Hearing Ling Yu's answer.

Xue Zhiqian rolled his eyes, then sighed and said with his head down:

"Alas! Speaking of good luck, I was also very lucky when I first debuted!"

"Like you, I debuted through a singer talent show, and I also became popular as soon as I debuted. It can be said that I reached the peak of my life directly!"

"When I first debuted, the title song of my first album, "Serious Snow", was very popular all over the country!"

"It's a pity that after this song became popular, I was silent for ten years because of the problem of the signing company at that time."

"In the past ten years, I have opened a hot pot restaurant in the catering industry and a Taobao store in the clothing industry. All the money I earned was used to support my music."

"But even so, my music has never become popular. I remember that when I held a book signing event a few years ago, there were only a dozen fans at the scene!"

"Do you think this is miserable?"

Xue Zhiqian said this, spreading his hands, with a helpless expression.

And Ling Yu could only nod quietly, not knowing what to say.


Xue Zhiqian suddenly smiled again and continued:

"What I didn't expect was that writing jokes on Weibo two years ago actually made me popular again."

"Then, the songs I wrote in the past two years also became popular!"

"I can only say that life is full of ups and downs, which is really exciting!"

"Uh..." Ling Yu was stunned and didn't know what to say.

But Xue Zhiqian looked at Ling Yu at this time and said with a smile:

"I hope you won't be like me, who has to be silent for ten years after debuting!"

"But I believe you won't be like me!"

"Because your musical talent seems to be in a different dimension from us singers, it's so high that it's scary!"

"Teacher Xue Zhiqian, you're exaggerating!" Ling Yu put the mineral water in his hand on the table and said with a smile:

"I admit that I have a little musical talent, but not much!"

"But I will do my best and not waste this little musical talent."

"That's good!" Xue Zhiqian said. Zhiqian smiled happily, and then asked:

"By the way, what kind of song are you going to sing for the individual PK competition?"

"Is it different from your previous song style? This is the final, don't just pick up a song to fool around!"

Hearing Xue Zhiqian's words, Ling Yu smiled calmly, waved his hand casually and said:

"Teacher Xue Zhiqian, I can't tell you too much about this song now."

"But I can assure you that I will receive the award as soon as this song is played!"

"Oh! So you are very confident!" Xue Zhiqian looked slightly surprised, but there was still a gratified smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I have been professionally trained and I am usually very humble!" Ling Yu smiled slightly and said calmly: "Unless I am absolutely sure!"


Two days passed quickly.


The live recording of the 8th episode of "Tomorrow's Singing God" finally began.

This is the last episode of the show, so the scene layout on the stage must be particularly luxurious and exquisite!

The recording site of the program.

All the staff are preparing in a tense and orderly manner.

After the PK elimination match of the seventh episode, there are only three contestants left for the eighth episode.

And the number of contestants in each mentor team is 1. Such a lineup also indicates that the finals are finally here!

The contestant of Xue Zhiqian's team is Ling Yu.

The contestant of Yang Mi's team is Zhang Huaiyi.

The contestant of Huachengyu's team is Li Wei.

These three contestants will compete for the championship and runner-up seats in this last round of the competition.

As for the third place, there is none!

So Zhang Huaiyi and Li Wei are very clear that the two of them are here to compete for the runner-up seat today.

After all, in their hearts, they have already determined that the championship seat is Ling Yu's.

Of course.

Not only do they think so.

Even the thousands of spectators at the scene think so too!

This is not!

The audience at the recording site was also very excited at this time, and they were all excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood!

"Fuck, the finals are finally here! I've been waiting for so many days, just waiting for this day to come!"

"Now the whole network is looking forward to the live recording of this episode, not for anything else, just to see what kind of song Brother Yu will bring to the finals!"

"I think, no matter what song Brother Yu brings in the finals, he will definitely win the championship anyway, even Jesus can't stop him, I said!"

"Hahaha, according to what you said, Zhang Huaiyi and Li Wei are both here to compete for the runner-up!"

"Although it's a bit cruel, this is the fact!"

"Indeed, Brother Yu's strength is there, I believe that the two contestants are also self-aware!"

"Hey! Suddenly I feel that the two contestants are a little pitiful. Obviously, both of them are top students of the Conservatory of Music. I didn't expect that they would try their best to enter the finals, only to lose to a medical student!"

"Hahaha, although it's very helpless to say this, I don't know why, I just have an urge to laugh!"

"You guys! It's really too much... Please continue! "


The audience was talking about it.

At this time.

The program recording site was fully prepared.


The lights came on and the program recording officially began.

All live broadcast cameras were turned on.

The host also walked slowly onto the stage under a beam of light.

As in previous episodes.

He first greeted the audience, and then read an opening speech and advertising slogan.


He slightly turned sideways, turned his head to look at the tall brand building behind him, and then turned back and smiled at the audience:

"After the last PK competition, there are only three contestants left in this issue!"

"So this building behind me, which originally had nine brand rooms, has only six brand rooms today, and will light up for the last three contestants!"

"After these three contestants come on stage, they will enter their respective brand rooms according to their current popularity rankings! ”

“This is the last episode of our show and also the final. Today, the three contestants will compete for the championship and runner-up spots!”

“According to the competition rules, the three contestants will first partner with their respective mentors to compete in a chorus PK competition, and then compete in an individual PK competition.”

“The final results of the competition will be ranked comprehensively based on the performance of the chorus PK competition and the individual PK competition!”

“Then, let’s invite our three contestants to come on stage!”

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