You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1017: To compensate

She said to Qiu Chi: "Doctor Gu, look, after the video was sent, the situation was reversed in an instant. You are really a good opinion, let me prepare in advance."

After Xiang Qiuchi posted a Weibo, he didn't look at his phone. He glanced at Xiao Wang's phone and said, "Tsk, so many people, don't you sleep at night?"

A male doctor raised his head and said, "Nowadays, there are a few people who slept honestly before 12 o'clock, let alone ordinary people, even adults who know that staying up late is harmful, we still have to stay up late."

Another doctor looked at the time and said, "It's almost time. I'll urge you. Guan Bo also released the lawyer's letter. What are you doing? I really intend to give the other party time to reflect."

After finishing talking, click to open, their hospital's own WeChat group, @了平常管官微operated staff, urged him to be quicker.

The other party replied: Don't worry, don't worry, it's not just a modification of the words, it's good soon!

After that, after waiting for about ten minutes, the official microblog of Haohuikang Hospital posted:

Fans who are stuck at the door are advised to leave by themselves and do not delay the treatment of patients in our hospital, otherwise, we really ask the police to arrest you on the charge of disturbing public order.

We at Wellcome Hospital will treat all patients who come for treatment with the greatest enthusiasm and the best medical level. No matter who you are or what status, we will treat you equally, but we also hope that things like @童欣妍,童小姐Don't happen again, don't chill our medical staff.

In the end, the truth is beyond doubt. Please Ms. Tong Xinyan, Hegui Studio, immediately apologize to Dr. Gu Zhige of our hospital and compensate for the various losses caused by this.

Our court has entrusted a lawyer to prosecute Ms. Tong Xinyan and your studio, as well as some users who have published false information, spread rumors and slanders. We always believe that the law will give true justice.

Attached to this Weibo are three lawyer letters.

This time, a unified voice appeared under Weibo, and they clapped and applauded.

If they feel that they are doing a good job, they should be sued. They can't be bypassed so easily. Don't say anything, not for compensation, but for the sake of fighting.

To treat Tong Xinyan such a thing, why not compensate, she can do such a shameless thing, she should be ruthlessly let her vent blood.

Fortunately for this incident, Doctor Gu has evidence to prove his innocence. If there is no such evidence, huh? Is it necessary to suffer this loss, to carry a charge of molesting a female celebrity, or to be forced to death by Tong Xinyan's brain-dead fans.

In this matter, Tong Xinyan must not be spared so easily.

The staff of the hospital also reposted this Weibo one after another, and @童欣妍 and her studio: apologize, and give doctors a fair view.

But no matter how they scolded.

Tong Xinyan and her studio, the one that was active before, seemed to be quite dead at the moment, they didn't say anything, didn't come out, and started all the turtles.

At this time, Tong Xinyan and the agency behind her were already burning eyebrows anxiously.

None of them expected that Xiang Qiuchi would release such a big hammer and smashed all their previous efforts into a mess. Who the **** would have imagined that there was a camera in the doctor's office in the hospital, and the whole process was recorded.

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