Ying Chong

Chapter 80: 80th


When the news came, Paner was playing with two children.

After playing for half a year, Wan Wan and Aunt Er have been the same day by day. They wo n’t sit at first, but they can sit around and look around with their heads, and then they will crawl.

It is also at this time that the two little ones are even more inseparable from each other. Someone has to stare at all times, because one crawls without notice.

Especially Wan Wan, she was born stronger than her younger brother, and her arms and legs were stronger. At first she was able to sit before her, but later she learned to crawl before her younger brother.

Pan'er was really afraid that they would fall down and fall. There was no way to lay a thick red carpet in the east compartment where the two children lived. All the sharp, angular and angled things were stowed away, as well as the small size and weight. Light, you have to beware that they want to stand up and hold things, not enough load to hit people.

Not to mention that the nine-month-old child cannot stand yet. Wan Wan has this sign recently. She usually sits on her and sits on it. Now she is dissatisfied and wants to hold things up.

Wan Wan was now holding the table, tremblingly trying to stand up. Pan'er kept staring, with his hands behind his back.

She fell unsteadily and waited for the little German to finish talking, and the room became quiet immediately.

The needle was so quiet that it was audible, and Wan Wan was still struggling.

Pan'er wasn't used to this kind of quietness. He glanced down and looked down, all of them bowed their heads, as if the sky was about to collapse.

She didn't resist touching her face. Was she really like a vinegar bag as the Prince said, so that everyone around her thought she would be happy when she heard the news?

What gave them this illusion?

Paner thought very seriously that it should be related to the two vinegars she ate on the southern tour. Especially for the first time, someone sent a beauty to the prince. She invited the beauty to come and see the song and dance. It is estimated that everyone below can see that Su Fengyi, who will pass the prince later, is very jealous.

Later, in the Jiang family's later, in order to dig a hole for the Jiang family's daughter, she did not say a few sour words that could not help but feel yin and yang, to imply that the prince was jealous, which probably gave them the illusion.

But this time is not the other time, this is the East Palace, even if you enter the people are serious through the draft, from the elders, can she not fail?

Well, she admits that she is a little uncomfortable in her heart, but there is only one point. She knows her weight, and she is definitely not as serious as them. Now she is not jealous, nor jealous.

The atmosphere was a little weird next, and Aunt Qing seemed to be afraid that she was in a bad mood and drove everyone down.

Only Wan Ye continued to compete with the table. She sat at the other end of the table, pointing at the strip of goat's milk cake in her hand, as if she wanted to eat it.

Speaking of this sheep □□, the pastry is still available from the dining room. I chose fresh goat milk to boil and add almonds to remove the fishy smells. After cooling, I use this sheep □□ noodles, add eggs, And the porcelain is solid, then kneaded into pieces one by one and cooked in the hearth.

After cooling down, this thing is as hard as a door stick, but it is best used for babies to sharpen their teeth. Paner does n’t know how to think of the dining room. Anyway, Wan Ye likes it, and Ye Er likes it. One is in the small hand and can sit there for half an hour.

Pan'er was very skeptical that they could eat this thing. Later, they found that the two children were actually very smart. They would slowly soften their mouths and hold them in their mouths.

Aunt Qing picked up a piece of cricket in half, half of which was given to Yuner, and the other half was intended for Wanzhen, so that she should not compete with the table. But this little girl is very fond of it, and she usually doesn't look in her eyes, and she tries to stand up, but unfortunately she falls back and sits down.

She made a very unhappy whine and continued to fight.

"I don't know who this girl is with, I wasn't so embarrassed when I was a kid." Pan Er laughed.

Seeing Aunt Qing didn't speak, she glanced at Aunt Qing: "Aunt, don't you think I'm not happy?"

Aunt Qing then went to see her seriously, smiled, and sighed again: "If you want to open it, I would have thought about how to persuade you. If you are outside, you can have a little temper, but here It ’s not the outside, it ’s the Forbidden City. You have two children, and now you are a mother, and you have to think carefully when doing things. But I think it ’s too cruel to say that, after all, you are a child.

"The world says that women cannot be jealous, but it is natural for a woman to be jealous, but how jealous is a discipline. At first, the aunt was completely shocked by the reality without studying it thoroughly. He said that there are no suitable examples around him. I can only say that you did a good job during the southern tour. Women can eat a little vinegar.

Pan'er smiled, and took a piece from the plate. She put it in her mouth and chewed: "Aunt, don't worry, I know what I'm doing. The prince and concubine are not jealous, so which one can be me."

If it had been before, Aunt Qing would have been silent, but she asked, "Really?"

It seems that she can't rest assured.

Pan'er couldn't help but touched his face again, and felt that the master had made himself like this, did he fail a little? Or has she been too relaxed recently? No one can be assured of her.

