"You—" Fei Lian Huo stood up, the worry and disapproval on his face obvious.

"No, if you go to Wonderland, you may not be able to come back. Yaozhen also frowned, "You don't know how terrifying Gaya is. "

I know, I'm not... Have you already learned it?" Wen Qian twisted the fingers that had just touched Jiaye, and "whew" to blow off the dust on the fingertips, clapping her hands indifferently, "That's why I want to go."

"It was easy for him to kill me, but he didn't do it, which shows that I still have value." Wen Qian calmly looked straight ahead, rationally analyzing, "... Moreover, there must be some restrictions in Wonderland that make him unable to do it.

"You know. She looked at Yaozhen.

Yaozhen sighed slightly, shook his head helplessly, and finally talked seriously about Jiaye in front of Wen Qian, her sworn enemy for many years.

"That's already, something a long time ago.

Yao Zhen's white hair was on her shoulders, looking a little depressed, I don't know when, she had become accustomed to believing Wen Qian, even if she was just an ordinary person.

But there is an inexplicable strength in her that makes people involuntarily want to believe her. Whatever she wants, she can do it.

"Gaya only woke up after you left the seal, so... What does he have to do with you?"

That's the main reason why he wants to kill me, Gaya he's a madman. Yaozhen said solemnly.

"I've been a mortal enemy of Gaya since I was born, and I'm born with the opposite powers, but in the beginning, I wanted to be stronger than him.

"At that time, the faith was just beginning, and Gaya was not yet fully mature, and he was not my opponent, so he was suppressed by me for many years, and the human world was not slaughtered by him because of this. But at that time, none of us knew that the power of balance existed.

"Wonderland is a naturally derived spiritual land, and we are gods with divine powers, and before that catastrophe, we all thought so.

Yaozhen's eyes were deep, and with her low voice, Wen Qian seemed to see the past.

The beginning of fairyland, the origin of all things.

Gaya is not the strongest god yet, the mature Yaozhen has firmly suppressed him, he is resentful and unwilling, and can only live in the castle at the edge of the fairyland.

He was born with a plague god, and wherever he passed, there was no grass growing and the creatures retreated, so that there was always no one around him, and no one set foot near his castle, and the fairyland, which loved the peace and happiness of life, did not accept such a destructive existence as him.

In these descriptions, she seems to see that the young Gaya is holding back her energy, trying to become strong, hoping to one day be recognized by others.

The passage of time allowed him to mature, and he grew stronger and stronger until he was on par with Yaozhen.

And then there's the stalemate, a stalemate that lasts for tens of millions of years. They face off at the pinnacle of light and darkness, regardless of victory or defeat. It seems endless.

"At that time, we didn't expect him to do something like that. Fei Lian's expression tensed, and his hands clenched into fists.

Once a disaster struck, the human world shook the sky.

It was supposed to be a manageable war, and humanity started it, but thanks to the intervention of the Grim Reaper, it became endless.

No one knows when Gaya became psychologically twisted and insane, or whether he was premeditated or on a whim, but in short, he blew this battle from a tiny spark into a monstrous fire.

When Yaozhen came to the human world, the sound of killing shook the sky, the blood flowed like a river, and the four fields were lonely.

The god of death uses his divine power privately, the breath of death envelops the four fields, the battle is lost and wounded, the dead and wounded are numb, and the faith of the living people is numb and collapsed, and they face this kind of calamity, life and death are boundless.

So some people angrily scolded the heavens, countless temples were torn down, people vented their grievances, and the world bred countless dark and evil thoughts, so the order collapsed, and human nature was completely degraded and annihilated.

Yaozhen was plotted against in the human world, and Jiaye took advantage of her unpreparedness to plant a dark seed in her heart.

Yaozhen's divine power is rapidly draining, and she tries her best to save the human world from stopping Kaya, but in vain.

In the end, the divine power of belief in God finally reached its limit. Lost in power, she was attacked by darkness, lost her sanity, and became a bloodthirsty demon.

Gaya still won.

The Temple of Fez, which had existed for countless years in the fairyland, collapsed, and since then, everyone is in danger.

Shi Ming finally couldn't hide it, in order to escape the erasure of her by the Lingxi Pavilion, the god made Shi Ming set up a magic circle, and with the help of Shi Xi and the rest of the fairies, he sealed Yaozhen with his own hands.

There is no truth in the human world, and the dawn is dead.

Yaozhen lost his mind and hated Shi Ming, and stayed at the bottom of the abyss for three hundred years.

It was after that battle that Gaya was forced to sleep. Dark.

Only then did everyone know that the confrontation between faith and death was not accidental, but was controlled by some force in the fairyland.

They call this force the power of balance.

Balancing all the powers of the fairy realm will not get out of control, and the rules of balancing the human world and the fairy land will not collapse, so Gaya has been hit hard by his second heavy blow since his birth, he used divine power in the human world, and he has severely damaged faith, and the power is no longer balanced, that ancient and powerful power has suppressed him, and he cannot compete with it.

Unable to exert his power in Yaozhen's absence, he had to fall asleep with hatred in his heart.

It wasn't until Yao Ri recovered that he finally woke up.

He hates being controlled and hates the feeling of being suppressed If he and Yaozhen have a relationship of suppressing each other, then this time, he will completely erase Yaozhen.

"He has been recuperating for so many years, and his divine power has not decreased but increased, and our strength is too far behind - it can be seen from the fact that he can fabricate incarnations to enter the human world at will.

Yaozhen seemed to be overwhelmed, and leaned back on the sofa tiredly.

Fei Lian added

, "If he uses the extradition as a medium and enters the human world in his real body, he can completely control the human world, and nothing can stop him." So you can't promise him.

"I know, of course I won't say yes. Wen Qian's right hand slid over the wound from last night, and now the skin there was as smooth as ever, and there was no trace of the previous injury.

"I know what to do. She cast her eyes into the distance, the mountains and the sea were connected, and the sky was faintly bright.


"You're looking for me, what's going on, you don't look good.

At a corner, Jin Litong, who was called by Wen Qian, was not impatient at all, and looked at Wen Qian with a cold and serious face.

"I'm fine, I've been too busy these two days. "

By the way, I haven't asked who the person who took you back last time, what happened that day, you told me the truth..."

After Wen Qian patiently explained, she explained her intention to him.

The original expression of "you can do whatever you want" on Jin Litong's face changed instantly, and he looked at Wen Qian vigilantly, as if he didn't understand her request.

"What do you want this for?!".

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