When Xu Lin pointed out her cards, Wang Lida was only briefly shocked, and then regained her composure.

He smiled, shook his head indifferently, and said: "Even if you know, what can you do, can you arrest all those people? Don't forget, some of the disciples trained by those people have already entered the Go to the province and take up important positions."

Xu Lin also laughed. He spread his hands and said, "How those people deal with it is up to the higher authorities. My job is to bring you to justice."

"I said, even if you catch me, I can still come out intact tomorrow. Does it make sense? Why don't you let me go now and let me complete the operation. As long as I live, I will protect the whole family of Deputy Xu's detachment." Medical resources for the rest of your life."

"Deputy Captain Xu, what exactly are the medical resources I'm talking about?"

Xu Lin: "I know, very clearly. It's just that I won't be a beast who cares about other people's lives for my own selfish desires. Wang Lida, you have found the wrong person."

"Besides, you're too confident, who said I'm going to take you back?"

"What do you mean?"

Wang Lida's complexion suddenly changed.

The corner of Xu Lin's mouth slowly rose, and he turned to Huang Weihan who was behind and said, "Old Huang, prepare to withdraw the team. Director Wang said we can't arrest him, so we won't arrest him."

"Let's go, stop the team!" Huang Weihan had been listening to the conversation between the two, and when he heard Xu Lin say that, he immediately understood what he wanted to do.

So he just waved to everyone and said, "Don't forget to take those foreigners back, as well as those doctors, together. By the way, the brothers on the ground, have they all been caught?"

"Report to Huang Zhi, all of them have been caught. This Shi Jianlong wanted to run, and was shot in both legs by Team Chen."

Several policemen dragged Shi Jianlong who looked like a dead dog. There were two blood holes on this guy's calf, and blood was oozing out.

This kind of injury can't die in a while.

As for the medical teams hired from abroad, they dare not resist at all.

The criminal investigators all stared at them fiercely, the guns in their hands were loaded all the time, as long as they dared to resist or escape, they would be greeted by bullets.

Led by a group of criminal policemen, they lined up and walked outside.

Wang Lida was relatively calm at the beginning, but as everyone walked out, his face became extremely ugly. No matter how strong the city is, it cannot bear the torture of waiting for death.

Xu Lin has long seen that Wang Lida has a physical problem.

To be exact, this villainous guy was rejected because of a liver transplant, which was very dangerous.

If there is no professional person to perform the operation, and there is no stable drug intake, let alone three days, even 24 hours cannot last.

Letting people evacuate is to let him wait here to die, and feel the despair before death by the way.

"No, you can't go!"

"Deputy Xu Detachment, Captain Huang, you can't leave!"

"no, do not want!"

"Save me, save me!"

Wang Lida finally let out a terrified cry, his eyes became flustered, and he was no longer as calm as before.

Xu Lin didn't seem to hear it at all, and continued to walk out.

Huang Weihan walked side by side with him, and asked in a low voice, "Is that really the way to go?"

Xu Lin: "What do you think?"

Huang Weihan: "I don't think so, we are making a mistake."

"What's wrong? This person, if he doesn't have an organ transplant, he won't be alive for a few days. Could it be that we still have to match his organs and have a transplant?" Xu Lin said angrily.

"That's right! But that's it, it's cheaper for him." Huang Weihan curled his lips.

Xu Lin: "No! This is the cruelest trial for him. Facing the fear of death can make people completely collapse. I can guarantee that his torture during this period is the most terrifying."

"But...you're right, we were making mistakes. So, wait two hours and bring him back."

Xu Lin curled his lips. As a law enforcement officer, of course he can't know the law and break the law.

He didn't intend to really leave this guy here to die, he just tortured him and vented his anger by the way.

Coming out of the underground operating room, Xu Lin and the others came to the surface. Chen Hua's third team had already controlled everyone.

Not only the medical staff of Ci Shan Health Care Center, but also those who recuperate here, there are more than a hundred people, and more than 90% of them have a sense of luxury.

When they saw Xu Lin and Huang Weihan leading the team, they began to criticize.

"Bastard, who are you?"

"Why do you want to control us, we are not your prisoners."

"Huang Weihan, you are too brave. What about Xia Weihai, let him come to see me!"

"Presumptuous! You are too presumptuous. I want to call the city. Who gave you the order to treat us like this?"


One by one, the sound of scolding continued to sound.

Xu Lin stepped forward, looked at the group of retreating people in front of him, and said, "Everyone, I don't know how many of you have used the victims' organs. But I can tell you clearly that your good days are coming to an end." .”

"Perhaps you once worked for the welfare of the people and made contributions to the society. But since the moment you received the operation arranged by Wang Lida, you are no different from Wang Lida who killed innocent people."

"If you still have some conscience and some faith, then please take the initiative to stand up. Think about those innocent people, think about the organ you used, who kept you alive?"

"Since you are alive, why don't you have the guts to bear your guilt? Compared with human life, what is bearing guilt?"

"For the rest of your life, you should all atone for your sins!"

"28 lives, who can hold back? Come on... tell me, who can hold back!?"

Xu Lin pointed at the noses of a group of people and shouted angrily.

Many of them showed expressions of ignorance, and many of them changed their faces drastically, with panic showing in their eyes.

There were also quite a few people who were full of remorse and lowered their heads not daring to say another word.

"I am ashamed of the training of the leaders and the common people, arrest me!"

At this time, a person walked out from the crowd.

Huang Weihan's pupils shrank for a while, and he shouted: "Secretary Luo!"

Luo Youcheng, once served as the third head of the province, a figure with absolute power.

He didn't expect that this person was also included in this list.

"Xiao Huang, I am ashamed of the people. I will leave the rest of my life to the law." Secretary Luo said, walking forward step by step, and stretched out his hands to Huang Weihan.

Xu Lin nodded secretly, these people are purely afraid of death, and their conscience is still alive.

Some of them may not know that Wang Lida is kidnapping others, and then killing them to harvest their organs in exchange for them.

But in many cases, even if you know it, you will treat it as not knowing.

It's shameless, but it can maximize your peace of mind.

Xu Lin directly tore their fig leaf, and they could no longer ignore the condemnation brought by their conscience.


Two hours later, Xu Lin entered the underground operating room and brought out Wang Lida, who was already scared to pee.

Everyone closed the team and returned to the City Bureau.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xia Weihai coming in a hurry, holding a mobile phone and saying, "The phone number from the province."

Xu Lin took it over and said in a deep voice, "Hello!"

"Deputy Xu Detachment, right? I'm the director of the Provincial Office. Wang Lida, you must let me go. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

The other party's words made Xu Lin's face extremely cold.

There are really people who dare to come to catch people, it is simply lawless.

He roared directly: "I don't care who you are, get out of here!"

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