between the human world and the fairy land, right?"

Yao Zhen replied: "So to speak. But he has not extradited people for many years. It is said that it is because the extraditer must be someone he trusts so that he does not go wrong on that path, and he never trusts anyone. How could you be..."

"Maybe, he just wanted me to be his puppet. Wen Qian's eyes flashed calmly and looked at Yao Zhen, "After all, he wanted me to kill you a long time ago, didn't he?"

Yao Zhen was speechless.

She's been fighting against Gaya since she was born, she was defeated hundreds of years ago, and now... There was still nothing she could do to stop him.

"Since there is no way, let's go with his will. Wen Qian stood up, the corners of her lips hooked up a not-so-obvious smile, as if something was brewing, she sneered, and said,

"I'll go to Wonderland to find him." "

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