After hanging up the phone, he returned the phone to Xia Weihai. The latter looked at him in bewilderment, and it took him a while to react, saying: "Xiao Xu, you are too impulsive. Doing this will make you fall into endless chaos." trouble."

Xu Lin: "What's the trouble, there's no one above me."

"Is there someone above you?" Xia Weihai was taken aback. Since when did this kid have such a strong relationship?

Xu Lin chuckled, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"Hello!" A majestic voice came from the other end.

Xu Lin immediately said, "Vice Fang, I've been bullied, do you care?"

When Xia Weihai heard the word Fang Fu, he was almost so excited that he slapped himself on the thigh.


He forgot that Xu Lin was valued by the house assistant before, and he even left a phone call for him.

What he said was right, there were indeed people above, and they were almost the kind that Shang Datian listened to.

Although the level of the deputy department is not as good as that of a provincial official, those who came out of Kyoto are already a level higher than the local ones, which means that this deputy Fang and the old one of Haiyuan Province exist at the same level.

Can such a person be afraid of Wang Lida's network?


But at this time, Fang Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone was obviously a little displeased when he heard Xu Lin's words.

This kid suddenly called himself and said he was being bullied?

"I was bullied and came to me, Xiao Xu, you let me down!"

Fang Zhiyuan's tone was a little low and a little distant, obviously thinking that he thought highly of Xu Lin.

Hearing the boss's words, Xu Lin almost exploded with anger, and said, "It doesn't hurt your back to talk all the time. I'm a small deputy team leader of the city bureau, and the big bosses in the province always make me bear the consequences. What can't be done."

He started spitting and rolling, which meant the same thing anyway, if you don't get it done for me, I won't do it.

"In the province?" Far away in Kyoto, in the office of the Deputy Minister of the Police Department, Fang Zhiyuan, who was holding a mobile phone, finally frowned.

He asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Xu Lin immediately notified the boss of the case he was currently investigating.

In fact, the moment he learned of the 28 deaths, he knew that this case had entered the ranks of extraordinarily large, and the madness of Wang Lida's group could never be suppressed.

But if the big bosses in the province want to suppress, there are still various ways.

So he didn't go through the province at all, but went directly to Fang Fu.

If even Fang Fu couldn't give justice to the dead, then he is not a good policeman.


After listening to Xu Lin's words, Fang Zhiyuan smashed the water glass on the table to pieces, and roared angrily, "Bastard! Lawless, lawless!"

"Dare to come to you to ask for someone, tell me, who is it?"

Feeling the boss's anger, Xu Lin raised the corner of his mouth, winked at Xia Weihai, and said, "I don't know the exact name of the office director in the province."

"Okay, I see." The boss hung up the phone after speaking.

But immediately he came back to his senses and said, "Just handle the case, if anyone comes to you, just tell me, and I'll make the decision for you."


Xu Lin smiled happily and hung up the phone happily.

It's really good to feel that there are people above. If there is anything to say, let's see if those bastards dare to call me.

As a result, he just hung up the phone, and a call was made to Xia Weihai's cell phone.

"Hello! Hall Chen."

Seeing the incoming call, Xia Weihai immediately answered it.

"What's going on? The general office actually asked me to suspend Xu Lin in the name of the second leader, and said that the representative of Haiyuan Province would be released..."

Xia Weihai didn't talk nonsense, and immediately told Chen Yinghu what Xu Lin had just said about the case.

When the latter heard these words, he was extremely shocked, and it was a bit shocking.

"What a Wang Lida, tell Xu Lin that anyone who dares to look for him should report it to me immediately, and I will investigate immediately. In a word, no matter who comes looking for him, no one can be let go. I will immediately report to the Ministry..." Chen Yinghu was furious, but Xia Weihai interrupted him.

He said: "Chen Ting, there's no need for that. Xu Lin has already contacted Fang Fu, and the boss told him to rest assured, it doesn't matter who comes."

"That's good!" Chen Yinghu said: "You, Jiangyun City, are going to be famous again this time. The Criminal Investigation Detachment, you can't get away with first-class merit."

"Ha...thank you Chen Ting, thank you."

Xia Weihai laughed from ear to ear.

He hung up the phone and said to Xu Lin: "Come on, Xiao Xu, let's celebrate your achievements. I'll treat you."


Just as the two were about to walk in, a car suddenly came to the door, and the sound of brakes was harsh.

As soon as the car came to a complete stop, a middle-aged man in his 50s got out of the back seat, wearing black business attire, with the air of a superior person.

As soon as he got down, his eyes locked on Xia Weihai and Xu Lin.

On the other side of the car came a man wearing a police uniform, carrying an olive branch and two four-pointed star flowers on his shoulders, with the rank of second-level police superintendent.

It is at the same level as Xia Weihai, but the background of the opponent is higher than Xia Weihai.

Seeing someone coming, Xia Weihai hurried forward and said hello: "Yang Xing, why did you come here in person? And Deputy Director Li, what kind of wind brought you here."

Although he had a smile on his face, he was actually a little terrified inside.

He knew exactly why the other party came.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Deputy Director Li said coldly: "If I don't come in person, you Jiangyun City Bureau may be going against the sky, right?"

The corner of Xia Weihai's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile: "Where is it, Deputy Director Li, I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I want to know what crime Wang Lida committed?" Deputy Director Li said coldly.

Xia Weihai was about to speak, but Xu Lin stepped forward and said, "Leader, we are still investigating this. His problem is very serious."

"We're still investigating, so there's no evidence?" Deputy Li's face was full of anger, pointing at Xu Lin's nose and scolding: "You are the deputy head of the criminal investigation branch of the Municipal Bureau, right? I will officially notify you now that you will be suspended for investigation , You haven't checked out the 20 million things, who allowed you to come out?"

"Also, release Wang Lida immediately."

"Can't let him go!" Xu Lin ignored the other party and said, "We have found some evidence, are you sure you want me to let him go?"

Deputy Director Li looked at Yang Xing who was next to him, and the latter nodded imperceptibly. He immediately turned around and said, "Yes, release him immediately, immediately!"

Xu Lin: "I can't let it go, it doesn't matter what you say."

Yang Xing finally couldn't help it, stepped forward and said coldly: "I said it, does it count?"

Xu Lin smiled, waiting for these two sentences from you.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey! Deputy Fang, let me tell you something. The second in charge of our Haiyuan province, and the deputy director of the provincial department, Li, told me that even if Wang Lida was suspected of killing 28 people, I should let them go. And I have already Suspended, if you have anything to do, go to Bureau Xia! That's it, I'm going home."

As soon as these words came out, Li Futing and Yang Xing's brains exploded with a bang.

This bastard is too ruthless, drive them to death!

Obviously he has already found out that he was involved in 28 lives, and he said that there is no evidence, damn it...

Xu Lin looked at the two people coldly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, as if to say: "I'm the one who cheated you."

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