You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1018: Lovely

Tong Xinyan originally thought, even if there were surveillance probes in the hospital, she couldn't take pictures of her in the office.

The most that can be photographed in the hospital is the picture of her being lifted out and thrown out. She can explain these clearly.

As a result, he never expected that he would have a killing weapon to fight back.

Tong Xinyan almost died in regret. She wanted to ruin the one who had done it, but instead, she harmed herself.

At this time, how to be good, the other party's evidence was firm, no matter how she explained it, no one would believe it.

Now everyone on the Internet is scolding her. He guesses that he can't even get out of the door. If he goes out, he will be caught. Those people will never be so polite to her.

The lights of the agency company and Tong Xinyan's studio public relations team have not been turned off all night, and those staff members really want to kill people.

Why do you want to die? Why do you want to die?

Isn't it okay to be a glamorous star? Why go to provoke other doctors.

They are long and beautiful, but, can't you make a fuss?

It's all right now. Crisis PR doesn't know what to do.

At three o'clock in the morning, the manager of the brokerage company was awakened from the bed of the third child. After coming to the company angrily, he slapped him in front of everyone and said, "It's all good things you did..."

Tong Xinyan did not dare to cry, "I...I didn't expect...I didn't expect them to..."

"What can you think of? I will wipe your **** all day long, get me back, stay at home, don't come out these days..."

Half of Tong Xinyan's face was already swollen, and she whispered: "Then this matter..."

The boss sneered: "This matter, this matter... Do you still think that you have the possibility of turning over?"

Tong Xinyan's face instantly turned pale.

Is she going to be completely finished?


Outside the hospital, Tong Xinyan’s brain fans, after seeing the video sent to Qiu Chi, some spontaneously dispersed, and a few diehards were struggling, but because most of them were underage, the police told them, If you don’t leave, you will be arrested.

Finally, in the face of the coercion of the police, they could only leave in despair.

After the people outside the door of the hospital left, Xiang Qiuchi was ready to go home.

He said: "Everyone, I'm leaving first..."

Everyone nodded.

"Doctor Gu walks slowly, go back and take a good rest."

"Yes, go back and have a good rest. It is estimated that a bunch of reporters will come at dawn. If you are impatient to deal with these things, you should rest at home first. There is no need to come so early."

"Doctor Gu, rest assured, go back to rest, we are here."

Xiang Qiuchi smiled, "Thank you all."

He is still very happy, and his colleagues are all lovely.

Those battles in the workplace seem to be less important here.

Normally, even if it is a little unpleasant, but when encountering important things, it will be consistent with the outside world.

It was early in the morning when Xiang Qiuchi drove away and returned home.

Everyone in the family was already asleep, and Xiang Qiuchi didn't disturb everyone. He slept after taking a shower, no longer paying attention to what was happening outside at this time.

Anyway, he has secured the victory, and the rest is how to clean up Tong Xinyan.

But for this kind of thing, he was worried, it should be Tong Xinyan who was worried now.

At the thought of going to the hospital in the future, Tong Xinyan wouldn't bother him anymore, and Xiang Qiuchi felt more comfortable.


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