Ying Chong

Chapter 81: Chapter 81


Actually, it was good to practice the characters first, but Pan'er was half-hearted.

The paper was laid. She said she missed the child and told the prince that Wan Ye would stand. The prince was not very convinced about this, not to mention that the big county masters only learned to walk when they were more than one year old, and the second and third county masters were both held by the grandmother.

Paner asked the grandmother to carry the child over.

The weather is hot, even if there is an ice basin in the house, it will not relieve much of the heat. Wan Wan and Yun Er both wore big red bellybands and half short shorts.

As soon as she took off her clothes, it was obvious that Wanyi was much fatter than her sister-in-law, but she was not shorter than her sister, but she was a little taller than her sister, which was a little thinner than her sister.

The eyes of the two children lighted up at the sight of the father and king, but Wan Yue acted more clearly. She stretched out her hand and went to the Prince, trying to hug him.

"When you meet the father and the king, you must hug, villain." Paner smiled and shoved it into the prince's arms, then took the son over.

On that end, the prince just hugged her daughter, Wan Yue was unwilling to be lonely. She grabbed the prince's placket and started to earn money, making the prince too busy.

"What does she want?"

Paner gloated, "She wants to stand. You hold her like this, don't hold it too tightly. This girl's energy is getting more and more vigorous. Both grandmothers can't look at her, and they have to add two more maids. Four people turned around her every day, all of them were very tired. "

She said, while setting her aside and helping the prince to pose, finally no one pressed herself, and then she pulled up the prince's plaid and stood up.

She was still restless when she stood up, her little foot was stepping on the prince's thigh, and her mouth was excited, and she seemed to want to go up.

"Her legs are strong." The prince looked at her daughter with amazement.

At this time, there was a crisp sound at the table, but it was the child who went to the table to hold enough things and knocked the tea cup over.

"Well, what do you want? Eat or drink?"

Nianer didn't even look at Nian's table, looked at this side, and stretched out two chubby hands, spreading out.

This is to hold.

It was taught to two children by Pan'er. Children like this month are at a stage where they can't talk and can't walk, but they have started to have their own emotions and meanings. Once unsatisfactory, you will lose your temper and cry.

Pan'er can only tell the milkmaids to teach them to distinguish something. You can point to what you want to drink, and you can point to a cup when you want to drink. The two children are very smart and can learn something after teaching twice.

As for holding this action, Paner taught it specifically.

Without him, Xun Er was well-behaved, and her emotions were not as good as those of her sister. Wan Xuan would stretch out her hand to earn when she wanted to hold it, and he would sit there staring at him. Of course, this eye is filled by Paner's own brain. Anyway, she just can't get used to it, so she told her son to hug her in private, clap her hands, and the mother will know.

"Hey, it's jealous. See if the father only hugs his sister, don't he?"

Obviously Paner's words were too complicated, and Tonger couldn't understand it at all, but the child didn't understand, the child's father understood. This was originally meant for the child's father.

The child's father took a look at her, said ‘there are many tricks’, put the daughter down, and took the son from her.

The mother-in-law went to hug her daughter, but Pan Er's small body could not help Wan Wan tossing so much. She asked the cattails to clean up the tea table and stuff Wan Wan in front of the tea table.

The prince knew his son and knew he was more obedient than his daughter.

Each time he embraced Wan Wan, Wan Wan tossed on him, pulling the placket and pulling the belt were light, but he was sitting honestly.

But this time I wasn't honest, and I also dragged the Prince's placket. It wasn't enough to drag, he stood up for a moment.

In all the wondering eyes in the room.

Paner reacted the most: "When are you going to stand, Ma'er, why don't you know!"

Anyway, let Pan's go and see that she didn't find any intention of sitting unwilling to sit. He was very quiet and well-behaved. This quiet and well-behaved is a relatively good thing for her sister.

Yuner couldn't speak, and naturally couldn't answer her.

He slowly sat back on the prince's leg again, with a faint look of ‘when things go, hiding his strength and name’.

Of course, this is supplemented by outsiders' brains, which can give people a sense of unpredictability compared to the usual whimpers of Wan Ye.

In addition to being surprised, the prince also felt that the child was very clever, knowing to be jealous and knowing to show himself.

A ten-month-old child.

He faced a pair of eyes that were equally slender but reduced his size, and the word 'prodigy' popped into his head. However, the prince has not seen the world, knowing that it is too early to say this.

After so much toss, it is naturally too late, and it is time to have dinner.

Now Wanyue and Yuner can start to eat some rice. They are porridge, soup, soft-cooked noodles, and other not-so-hard foods.

Originally, the milk ladies didn't agree with each other. Not to mention that the children of wealthy people usually start to eat rice when they are more than one year old, and there are not a few children in the palace who are three or five years old.

People in the palace think that milk is a good thing, especially people.

But Paner is based on the experience of the previous life. In the previous life, because she was feeding her own child, by the time the child was seven or eight months old, the milk was not enough, and she could only supplement him with porridge and noodles.

Who knows that the child eats very well and his teeth grow well. As he eats more and more, milk becomes supplementary.

In addition, the children born in this way were very strong, and the uncle had almost no illness when he was a child. Later, he was raised this way, and he was also very good. So Paner didn't hesitate this time. When the two children were more than seven months old and had shown great interest in eating, they asked the maids to add some gruel to them and gradually added them gradually.

However, the prince was still hidden from the matter for the time being, so when it was time for a meal, Paner let the child hold him down.

