
The recording building of the "Tomorrow's Singer" program.

Ling Yu and Xue Zhiqian are rehearsing a chorus song in an independent practice room.

Although this song was written by Ling Yu alone, the singing style, melody and rhythm of the song are very suitable for Xue Zhiqian's voice and singing rhythm.

So Xue Zhiqian only took two or three days to practice singing the song to a very proficient state without a prompter.

Moreover, Xue Zhiqian can also fully release the decadent, depressed and struggling emotions of the whole song in his singing.

"Aiya aiya ~ aiya ~ aiya!"

Xue Zhiqian held the microphone in his left hand, bent one leg slightly, half-bent his body, and spread the five fingers of his right hand against his chest, shaking constantly.

And his singing resounded throughout the practice room.

Ling Yu stood aside, looking at Xue Zhiqian's strange singing posture, but there was no surprise on his face.

Because after an afternoon of rehearsal, he has completely adapted to Xue Zhiqian's singing style.

It's actually very simple to sum it up.

Xue Zhiqian has to change at least 18 postures after singing a song.

He is the kind of person who must rely on the shaking of his body to change the tone when he changes the tone.

To put it simply, he will die if he doesn't move when singing, so he must move his body!

But what makes Ling Yu speechless is.

You say he moves!

But when he moves, he can always make all kinds of weird postures, sometimes the postures are even like a zombie virus!

It's outrageous!

So Ling Yu has already given a very domineering name to those strange postures when Xue Zhiqian sings, which is called - Aqian Eighteen Styles!

Of course.

Ling Yu just joked in his heart and didn't really say it out loud.


The chorus practice of the two has ended.

Although Xue Zhiqian is already over 30 years old, he still has a lot of breath when singing high notes.

And his high notes are not just shouting randomly, but releasing all kinds of emotions in the song completely.

This point.

It is enough to show that he has done special breath training in his daily life.

It can also be seen that he is serious about music and values ​​and respects the identity of a singer!

So Ling Yu admires singers like Xue Zhiqian very much!

After all, compared with him, there are many so-called popular singers who are simply crying ghosts and howling wolves when they sing high notes on the spot!

Even if they release records, they all rely on million-dollar tuners!

This kind of singer, no matter how popular they are, is only a flash in the pan, and it is difficult for them to continue on the road of music for a long time.

After this round of chorus practice, the two went to the sofa to rest.

Ling Yu picked up a bottle of iced mineral water and drank it.

Xue Zhiqian picked up his thermos cup and drank it in small sips, as if he was tasting tea.

"Teacher Xue Zhiqian, you are still drinking water from a thermos cup in the hot summer. I didn't expect you to be good at keeping healthy!" Ling Yu laughed and teased.

"That's right!" Xue Zhiqian raised his eyebrows, and his expression became a little arrogant. "I tell you, as a singer, you must pay attention to protecting your body and your voice!"

"You must practice opening your voice and changing your breath every morning, otherwise you won't be able to sing many scales when you are my age!"

"And when you have a concert in the future, you will find that your throat is particularly prone to inflammation after singing for a long time, so you must learn to protect your throat in normal times!"

Hearing Xue Zhiqian's mother-like instructions.

Ling Yu could only respond with an awkward but polite smile: "Teacher, you are right!"

But in his heart, he wanted to tell Xue Zhiqian loudly:

"Sorry, I cheated, with the system, my voice is so good!"

"As for practice, it's just for fun!"

"Ah! Life with a system is so plain and boring!"

Thinking like this, Ling Yu couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly.

At this time.

Xue Zhiqian asked:

"You created this chorus song. Now you are a mentor. How can you evaluate my singing just now?"

Ling Yu was stunned and thought: It has always been the mentor who evaluates the contestants, how can the contestants evaluate the mentors!

This Xue Zhiqian is really interesting!

Although he felt something was wrong, Ling Yu still smiled and said sincerely:

"Teacher Xue Zhiqian, you sang very well just now!"

"I think if we practice a few more times, there should be no problem at all."

"Really?" Xue Zhiqian frowned.Frowning slightly, he said thoughtfully: "Why do I feel like I'm still missing a little feeling!"

"Hey! This feeling or something, just sing a few more times and it will come naturally!" Ling Yu waved his hand and said casually:

"As the saying goes, a book is read a hundred times and its meaning will become clear! The same is true for singing. If you sing a song a few more times, you will naturally be able to understand the deep meaning of the lyrics and the emotions in the melody of the song!"

"Hmm~" Xue Zhiqian made a thoughtful look and nodded seriously: "You are right!"

"How about this! You will practice with me ten more times later!"

"What? Practice... practice ten times?"

Ling Yu was stunned, and the mineral water he had just picked up in his hand fell directly to the ground with a plop:

"Teacher Xue Zhiqian, you are not kidding me, are you?"

"Joke? What joke?" Xue Zhiqian was stunned, and then said seriously: "Do you think I am a joker?"

"I am such a serious person, how can I joke!"


Ling Yu was numb!

He felt that Xue Zhiqian redefined the word "serious"!

I don't believe you, if you are a serious person, then there is no one in the world who is not serious!

After complaining in his heart, Ling Yu also hurriedly said:

"What? Teacher Xue Zhiqian, we have been practicing for almost an afternoon. If we practice ten more times, my throat really can't stand it!"

"You said, there are only two days before the live recording of the last episode of "Tomorrow's Singer". If I get my throat inflamed at this critical moment, it will be no joke!"

"Besides, I haven't written the song I plan to use in the individual PK competition yet. I have to go back and think about it later!"

"Or, let's practice three more times later!"

Hearing Ling Yu's words like pouring out bitter water.

Xue Zhiqian pretended to smile evilly and said:

"You look so anxious, I'm just kidding you!"

Ling Yu was petrified instantly: "..."

Good fellow!

Teacher Xue Zhiqian, you are a real dog!

You are simply the best singer in the world!

Xue Zhiqian looked at Ling Yu's dull face, waved his hand and smiled:

"Okay, let's practice again later, you can go back to write songs!"

"If you really are like that, you haven't written a song for the competition yet, but you go to write a movie theme song for Li Lianjie, the Kung Fu movie star!"

"Aren't you afraid of running out of time!"

"It's okay, it's okay! I write songs pretty fast!" Ling Yu smiled and asked for a slap.

Xue Zhiqian rolled his eyes, then sighed and said with envy:

"Hey! Sometimes, I really envy you!"

"Not only do you have a high musical talent, but you can also become famous at a young age and reach the peak as soon as you debut!"

"Now you can not only cooperate with top bosses like Li Lianjie, but you can even be brothers with him. I don't know how many people in the entertainment industry will envy and hate you along the way!"

"Uh..." Ling Yu was slightly stunned, then smiled calmly and said:

"The kid is just lucky!"

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