She has been the last woman in her previous life, and she has n’t been there until now. However, it is worthwhile to make a big deal by joining a few people. After that, every three years after the draft, the Prince will not pull back as Chu Jun. If she really wants to be jealous Drowned her?

Pan'er thought he was quite reasonable and nodded surely: "Of course it is true."

That being said, Pan'er found that he had become fragile. All the minions around him were light-footed, and even the cattails that had always been noisy, laughing, and noisy did not smile, and his small face was tight. Like who owed her a couple of dollars.

Pan'er can't always be a slave and declare that he's okay, but can only say nothing if nothing happens.

The prince came in the afternoon, and it seemed that she was coming back from the outside. After sitting down, she held her hand and looked straight at her.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?"

The prince said nothing.

When Pan'er saw that his clothes were tightly wrapped, he could only change the topic: "Are you still going to the front? I will serve you to change clothes without going to my body. It's so hot, you're still wearing so thick."

The prince thought for a while and thought, "No more, stay alone to accompany you."

Pan'er was amazed by this sentence. In general, the prince is not a sweet talker, and the prince is very busy recently. She knows this. It was four days before the Prince came to her last time and five days ago. She was still wondering if her old man was out of favor. From Cattail's mouth, she knew that the Prince hadn't come to the backyard recently.

Of course, the news wasn't from Cattail, but the young man told her. Since that time, she has trained a little boy, and this boy has changed his style. Instead of telling her about things, he talks to Cattail, who thinks about whether to tell her.

In the past half month, the Prince came to the backyard three times, once at noon, having lunch in Ji Detang, and came to her that night, and then to her last time.

Therefore, such a busy prince suddenly gave up half an afternoon and a whole night to accompany her, to be honest Paner was a little flattered.

After the prince said such a thing, Pan'er could not let his servant serve him to change clothes. The two went to the inside. She personally found out the prince's home clothes from the cabinet and held it out for him to change.

Unbuttoning the belt and unfastening the belt, Paner was doing everything lightly, but the prince was looking at her hair, a little lingering.

What did you say? Say don't be afraid even if you are a newcomer, he won't leave her alone. He said that he thought the concubine had learned well, but who knows how to learn well, that is, he learned too well.

None of these words could be said, the Prince himself could not speak.

In the past six months, the changes of the princess have been in his eyes. Seeing that the princess is sensible, he is actually very relieved. He is not afraid to go the wrong way. On the wall.

He even considered that if the princess could keep it this way, and wait a few years, the first few children would stop, and he would give the princess another child.

auzw.com Who knows that this idea just started, and the queen crown prince is asking for someone.

The prince immediately felt that he had all the flavors in his heart.

But can he pick the Princess' fault?

No, the princess didn't do anything wrong, she didn't even envy her, and she took the initiative to ask someone in the East Palace.

He can say that from the moment the princess changed, he had been waiting for the princess to lift the hole card, and now the truth is finally revealed, everything is for this?

No, this statement really proves that his heart is biased.

In fact, the prince's heart had long been biased, but he didn't realize it, but after this incident, he understood it.

The crown prince went to please the queen mother, and when he felt that there was something fussy, he turned around and reminded Paner that it was time to please the mother. Everything was about trying to deal with the woman he was behind.

But calm down and think about it, the princess actually did everything right, at least on the surface, it was his heart.

But to say that the purpose of the princess was completely simple, she didn't want to deal with Yuanyuan at all, and the Prince didn't believe it.

How else could he say that the princess had learned too well? Look, bright and upright, upright, no one can make a mistake.

Waiting for him to come here, Yuanyuan seems to be completely unknown about why he came, and sometimes the prince does not feel that his bias is wrong.

Such a confused woman, if he did not look at it, not only she became the meat on the cutting board, but also two children.

The crown prince, who was quite helpless with his own brain, looked at Pan'er's eyes more and more.

"Your Highness, what the **** are you doing today? The look is a little weird." Pan'er touched his placket.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking, when can you learn to be smarter." The Prince's old father worried about the tone of the silly girl.


The clever princess is waiting to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. The clever Hu Liangzheng has already planned how to block the princess with a newcomer, but you have come to me who is not smart.

Paner sometimes feels that men are actually very selfish. On the one hand, he asks you to be tolerant and on the other hand, you need to be smart and sensible. You must not be too stupid. Smart, especially a high-weight woman, is too easy to give men a sense of crisis. You have to go to the hall to be a patriarch, and in private you have to understand the fun to be coquettish, to satisfy the mentality of his big man.

In fact, Pan'er wanted to tell the following people that sometimes it wasn't that she lived too carelessly, but it was not allowed in reality. Singing to the highest level of opera can only sing and cry the people below, but sooner or later there will be a day to play. The most comfortable way is to put yourself in and lie to yourself first.

