You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1098: Remembrance of nightmares

Xiang Qiu Chi walked back and sat down again.

Said: "Okay, then you say, I listen, don't force yourself, if you feel that you can't continue, then you can stop at any time..."

Xiang Qiuchi tried his best to make himself look kind, easy to get along with, and gentle.

In fact, he sighed in his heart.

This kind of gentle disguise, he felt a little tired.

After all, it still feels that killing is the easiest thing.

Mu Chaochao nodded, about to take the other person's hand to eat his mouth softly. At this time, Mu Chaochao looked at Qiuchi again, almost without fear.

She was a little girl. Even though her previous experience was miserable, she lacked warmth and care for too long. Suddenly someone gave her the warmth of care that no one else has ever given her, especially a cup of milk tea that can warm the heart. The defense from the bottom of my heart was suddenly removed a lot.

Mu Chaochao said intermittently. When she said something in the middle, it was obvious that the whole person was caught in the fear of recollection, but she still worked very hard to tell Xiang Qiuchi about her experience.

Listening to her experience, Xiang Qiuchi's mood became worse and worse, and he wanted to kill more and more.

Mu Chaochao's mother is biological and his father is a stepfather.

When her biological father was there, her mother had actually hooked up with her stepfather, and was smashed by Mu Chaochao.

Perhaps because of this reason, Mu Chaochao's biological mother has treated her worse and worse since then.

But when her biological father was there, she was somewhat scrupulous. Later, when her biological father died unexpectedly, the biological mother and the current stepfather went from secretly struggling to being upright.

Mu Chaochao's treatment at home became worse and worse. She did all the housework, played a sleeper on the balcony, could not eat at the table, and could not eat a full meal all day long.

The stepfather loves to drink. He used to beat her when he was drunk. Later, he gradually became, as long as he was in a bad mood, he would beat her. So did her biological mother.

Mu Chaochao couldn't bear being beaten twice before. He ran out and called the police. However, the police only criticized and educates her biological mother and stepfather because she was beaten by her relatives, so they told them to talk about her. Take it back.

But after taking it back, it was more cruel abuse.

So afterwards, Mu Chaochao dared not run out.

Xiang Qiuchi gritted his teeth and suppressed his hostility.

Try to make his voice soft, he asked: "Then... ran out this time... also because... you can't bear the beating?"

Mu Chaochao shook his head: "No... this time, not because of being beaten..."

Being beaten every day, day after day, has become commonplace for her, and the days of comforting her are almost numb.

If that hadn't happened... Maybe, she couldn't gather the courage to run out.

Xiang Qiuchi paused: "Why is that..."

Xiang Qiuchi saw Mu Chaochao clutching her clothes tightly, her body trembling all the time. The fear that had disappeared from her face before reappeared on her face. She actually wanted to speak, but her lips trembled and couldn't make a sound. .

Xiang Qiuchi hesitated for a moment, raised his hand, and patted Mu Chaochao's shoulder twice.

"Don't be afraid, you have already come out. If you don't want to say it, don't say it."

Mu Chaochao hugged his head, his voice trembled and choked: "Yes... it's my stepfather, he... he... wants... wants..."

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