If you want to consume food after eating, naturally mention the practice of words.

They went to the study.


The prince looked at it and felt that Paner's posture was not a problem. When there was a problem, she wrote hard, that is, her wrist was improperly used.

He walked over and taught her to write, "It should be light when it should be light, it should be heavy when it is heavy, and it should be vertical and horizontal, and write strength when turning, so that the character of the word can come out ..."

Pan'er was dizzy and could not help but feel a little lost.

Looking at him side by side, he was handsome and focused, and smelled good. Especially with the lower jaw, Pan'er once studied whether a person's physical appearance is related to the nose and also to the lower jaw. As long as the jaw is exquisite, people generally don't go ugly.

She couldn't help but take a bite on his chin, a kind of lightness.

The prince thought she was naughty again, grabbed her hand with the other hand and squeezed it, who knew she bit it again, and licked it twice.

The meaning would not be misunderstood. The prince's hand was down and pinched at her thighs and hips.

The next thing is water.

The prince is not a too old-fashioned person, but this is the first time that he has done this kind of thing in the study. The study and the room are separated by a curtain, which is not soundproof at all, and the minions are guarding them outside. It was exciting and exciting. Both were like this. Waiting for a thing, not only the words were not completed, but also the book case was messed up.

Especially Paner's newly made skirt was dyed several times in black, so I couldn't wear it anymore.

"I blame you."

This skirt is very fond of it. The key is to make this skirt a good color match. The smoke color is matched with the dark peach fragrant cloud yarn. It is a beautiful skirt with almost no need to add any embroidery.

It's a tribute.

As for Paner, she was rewarded by Queen Fu. In addition to making this skirt, the rest is used to make two bellybands.

The prince is also a little embarrassed, so I don't need to elaborate on why it is embarrassing.

"Ah, a new batch of materials has been delivered by the Home Affairs Department. Minger, I'll ask Fulu to send you some."

"What about those?" Paner was referring to a mess on the table, the skirts were dirty, think about those papers or something.

"Let the men down to clean up." The Prince said disapprovingly, and then the man left.


Yes, I went to the west bedroom.

Leaving Paner crying and looking at the messy table, he was ashamed that she could only clean it up by herself. Rub the papers that are suspected of being suspicious, throw them in the brazier, and call for cattails.

"Master, are you okay?" Cattail thought it was the two masters who had a bad temper, otherwise why did the Prince go to the bedroom alone.

"What can I do? Just let me practice calligraphy, I turned over the platform, and my skirt got dirty. You burned it, it was all my waste." She pointed to the brazier, and hurry Busy away.

When the two had taken a bath and lay down on the bed, the prince suddenly laughed and laughed strangely.

Paner asked him what he laughed, and he didn't say.

She went to tickle him, Paner knew where the prince's tickling flesh was, and scratched one, the prince had no choice but to tell the truth.

Say she's a vinegar bag.

Just the vinegar bag, anyway, he has given her character.

Paner got up late the next day, and the prince was all up. She hadn't moved yet.

After the prince had finished bathing and finished clothes, there was no movement on the bed, but he shook his head helplessly and left.

Last night, the Prince was resting at Su Liangzhang. The East Palace knew it, and the Crown Prince also knew it. The princess was very surprised that Su Liangzhu was so much loved by the Prince.

It's not that the Prince did not like Pan'er before, but that the Princess knew that the Prince had been busy recently, so he inevitably didn't come to the backyard very much.

Recently, I suddenly went to Pan's yard at a high frequency.

But the princess didn't want to understand, because once she knew that she still went the wrong way, she had no energy and could not change to the second way, she could only ignore it.

Fortunately, the prince still appeared in Jidetang this morning, but Paner did not appear.

"Su Liangsun was a little upset."

This is the explanation given by the Prince, and no one dares to question it. Those unbearable things such as where is unpleasant, why unhappy, why uncomfortable, Prince, you were still there last night, have been suppressed by this sentence.

After Paner got up, I heard that the prince said that she was unhappy. Since he gave her a round, she will continue to be unhappy.

Out of this tacit and somewhat weird mentality, Paner has been unhappy for the next ten days, but he has not forgotten to send someone to Yuqing Palace.

Shi is a practiced word, Shi is a bowl of soup, Shi is a **** poem made by Shi Xing Dafa, and there are words. In the words of the prince, these are all lustful words, and they ca n’t be on the stage.

However, he was quite used, and he turned around every time he received something.

Generally, she started with anger, saying that she didn't learn well, but she didn't study hard enough. The poems she wrote were asymmetric and the words were bad. Pan'er always passed away after selling a little girl, usually ending with a prince directing her to write a poem.

After filling in the poems and writing words, natural people don't have to leave, so the Donggong backyard has been performing Su Liangyi's unhappy body every day. The uncle Prince must go to see her drama every day.

After half a month like this, Paner knows that there are many people who hate herself outside, even if she doesn't leave the house, but she doesn't want to care about it now, he made it out, he goes to the end, and treats her as wayward.

But the Prince was just pretending to be ignorant. Accompanying her to make a noise, it was a little bit to see who was riding a tiger.

The princess had called Panyi back to Pan'er, and was confused by Pan'er. This was the second time the princess had asked the doctor to diagnose the pulse of Su Liangyi who was unhappy.

Just when Pan'er couldn't help wondering if it was time to stop, Taiyi diagnosed her with a pulse.

The author has something to say: I'll wait for something, change it first

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