So it wasn't that she wasn't clever or mindy, just that she was used to it.


Paner did not respond until he heard the prince's voice and sighed.

Apparently he thought more, his eyebrows were frowning, and his eyes were complex.

Looking at his eyes, Pan Er thought, so he still has a little in his heart, right? Why else came here in a hurry today? I'm afraid she wants to be jealous too much, and she's afraid that the crown prince's wrist is too high. She's not an opponent of the crown prince, so Minghuo fought to support her?

So Su Pan'er, don't be too greedy. This life is much better than the previous life.

Pan Er, who was touched by himself, immediately fell into the arms of the Prince and said nothing.

How could it be nothing?

The Prince wanted to say something comforting, but couldn't say it. In the end, it turned into a sentence— "Everything is good, but it is too vinegary."

The name of the vinegar bag has been worn firmly on the head, indicating that he does not want to say anything.

Needless to say, it will be used, so Paner is very enthusiastic this evening.

Fortunately, Prince Edward is a good fixer. She used to abstain from **** all year round and was not very keen on this kind of thing. If you change Yeye Shengge, I'm afraid I will explain it directly to Paner.


For several days, the prince would come every night.

To do nothing, just talk in bed.

The people around Pan'er started to shake their spirits again. Although it was not called windy walking, it was still close.

Because of this movement, the East Palace went up and down and came to a conclusion-even if the Princess Concubine turned over, Su Liangzhang did not fall out of favor. Look at this posture. There is one in the East Palace Concubine, who is not too impressed.

The attitude of Yuqing Palace is here. Few people dare to hold high and low. So no one dares to do it. Some people even bet secretly that even if the newcomers enter the door, I am afraid they can't steal the limelight of Su Liangzhu.

Soon the newcomer entered.

The Prince did not show up that night as usual. But he was not in Yuqing Palace, but in the courtyard of Pan'er. In the afternoon, Pan'er asked Xiaodezi to send a stack of papers to Yuqing Palace, saying that it was the most recently practiced word. Please taste it.

The prince turned over and did not grow at all. He was worse than before. Just when he was okay at the time, he went to the courtyard of Pan'er. This person didn't come out.

The author has something to say: I had a bad cold and dizziness over the past two days. I didn't get a mental response after reading the comments. In fact, I didn't know how to return.

how to say?

In fact, it is almost impossible for him to rely on the crown prince alone. He is still a crown prince, and there are various factors to be weighed. He likes Pan'er, but at this time it's not yours to talk about love, to say that love is dead or alive, and it's a bit illusory. Ancient men, especially those from the court, did not have the consciousness of protecting you like a jade at all. In their minds, I thought that you were partial to you towards you, which is extremely unqualified.

As for Pan'er, her personality is actually very complicated. First of all, she was a native woman. She had lived in the court for a lifetime, so the matter of having someone else for the prince may be based on the favor of the last ten years of the previous life. Be jealous, but not too much. Because the pattern inherent in her mind is that it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, let alone a prince and emperor. This is irresistible.

I see someone saying, don't let Pan'er love Prince Edward, it's too bitter. In fact, do you think Pan'er loves Prince Edward so much? There must be love, there is in the previous life, but not as much as everyone thinks about. In her previous life, she almost transformed herself like that of Jianping Emperor. At the beginning of the chapter, she felt a little dazed at her tears, wondering whether her tears were real or fake. She thought she would be happy when she was a queen mother, but she was not as happy as she thought.

This is what I read in the comments. Some of Paner's performance does not seem to be a full-fledged player. She actually released a lot of nature in this life. But on the dangerous line, she is still restraining, so she can calmly analyze the problems between the prince and the prince, and speak the words of a man's natural selfishness, as well as being jealous and jealous. Just right. This is not a manifestation of a love brain. The love brain usually lifts people out and lets him get out of the way.

Of course, in the past, these problems will gradually become better and better. In the past life, it took more than ten years to understand things. There are several dozen years in this life, so they can slowly talk about it.

There will definitely be a pet, and I promise.

As for the princes and princes, in fact, from the current mode of princes and princes, everyone should be able to see that the princes were not quite able to balance the backyard before, so there were so many things. At that time, the princes were right and pets. No wonder the princess will turn into a sky monkey. His current model is that the princess has the right to have no pets (went to eat two meals, it is noon, the meaning is already obvious, the little fairies who care about the princess and the baby see this sentence), Paner did not Right is favored.

With our little monster like Paner, full horsepower is the rhythm of squeezing the Prince. He is a person who doesn't want to be more restrained. Even if there is a newcomer, who can turn the waves.

In addition, I will probably start the Dafa of Time, skip this section, let the children grow up quickly, the prince will enter the formal seizure stage, and quickly kill the old emperor to let the prince ascend to the throne. Live too long,)

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